Cactus Orfienuo? Keitaro resigns! Go to the east [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 capital

After answering the call.

A tone was a bit strange, as if deliberately pretending to be a delicate female voice.

“Hello? How are you all?”

“I’m calling to tell you guys~”

“The position of the belt has changed again~”

“Its current location should be in the direction of Miyazaki County.”

“It’s so cold~”

“But you can’t slack off, you have to work hard~”

“Sister, I will also cheer for you~”

Listening to the “Jiao Didi” female voice on the phone.

Whether it’s the man in the sunglasses or the cactus beside him, Orfienuo.

All of them felt a chill in their hearts.

Wait for the woman on the opposite side to finish talking about the key things.

The man in the sunglasses quickly hung up the phone.

Afterwards, he exchanged a glance with the cactus Ophelia.

Only then did Qiqi breathe a sigh of relief.

“That woman, can’t she change the way she speaks?”

The man in sunglasses couldn’t help but complain.

Obviously speaking with her normal voice, it’s pretty nice.

In the end, that woman just didn’t!

Just like her attire, she is a seven or eight percent pretty girl even without makeup.

But she just wants to put on heavy makeup to make herself ugly!

very disgusting!

No matter who saw it, they wouldn’t feel the slightest bit of heartbeat.

Shaking his head, he didn’t think about that woman named SmartLady any more.

With his fist, he touched the shoulder of the cactus beside him, Offienuo.

Indicating that it’s time to go.

The cactus Ophelia nodded.

Together, the two rode their respective motorcycles and rushed towards the location where Faiz’s belt was located!

And the gas station staff lying on the ground.

At this time, the light flashes back and forth.

His eyes shone with off-white light.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person got up from the ground.

Respectfully bowed to the backs of the departing man in sunglasses and Cactus Ofieno!

“Thank you for your patronage!!!”

He didn’t seem to remember what happened just now.

At the same time, his body.

Start graying! ! !

“Eh? Keitaro, you… want to resign?”

The owner of the laundry shop looked at Keitaro in surprise.

“Yes! I’m sorry, I can’t continue to work here to bring happiness to everyone! Please forgive me!!!”

Keitaro pursed his lips and said seriously.

“Can you tell me why?”

The laundry owner asked curiously.

Keitaro is a very qualified wage earner.

Work hard and work hard.

Every day at work, I am very proactive.

As the owner of the laundry shop, he was really reluctant to leave Kaitaro.

Compared with Kaitaro, he would rather fire other employees than keep Kaitaro.

Not only because Keitaro often does two things by himself.The work of three people.

more importantly……

He doesn’t want salary! ! !

“Boss, you know that, right?”

“My dream is to make all human beings in the world happy!”

“Being a laundry employee is also to make those customers, you, and your colleagues happy.”

“But now, I have found something more meaningful than being a laundry worker, and something that can make more people around the world happy!!!”

Keitaro said slowly with a serious face.

He thought that what he said was very touching and passionate.

But what Keitaro didn’t know was.

These words fell into the ears of the laundry owner.

But it became:


I found a new job with higher salary, better environment and more prospects.

The owner of the laundry shop nodded.

“I see.”

“In that case, then you can go.”

Although the owner of the laundry shop was very reluctant to leave Kaitaro.


Since they found a better job, there’s nothing they can do, right?

“thank you boss!!!”

Hearing that the boss agreed, Kaitaro quickly said gratefully.

Immediately afterwards, he bowed respectfully.

“Hey, go ahead, go, when you pass by here in the future, just come and see more.”

The owner of the laundry shop waved his hand and said.

Keitaro nodded quickly.


“Don’t worry! I will never forget my internship experience here!”


After resigning, Keitaro breathed a sigh of relief.

The three towards Su Mo walked quickly.

“Originally you said that you would go to the East with us [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6 Jingcheng, I thought you were joking, but I didn’t expect…it’s actually true! ”

Sonoda Mari looked at Keitaro who was walking over, and said in surprise.

“Haha, I won’t tell lies.”

“I said I want to go to the east with you [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ;6 Capital, it must be true. ”

Keitaro smiled.

Through these few hours of contact.

He already knew where the three of Su Mo were going next.

Dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 Capital!

And just right!

Kaitaro’s home is actually in the east [source; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 capital.

Therefore, Keitaro made a decisive decision!

Follow Su Mo and the others, go to the east [resource group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 Capital!

Of course……

the most important is……

To have more opportunities to get in touch with…

Keitaro thought of this, and subconsciously glanced at the backpack on the mobile Pegasus.

Su Mo saw it, but he didn’t care.

He spoke to the crowd and said:

“Let’s go, keep going!”

Hearing this, the three of Truth nodded quickly.

“it is good!”

“Set off!!!”

Dragon group-East [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 Beijing Branch.

“Captain Timo! Have you heard?”

“In the past two days, a subway tunnel has collapsed!”

Sawamura held a newspaper, looked at Sono Joji in front of him and asked.

On the newspaper, what caught his eye was what he said about the collapse of the subway tunnel.

“Of the eight workers, six were killed, and the other two have not been found. So far, there is no possibility of them surviving.”

Sawamura said slowly.

Timo Joji nodded, and said with a sigh:

“How could I not know that such a big thing happened?”

“This incident is really too weird. Two people disappeared, and their bodies could not be found. Whether they were alive or dead, they seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.”

“Also! Under the tunnel, there is a huge void. The shape of the void is similar to that of warehouses, halls, classrooms and other indoor buildings. It seems that someone has lived there, but there are tens of meters underground How could this happen in such a place?”

“The most important thing is that, just like those two workers, they disappeared out of thin air!!!”

Sawamura also sighed.

“Yeah, it’s too weird.”

“There’s also the matter about Kazuaki Kiba…”

Hearing this, Timo Joji said softly:

“This matter is okay, there are already some clues. The original suspect was his girlfriend Chie Morishita, but I didn’t expect that she was also killed, and the circumstances of her death were the same as that of Kiba Kazaki.”

“However, it was also her death that allowed us to completely target one person!”

Sawamura nodded.

Although Timo Joji didn’t say who it was.

But he knows.

He was talking about Yuji Kiba who stayed with Chie Morishita last time!

However, in this case.

What’s weird is not the suspect, but… how the crime was committed!

They can’t forget it until now.

When Chie Morishita was found.

She was obviously normal at first, but soon she suddenly turned gray and died.

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