After obtaining the system, Luo Wei was certain that as long as he did not die in other worlds, he would be able to master supernatural powers sooner or later.

But he did not expect that this power would come so quickly?

And it was very easy.

Just by making a wish, he gained powerful power, and even the ability to resurrect the dead.

Luo Wei seriously suspected that this was actually a novice benefit given to him by the Crossing World Gate System.

It was just like the legendary novice gift package.

At this moment, Luo Wei could not help but think of a sentence.

Every gift of fate has a price behind it.

I just don't know what price he will pay in the future to get these things?

At the same time, the voice of the genie of the magic lamp sounded again.

"I have granted your wish. Now you are the most powerful wizard in the world, with the power to bring the dead back to life."

"My master, please make one last wish."

Hearing this, Luo Wei couldn't help but frowned.

Luo Wei couldn't help but ask:"Why is there only one wish left? Shouldn't I have two more wishes?"

The genie of the magic lamp slowly said:"It's like this, master, you said before that you want to become a powerful wizard, and you also have the ability to bring the dead back to life."

"One wish cannot fulfill both of your requests, so I spent two wishes to fulfill your request."

"Now you only have one wish left."

Rovi couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

The words of the genie were well-reasoned and he couldn't refute them. The reason why he made such a request before was to fix the bug.

But now it seems that fixing the bug is not that easy.

Judging from the result, he has undoubtedly failed.

"I haven't thought of my last wish yet. You go back first. I'll summon you when I think of it."

The genie was a little disappointed, but nodded,"Yes, my master."

Then he returned to the magic lamp.

Rowe knew very well why the genie was disappointed. In addition to wanting to get rid of his temporary master, he actually wanted to be free.

Yes, the genie wanted to get rid of his current shackles and become a free man.

Travel around the world like ordinary people, and experience birth, old age, sickness and death.

In the original plot, Aladdin fulfilled the genie's wish and made his last wish to set the genie free.

There is no doubt that this is a very noble quality, like gold.

At least Rowe does not have such a quality.

The genie is undoubtedly a very powerful genie. Although it is not clear who made this genie, even the ability to resurrect the dead can be given to Rowe.

It is enough to prove the power of the genie.

More importantly, no matter who gets the magic lamp, the magic lamp The genie will obey his orders and fulfill his three wishes.

This thing is even more useful than the Dragon Ball, which has a one-year cool-down period to fulfill this wish.

But the genie of the magic lamp has no such troubles.

Such a useful wishing device, Luo Wei is really unwilling to give up easily.

It can be seen that he is far inferior to Aladdin.

Luo Wei had to admit that he was actually greedy, and not just ordinary greed.

He longed to hold the genie in his hand and use the genie repeatedly.

Even if he made three wishes, he could give the genie to someone he trusted.

Maybe one day, when he becomes very powerful, he can let the genie of the magic lamp be free.

But definitely not now.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei couldn't help laughing. He felt that he still had a little conscience, although not much.

He decided to become strong as soon as possible, release the genie, and give the other party freedom.

However, he did not summon the genie from the magic lamp to make promises to the other party.

Luo Wei estimated that the genie had served so many masters, and those masters had made promises to the genie.

But there was no one willing to fulfill the genie's wish and grant the genie freedom. The genie's feet were probably immune to promises.

Luo Wei was too lazy to waste his words to avoid making things worse. Just wait and see.

After putting away the magic lamp, Luo Wei looked at the gold and jewelry all over the cave. With a wave of his hand, an invisible force rolled up the gold and jewelry, passed through the gate, and piled them up in Luo Wei's living room.

At the same time, the instigation shook violently.

Pieces of stone fell from the sky, and the ground cracked in an instant. , boiling magma gushed out from the cracks.

The cave, which was originally ordinary, fell into the brink of destruction in an instant.

This is a mechanism set up in the cave. If someone rashly touches the things here, the cave will be destroyed, and the gold, jewelry and treasure thieves will be buried together.

Luo Wei was very suspicious that this mechanism was most likely set up by the owner of the cave.

The purpose is to protect the treasure and punish those treasure thieves.

But this small mechanism can't stop Luo Wei now.

Luo Wei took off into the air, suspended in the air, crossed the gate and returned to his home.

At the same time, an Arabian-style blanket also flew over, followed Luo Wei and passed through the gate.

The flying carpet danced in front of Luo Wei in a very anthropomorphic way, looking like he was still frightened.

Luo Wei then remembered that in addition to Aladdin's magic lamp and gold and jewelry, there was also this flying magic carpet in the cave.

He almost forgot about it.

The cave was gradually destroyed under Luo Wei's gaze, and the boiling magma approached the gate.

Luo Wei waved his hand and closed the gate directly, cutting off the connection with Aladdin's world.

No matter what happened in that world, it would not affect Luo Wei in the real world.

Luo Wei looked at the gold and jewelry in the living room and smiled foolishly.

These are all good things.

Let's not talk about the gold, but any of the gems can be sold at an unimaginable price.

You will never have to worry about food and drink in this life.

Luo Wei laughed for a while and used witchcraft to make a palm-sized purse.

He shook the purse in his hand, and the gold and jewelry piled in the living room automatically flew up, like a hundred rivers returning to the stream, and drilled into the purse made by Luo Wei.

Then, Luo Wei grabbed a handful of gold coins from the purse. These gold coins gradually melted under Luo Wei's power and turned into gold water.

These gold waters merged together and turned into a gold bar.

This gold bar weighs about two kilograms and can be sold at a good price.

The reason why he wanted to turn the gold coins into gold bars is mainly because these gold coins are ancient gold coins with certain collection value. If they are sold like this, it is easy to attract the attention of some people.

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