Chapter 55 Into the Forbidden Land, Dragon Fire Under the Sea! (Two in one, full booking!)

: Where did this video come from? The area where the Overlord Tomb is located, like the Desert Pharaoh Kingdom, is in the folding space?

: What kind of fish is that! Huge like an island, this big fish sneaks in the sea and can bring up huge waves that overturn cruise ships!

: If it is put on top of its head, the consequences are unimaginable, that is, the Titanic will come over, and it will have to roll over.

: That’s a whale! But whales won’t be the only creatures there who have undergone such a giant mutation!

: Indeed, such a giant whale, the number of krill consumed every day is incalculable, according to the ecological balance calculation, other creatures will not be small!

: The island where this Overlord Mausoleum is located is almost the same as Skull Island!

The audience talked a lot, and some people who saw the danger of the world of the Overlord Mausoleum in advance retreated.

Everyone’s ideas are very different, some people live romantically and adventurously, and some people do the opposite.

On the ancient river of Wuling, there are nearly a thousand boats, large and small, with more than 10,000 people, including many fish in troubled waters, who want to try their luck and make some money.

They are not here to send death!

After seeing the danger in the video, Ying Ji quit Wulinggua.

One after another, half of them withdrew, there were sharks in the sea, and those warships of ancient times.

Don’t be like near the tomb of the great general of the cherry blossom country, when the dead wake up at night, those ships turn into ghost ships, and let people not live?

The program team here strengthened a wave of equipment for the guests.

Each person has a large backpack containing first aid medicine, vegetarian biscuits, spices, tent sleeping bags and other survival props.

At the same time, they also carried firearms fanny packs, which contained pistols, bullets, glare flashlights, multi-tool knives and other weapons!

In addition, after Lin Chuan’s reminder, the program team sent a two-story medium-sized yacht, more than enough for eight people, loaded with a large amount of food10 and fresh water

Almost a month’s supply guaranteed!

Through the means of observing the stars, Lin Chuan calculated that the passage to the folding space would at most allow yachts to pass, and the giant oil tanker would not be able to pass at all.

At night, the evening breeze blows on the river, above the mountains, the starry sky is deep.

Lin Chuan has put on a river passage that can accommodate yachts to cross!

Yearning group, all the members are ready, except for Lin Chuan, all the guests are wearing sturdy black field uniforms.

In the sky, more than a dozen drones of different sizes followed the yearning group.

The stern appearance was broadcast live and displayed in front of tens of millions of viewers.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked, it was all evening, what the longing group was going to do, it looked like this was going to make a big move!

: What is the situation of longing for a group, could it be that Lin Shen has been found and went to the entrance of the Overlord Tomb of Zhelu Space?

: Peng ** is a natural hanger, he actually supported the field uniform, he looks so handsome!

: Lin Shen, you must take care of my family’s big honey, I am asking for it here! Kowtow to you, bang!

: Na Za Xueyan with a black beret, is about to turn me beautiful, yearning group is going to enter, must be martial arts prosperous, smooth sailing!

The channel will change at any time, even if it is broadcast, it doesn’t matter, Lin Chuan is not afraid of someone following him in.

They want to try their luck here and find the passage that can appear and disappear at any time, how easy is it to talk about?

Everyone boarded the boat and came to the white yacht, and Lin Chuan personally drove the boat.

The tall and tall figure, a person in the wheelhouse skillfully operated, and soon, the yacht lights flashed, the turbine rotated, and the waves began to move forward.

Huang Lei was completely impressed by Lin Chuan’s omnipotence: “Oh hey, the little brother can even drive the boat, I have the impression that there seems to be no thing that the little brother can’t do!”

He Jiong gave two thumbs up: “Little brother, Almighty God!”

Honey held her side face with one hand, tilted her head, and looked at Lin Chuan’s back without blinking: “A person like Xiao Brother is rare in the world!”

The yearning group, which is the super ace team of this show, has a peerless master Lin Chuan sitting in the town, regardless of popularity or attention, it is far ahead of 0 in all groups

Because there has been no explosive incident, the popularity has gradually decreased, from 33 million at the previous peak to 11.2 million!

Now, after hearing that the yearning group is going to launch a big move in the dark, a large number of viewers have poured into the yearning live broadcast room.

Among them, not only the audience of the Dragon Country, but also the audience of other countries, after all, this time it is a global live broadcast!

The popularity of the yearning group live broadcast room has increased by 15 million at an extremely terrifying speed!

21 million! 25 million! 32 million!

Because this time, based on the global audience, the popularity of the live broadcast room has grown extremely rapidly, far more than before.

A large number of Lantern Country fans who supported other expeditions scoffed at the yearning group’s actions tonight.

Even if there are no vital treasures, they have not been guided by God, and they want to find the entrance passage of the folding space, which is simply a fool’s dream.

: The yearning group from the Dragon Country was found? This is impossible, our Western explorer king Mark, Boss, has used a lot of black technology instruments, have no clue, how can you find it?

: I don’t believe it, it must be a fraud, hum, for the sake of popularity is really unscrupulous.

:Hum! History shows that the overlord Xiang Yu was born from our Park Country and should be our Park Country! So that mausoleum should also belong to us!

In the face of these people’s clamors, the audience in the Dragon Country was not happy and immediately started spraying.

: Stinky what, can I go to you, even historical figures come to steal, I really want to punch Nima’s urn!

: Grumpy old brother goes on a campaign, no grass, mighty and domineering!

: Although I advocate civilization, to deal with some cosmic people, it is necessary to strike hard!

Soon, the Simon team, who watched the live broadcast, and the Mark team, also received a barrage prompt that the Longguo yearning group had a big move tonight.

Mark laughed at the screen: “I saw their position before, I thought they were abstaining.”

Simon smiled disdainfully: “You just found the most powerful space agency team in the Lantern Country, and it is impossible to determine an invisible space channel out of thin air, don’t laugh here!”

In the world, except for the fans who firmly support Lin Chuan, no one believes that without the support of treasures, Lin Chuan can be on the river channel where no difference can be seen at all.

Find the invisible passage of the folded space.

In this way, more than 30 million viewers around the world, some of them worried, part longed, and some waited to see the joke.

Inside the yacht, ten spare drones are stored, which have not yet been used.

More than a dozen drones in the sky, in the dark night, shooting the yacht in all directions.

The moon is shining, and you can clearly see the direction of the yearning group yacht.

In the radio and television building, Yan Min stared at the live broadcast screen intently, clenching his fists to cheer Lin Chuan.


After all, this trip is to the dangerous world of folding space, and the program team and fans are very worried.

The yacht was moving fast, and in Lin Chuan’s eyes, that passage had appeared, and it lasted at most thirty seconds, and he had to be fast.

The engine rumbled, the yacht suddenly accelerated,

Like a white beast in the sea, rushing forward, and soon, a picture that shocked the whole world appeared,

The front of the yacht seemed to disappear into the swamp that only existed in the void, and the bow of the ship disappeared completely!

Yan Min shouted: “Director, cut five pictures and give an all-round perspective!”

Hang one

The screen is divided into five and you can see that only the rear half of the yacht is left.

Lin Chuan’s figure in the front cab has disappeared, and he really entered the passage of Zizeng.

The star guests on the speedboat, one by one, opened their eyes wide, the speed of the boat was too fast, they didn’t have time to speak, so they rushed away.

The yacht disappeared, without a trace, above the river, only a luxury cruise ship remained, yearning for the group and the yacht, as if they had not come at all, leaving no trace.

On the cruise deck, the staff who watched the yacht leave, all stunned live broadcast rooms, even exploded!

: Oh my God! It’s not going to be a trick, is it?

: A ship disappeared, it’s incredible, I actually witnessed a real time travel.

: It’s like making a movie, but that picture, so real, is not synthetic at all!

: How could they, in front of tens of millions of us, just check the video noise afterwards, these are true, there is no doubt about it!

Behind the yacht of the yearning group, eleven drones followed in, and what surprised the director team was that there was stable signal transmission when crossing into a parallel space!

Soon, in the live broadcast screen, the big ship of the yearning group appeared.

Switching the perspective of the drone, you can see that a huge island stands above the water in the distance.

Really all the members have entered the folding space of the Overlord Tomb! It worked, it really worked!

Lin Chuan and the fans of the yearning group are very excited!

: Worthy of being Lin Shen, the Song Tomb was the first to lead the team to enter, and this time the Overlord Mausoleum overlapped space, and it was also the first to be indispensable!

: I, Lin God, am the strongest tomb robber king!

:Hum! He didn’t have the key to open the mausoleum, so what if he went in?

: I can only say, you are too naïve, my Lin Shen is the Zu’an madman Mondo who touches the golden world, you can go wherever you want, people want to enter a tomb, do they have to go through the gate?

Successfully entered the folding space, here, no matter the air, temperature, air humidity, etc., exactly the same as before.

Everyone, without any discomfort!

After learning that Lin Chuan entered with the yearning group, the other people who followed the two sighing expeditions were all blown up.

: Regret, Lin Shen is worthy of being Lin Shen, how can we doubt you, there is no treasure in hand, you can force into that folding space.

: Look at those two waste expeditions, holding treasures in their hands, but they are just decorations! Brought us all over, but now I don’t have a clue, I can only wait.

: They won’t be the A goods, don’t look under and find that they are printed in 2010!

Longing for the group’s side, after entering, everyone showed several surprised expressions 803.

Zi Feng: “Wow, is this the folding parallel space?”

Peng Peng hurriedly checked himself and there was nothing abnormal.

He Jiong came to the side of the ship and looked into the distance.

The sea here is very magical, a large area, the sea surface is bright, glowing blue, as if a ghost is burning.

He Jiong was extremely curious, pointed to a blue and shiny sea in the distance, and asked Chen Xi: “Xi Xi, how is that little piece of sea glowing!”

Chen Xi was also stunned, combing through his memories and recalling the skills his family had learned

After a moment, she said seriously: “If I’m not wrong, this should be a kind of undersea dragon fire!”

Honey and Naza were curious at the same time: “How can there be fire at the bottom of the sea, and why?”

“There are four kinds of fire in the world, namely heavenly fire, human fire, ghost fire, and the last one is dragon fire!”

“According to the Buddhist book, the dragon fire burns with water, and the fire of man is extinguished by water.

After the dragon fire meets water, it burns more violently, indicating that the characteristic of dragon fire is that it can burn in water.”

“Legend has it that at the bottom of the South China Sea, there is a Haitian dragon fire, which is eternal and blue, and the ancestors of the Spring and Autumn Warring States period mastered the mysterious technology of dragon fire forging bronze.”

“Now it seems that the probability is a special combustible ice! Chemical formula CH4·XH2O, a natural gas water compound!”

“Actually, about the dragon fire, it is also recorded in the “Mengxi Pen Talk”!”

“It is said that during the Northern Song Dynasty Shenzong Xining, the sky thundered, and Li Shunju’s mansion was attacked by dragon fire, and when the dragon fire came, he hurriedly fled out of his home, and waited until the thunder stopped and confirmed that the fire should be burned before returning home.”

“As a result, he was greatly surprised by the scene, the walls and windows were all charred and dark black, the wooden tables and chairs in the house were unharmed, but all the metal utensils in the house, including a steel knife sharpened like mud, were turned into juice!”

“This kind of fire has a high probability of melting steel, it stands to reason that Shen Kuo wrote Mengxi Pen Talk, there is no need to make up this matter, so let’s go around those places!”

Having inherited the little brother’s knowledge of touching gold, Lin Chuan knows Dragon Fire very well, and without Chen Xi saying, he will also choose to bypass those Dragon Fire areas.

Huang Lei walked to Lin Chuan’s side: “Little brother, I will also sail the boat, isn’t it just to go around those places, I’ll help you.”

Lin Chuan nodded and gave up the driver’s seat, and he had a dangerous warning in his heart

This world seems dangerous enough during the day, but at night, a huge gloomy and dead qi condenses on the surface of the water, which is definitely not a good sign!.

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