Three days passed quickly, and with the help of Isshiki Hui, the application for the research society went smoothly.

On the afternoon of the third day, Isshiki Hui called Lu Mu to tell her that the application for the"Gourmet Prisoner Research Society" had been successful, and the building assigned to the research society was located in the seventh building.

Each research society will have its own venue, which is why a 300W yen creation fee is required. It is equivalent to Totsuki renting the building to major research societies.

Of course, if you think the research society's territory is too small, you can also expand it in other ways.

Lu Mu hung up the phone and told the news to Sakaki Ryoko, who happened to be in the same cooking class with her.

"Congratulations to Lu Mujun!"

"Thank you, Ryoko, after class, please come with me to the research building. I don't even know where Building 7 is."

"OK, Building 7 is not far from here, I will go with you later. But I remember that Building 7 seems to be next to Chanko Nabe Research Association.’"

"Chanko Nabe Research Society? Wasn't the society abolished a few days ago because its leader lost in the Shokugeki competition?"

No matter how the world changes, as long as Lu Mu, the time traveler, doesn't disrupt it, the"plot" will remain the same and won't change.

In the original work, the leader of Chanko Nabe Research Society, Gouda Hayashi Kiyoshi, had a dispute with one of the Ten Greatests, Erina Nakiri, and the dispute could only be resolved by means of Shokugeki competition.

In the end, Gouda Hayashi Kiyoshi was defeated by Erina Nakiri, and the Chanko Nabe Research Society was abolished. Even the building where the activity was held was forcibly demolished at the moment when the Shokugeki competition ended.

Now, this plot has happened exactly as it happened, and the Chanko Nabe Research Society has been abolished.

If Lu Mu remembers correctly, the Chanko Nabe Research Society is in Building 5, and Building 6 is the exclusive cooking building for Erina Nakiri, one of the Ten Greatests.

Thinking of the current situation in Totsuki, Lu Mu realized what might happen next.


After the afternoon class, Lu Mu, accompanied by Sakaki Ryoko, came to Building No. 7.

It is not accurate to call it a building, because it is just an old three-story structure, covering an area of only more than 100 square meters. The appearance is old, and I don’t know how many years it has been shelved here.

Look at Building No. 6 next to it, it is different. It is more than 8 stories high and occupies several times the area of Building No. 7.

In addition, you can see that opposite Building No. 7, there is an abandoned building. From the ruins, you can vaguely see a wooden sign with the word"Sumo" written on it.

"Haha, it's worthy of being the exclusive cooking building of the Ten Elites of Totsuki. It's very impressive." Lu Mu smiled and looked at the No. 7 building next to him.


Ryoko Sakaki looked back and forth between Building 7 and Building 6, with a worried look on her face, and she seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Lu Mu smiled faintly, knowing what Ryoko Sakaki might be worried about, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

That night, Lu Mu told everyone in Polaris Dormitory the news that the research institute was successfully established, and asked Isshiki Hui to find someone to design a plaque for the research institute.

The research institute was successfully established and the building was also built, but some daily equipment and facilities and daily necessities for the research institute still needed to be purchased, which cost Lu Mu more than 500,000 yen to complete.

It took another three full days to complete the initial work of the research institute.

Lu Mu and everyone in Polaris Dormitory stood at the gate of Building 7, looking at the plaque hanging on the main gate, and everyone smiled with satisfaction.

"Ha, it's finally done. I feel like I've finally found my home." Yoshino Yuuki said as she looked around.

"The five characters"Captive of Food" were engraved in Chinese official script. The font was filled in black, and the border of the plaque was gold.

Lu Mu was quite satisfied with the research institute building in front of him. After all, it was a newly established research institute, and everything had to be done slowly.

"Thank you all for your help. Without your help, the research institute would not have been completed so quickly."Lu Mu thanked everyone in the Polar Star Dormitory.

"Lu Mu, what you said is too polite. We are now members of the research association and it is our duty to contribute!"

"That's right, to celebrate the establishment of the 'Gourmet Prisoner Research Society', I suggest holding a celebration tonight!"

As soon as Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato said this, Soma Yukihira, a little troublemaker, immediately seconded the proposal.

"Hey, this is a good suggestion. Tomorrow is the weekend, so I'll let everyone try my special honey squid tentacles."

"Another party? Let me make it clear, you can't come to my room this time, I need to take a written test! Written test!"

However, everyone ignored Marui Zenji's words and started planning what dishes to cook for the celebration tonight.

At this time, a female student with short golden hair and wheat-colored skin walked towards the Polar Star Dormitory, followed by several other students.

"Excuse me, can I bother you for a moment?"


"Who is the leader of the research group in this building?"

Lu Mu stepped forward a few steps and came to the front of the revealingly dressed blonde female student and said,"I am the leader of the 'Captive of Food' research group. What can I do for you, Mito?"

Mito Yumei is the name of the female student in front of him. She is nicknamed"Meat Master" and is also secretly called"Meat Charm". Her grades in the junior high school department have always been at the top, especially in the meat cooking course. She has never failed."A"The scores outside of this show that he is very strong, especially in meat, and can be said to be the top in the academy.

"Oh, nothing much, I just came to tell you that from today on, this research society will be removed from Totsuki."Mito Yumei said, looking at the plaque of the research society

"What do you mean by that?" Daigo Aoki asked hostilely.

Mito Yumei glanced at Daigo Aoki and said,"Is there any need to say this? Your building is blocking the private building of Erina-sama. If you can't move it, you can only abolish it, just like the Chanko Nabe Research Society next door."

"Bastard, are you here to cause trouble on purpose?"

Lu Mu stopped Sato Shoji who was about to rush forward, and looked at Yu Mei with a smile on his face.

"I see. Was it Erina Nakiri who asked you to come? Interesting. I heard she was cleaning up the so-called"inferior research society" at the beginning of the school year. I didn't expect that my research society, which was established only three days ago, is already"inferior". Unfortunately, we will not move away, nor will we abolish it."


(To be continued...)

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