Chapter 111: Dating two lolis at the same time, Baiyin is convinced (fourth update, please subscribe!)

Two days passed quickly, and on the streets of Kyoto, Baiyu followed Baiyin

“Let me make it clear in advance that I just want to play the latest game, so I came out with you.”

Bai Yin said a little nervously, secretly complaining about her sister in her heart.

She said that there was an exhibition of the new game she was looking forward to in Kyoto recently, and she wanted to participate in the exhibition to try out the new game she was looking forward to.

But obviously she couldn’t just go out like this, after all, she was still a wanted criminal in the underworld, and it was very likely to be dangerous if she went out alone.

So if she wanted to participate in the exhibition, she could only ask Bai Yu to take her there.

Looking at her sister’s successful posture, she knew that her sister deliberately designed her to be alone with Bai Yu, so she could only sulk in secret, after all, she had little resistance to games.

“I know, I know.”

Bai Yu smiled and touched Bai Yin’s head. He had no intention of doing anything to Bai Yin this time.

He was also a little interested in the game exhibition in this world. In the previous world, he was originally a otaku, usually watching anime and playing games at home.

Although the technological level of this world may be about ten years behind the world he originally lived in, some classic games will not be boring because of the technological level.

“It seems pretty good?”

After arriving at the game exhibition, Bai Yu was surprised to find that the game exhibition here seemed to be better than he had imagined.

Some games even seemed very attractive to him. Isn’t the level of technology here about ten years ago in the previous world?

“Huh~ Awesome, isn’t it? Game exhibitions are not as simple as you think.”

Bai Yin looked very proud.

Game exhibitions are not as simple as you think. Each game company will release its new games for trial play and try to give players the best experience.

In addition, some pleasure-loving demons in the underworld have also come into contact with games, and some demons have tried to make games.

Demons with long lives have enough wisdom and patience. On weekdays, they don’t like to become stronger or research magic weapons.

They invest their time in how to make more fun games, so naturally there is a world of difference in the level of game production.

However, in order not to disrupt the normal technological development of mankind, their games are basically not put in the human world. At most, when there is an exhibition, in order to let the demons stationed in the human world know about their new works, they will choose to display them at the game exhibition.

“”I see.”

After thinking about it, it was true. This world had demons, fallen angels, dragons and other creatures.

These creatures had long lives and the wisdom to understand magic and research artifacts. Even if one or two of them were invested in the development of science and technology, they would probably be very powerful. The game was even simpler.

“Let’s go, let’s try something else first, and then we can play the game I want to play the most.”

Fortunately, the demon exhibition is left to humans. Baiyin pulled Baiyu, she liked to save the most fun things for last.

And since living with Baiyu, she and Baiyu have played games several times, and the results were very miserable. Baiyu beat her completely.

Part of the reason for this was because Baiyu’s strength crushed her, and his reaction was much faster than hers. Of course, the biggest reason was that she could not compare with Baiyu in those games. Even if Baiyu’s suppression strength was at the same level, she still lost miserably.

But it’s different here. There are a lot of games that are only available in the underworld. As a human, Baiyu has definitely not been exposed to games in the underworld, and she is an old player.

She took Baiyu to a fighting game booth. This was the sequel to a fighting game she used to play. She had a good foundation and was confident that she could defeat Baiyu. After a while

“Why…You can.”

Bai Yin supported herself on the ground with both hands, looking completely defeated.

She had just played ten games with Bai Yu, and she lost all ten games.

Except for the first game where she met Bai Yu, Bai Yu beat her with full health and no injuries in the other nine games.

Isn’t this a game that is only available in the underworld? Usually, it is only displayed during exhibitions. How did Bai Yu know it?

Thinking of the previous battle, the attack buttons and combos of each character in each game are different, especially the combos of new games must have been changed.

And not long after Bai Yu got started, the combos were completed in one go, and she was beaten without any chance to fight back.

Is this something that can be played by someone who is playing this game for the first time? She felt that Bai Yu had got these games from somewhere before?


Bai Yu raised his eyebrows proudly and smiled without saying anything.

If he had any talent before crossing over, it was that he had considerable talent in games.

There are only a few buttons in fighting games, and after observing Bai Yin’s gameplay and the mechanism of chasing in the air and on the ground, he can naturally study the combo.

Moreover, he is also a person whose physical fitness has been greatly improved after crossing over. Basically, he simulated it in his mind, and the combo and so on naturally emerged.


Bai Yin could only utter these two words about Bai Yu.

She now knew that it was impossible to defeat the man in front of her in the game, so it would be better to ask him to play some cooperative level-breaking or survival games.

So, she quickly took Bai Yu to other booths. With her and Bai Yu teaming up, they basically defeated all the games. Many game trials were quickly completed in their hands, which made some other players dumbfounded.

“Is this the game you were looking forward to?”

Finally, Bai Yu was pulled by Bai Yin to a game booth. There were many people queuing for this game.

“Yes, I thought there would be no sequel, but I didn’t expect to hear about it four years later.”

Baiyin was very excited.

Many games are like this, they have achieved excellent results for a few times, and then the quality of the game gradually declines, and finally disappears on the stage of history.

Although this game was not as good as the previous one, she still liked it very much, and she was also disappointed because of the discontinuation of this game.

This time, she heard that there was a new game released for this game, and she definitely couldn’t miss it.

“But why are there so many people?

Bai Yin frowned as she looked at the huge crowd in front of her. It was true that an old game suddenly announcing the release of a new game would attract the attention of many old players, but this was too many.

She had seen many people queuing up before, and she thought that if she went to other places later, there would be fewer people. It seemed that they would not get their turn even after today.

“How about we come back tomorrow?”

Bai Yu suggested. It was a pity, but it was the only way.

Of course, he could not detect the people around him by cutting in line with his physique, but he did not like to use his superhuman ability for such a small matter. Besides, he could still date Bai Yin tomorrow.


Bai Yin nodded slightly. The exhibition lasted for three days, so it would be fine to come back tomorrow.

The two turned around and were about to buy some games sold at the exhibition when a voice sounded from behind them.

“Huh? This is…Sister Baiyin, Brother Baiyu?”

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