
On the court inside the school, everyone is practicing swinging.

Thirty laps around the course a day, followed by 5,000 swings, absolutely, just some warm-up exercises.

Oh, by the way, Tezuka-san also asked the selected team members to wear a 1kg weight on their wrists.

This week, without exception.

Buji felt the change in strength that occurred when his arm swung his hand, and to be honest, his arms were sore, and the endurance of his muscles seemed to be decreasing little by little.

Although his arm was sore every time, he could feel the power of the swing every day, and his training had a great effect.

Now physical fitness is his shortcoming, and he must persevere about it.

He was “vengeful” about being hit by Yakuzu as a flying racket.


He counted stubbornly, and the strength of his grip was constantly adjusting, vowing that he would not be hit by Yakuzu next time.

After everyone had completed five thousand swings, sitting on the ground panting and resting, Tezuka looked at them, flicked his arms himself, and then announced the next group training.

“Except for Yakuzu, everyone switched to wearing a 1kg weight on their feet, did a 20-meter back and forth side running training, rested for ten minutes, and then did dynamic vision training for everyone…”

“Those who procrastinate, run another twenty laps.”

Everyone immediately acted, the combination of Masami Oriental and Kentaro Minami, who has not yet been called “potato male soldiers”, is indeed very tacit, Tezuka paid attention to the tacit understanding of cooperation between them, and I have to say that if you work harder in the future, it is completely possible to step into the synchronous resonance of doubles.

But what is needed is still to stimulate in real combat.

In Tezuka’s arrangement, today it is Yakuzu who is exempt from this item.

Not only because his motor cells are developed, these trainings will not be the intensity that Yakuzu needs unless they are added to more than 3kg, but also because he now needs to put a strong pressure on Yakuzu.

This guy’s path is wild and irregular, and he is now the best target for him to continue to strengthen his right hand.

His current right hand, the familiarity has basically reached about 80%, and now he needs to train in strength, and Yakuzu’s powerful strength is just right.

Takashi Kawamura’s wave ball is still in the process of familiarization, and the force is very large, but compared with this guy from Yakuzu, let’s not talk about it in the future, it may not be comparable now.

“Course A.” Tezuka said and picked up the racket and walked to the A court.

He deliberately used a very “commanding” tone, and sure enough, Yakuzu picked up the racket and pointed it at Tezuka.

“Order me less, do you want to find a fight?!”

Tezuka pointed to the opposite side of the net, “Hit, your strength is too weak, your speed is too slow, and the rotation control is too rubbish.” ”

He said so much, Senseki, who secretly listened to them in training, pinched a handful of sweat, so worried that Yakuzu would suddenly lose his racket and come to karate…

Although everyone is a member of the team, the temper of this guy Yakuzu is sometimes very unpredictable.

Yakuzu was really emotionally provoked, and his muscles were almost bursting.

Slow? Strength doesn’t work? Ball control garbage?

I feel that Tezuka-san is digging a hole for himself and “destroying” himself.



The fierce sparring on Court A made those guys who were training suddenly distracted.

But when he thought of Tezuka’s terrible “thirty laps of penalty”, he immediately hurried to finish his training, and only after completing them could he go to see it.

However, the companions did not give them a chance to breathe, and while they trained their dynamic vision, they added baskets of balls to each group.

Say yes and train them to focus.

He’s so awesome, there’s a very scary game going on on Course A, so they can focus?


“I really want to see it.”

“Don’t say it, you see, Yakuzu seems to have been hit with a flying racket!”

“No, it won’t… Tezuka is going to go power type? Or right-handed? ”

It was no secret that their minister’s dominant hand was left-handed, but they had never seen Tezuka use his left hand.

They couldn’t hold back any longer and ran over.

“Coach, we will consciously add another basket in a while!”

The old man smiled, not angry, he wanted such an effect, and they themselves wanted to add another basket.



Yakuzu was hit by Tezuka again, and he was angry, but what made him most puzzled was that Tezuka did not fight with him for the first time, so when did his strength become so powerful?

The muscles in his arm didn’t look as strong as he was.

“Okay, that’s the end of the exercise.”

At this time, Tezuka announced the end of the competition.

It was originally a sparring practice, and Yakuzu was suppressed all the time, and even the racket was flown off twice, and Tezuka immediately stopped, not giving Yakuzu a chance to break out again.

He is going to suppress the anger of Yakuzu and put it on the arena the day after tomorrow!

The reason why he did this is because Tezuka-san wants Yakuzu to suppress Seigaku while breaking out and progressing.

First seed school? Terminate it!

Everyone: “…”

Yakuzu: “…”

Is this the end of it?

“Yakuzu, kill him young!!!”


Two days later.

Outside the gate of the venue of the Metropolitan Assembly, the luxury bus of the Ice Emperor Academy appeared, and there were three of them, it was really …

Just your Ice Emperor is the most high-profile, huh…

When this appeared, it caused a commotion of discussion.

Jibu took his teammates out of the car, and sure enough, as always, the girl’s screams began to sound.


“Uncle Jibu!”

Traces are a treat.

As soon as he walked down, wearing glasses, a gentlemanly Shinobu Yuki, a red-haired Himawari man, a stubborn Shinto Ryo with a ponytail, and so on, all eight regular team members got out of the car.

The second car, which was the second team of their Ice Emperor, also got off one after another.

The third car… Cheerleading.

All in all, it’s very high-profile.

【Ask for flowers and tickets】

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