Chapter 97: Dragon Playing in Progress (1/6, please subscribe)

"Of course!"

Xiye said with a sincere smile

"They said they would help me get home...."Orpheus blinked his black pupils and stared at Xiye. His stiff spoken language showed that he rarely interacted with others.

"‘"They will not take you to see the Great Red, you are just a tool used by them! Just like the one below, he is using your power to achieve his own revenge on the underworld."

Xiye pointed at Katrea below and said lightly

"Do you believe me?..."

"...have no idea..."

The little cute dragon shook her head. She just wanted to go home, but there were many people who wanted to get close to her, and she couldn't tell who was good and who was bad.

As an infinite dragon god beyond this world, if she could tell this, she wouldn't be transformed into a human-shaped Lilith by Li Zevim by stripping her power away.

At this time, the little saint in Xiye's body suddenly spoke.

"Orpheus...."The voice is crisp and has a touch of intimacy, a tone of long-time no see.

"...Hey..this voice sounds familiar..."Ophis suddenly felt the friendly voice of the Bible loli god Xiaosheng, and said cutely

"ah...Do you still remember me?.."Xiaosheng was obviously a little happy, after all, it had been a long time since he had seen someone who was still alive in the ancient times.

Xiye did not expect that this silly cute dragon would know Xiaosheng and seemed to remember each other.

But it is true that the two lolis would communicate better.

Birds of a feather flock together.

"I am the God of the Bible...We saw you when you left the dimensional rift..."Xiaosheng began to help this little cute dragon who was in the same era as him to recall his past memories.、

"..Didn't your breath disappear a long, long time ago?..."Ophis had a puzzled expression on his cute face.

"Yes~ I left my believer, but Ye was very powerful, he brought me back from the endless darkness."

Speaking of this, Xiaosheng obviously showed a long-lost smile

"night...You are the night..."

The little cute dragon stared at Xiye with his eyes, and his reaction to the boy who suddenly spoke to him changed significantly.

"yes.."Xiye nodded.

"I brought the little saint back."

In fact, Xiye was able to bring back the Bible Loli God entirely because of the system's ability. He didn't expect that such a thing would appear in the Bible Magic Book.

"Do you want to find your own home?..."

"Home...That guy is so big....He kicked me out..You can't beat him.."

Ophis said calmly that she could see Xiye's current strength by relying on her strength.

Xiye, who was only at the level of Demon King, was indeed no match for the guy who had surpassed the world's boundaries.

"However, Li Zeweim can't help you, but I can...Do you believe me?..."

"night...he can...He's awesome...."Xiaosheng also began to praise Xiye, just to make Orpheus believe.

In fact, she didn't want Xiye to go to any dimensional gap, where the great Red True Red Dragon God Emperor was very dangerous, but she had witnessed with her own eyes that this little cute dragon was driven out of the house.

As a loving biblical god, how could she not have mercy on this powerful person whom she knew in the past.

The little cute dragon looked at Xiye blankly, and the sincerity in Xiye's eyes could not be concealed.

After a moment, the little cute dragon nodded and said,"I believe you..."

Hearing this, Xiye smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to touch the head of Moxiang Orpheus, and whispered:"You stay by my side, I will not borrow your power like that guy, when you think I can go to meet the Great Red, we will go together to scare it."

This scene happened to be seen by Vali who was cleaning up the magician"Le Se" below.

Still complaining, Xiye asked himself to deal with these useless guys, his face full of displeasure.

However, Xiye's hand was placed on the head of the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

Indescribable intimacy.

Even Vali's mouth twitched. What is going on, isn't this Infinite Dragon God the leader of the"Disaster Rebellion".

Isn't he here to deal with the people here?...

How did he hook up with Xiye?

The White Dragon King Arubian in his body was also shocked and said:"This guy actually knows Lord Dragon God...."

Even the White Dragon King, who had lived for a long time, couldn't believe it.

Apart from Vali,

Katrea was almost beaten to the ground. She looked up, trying to find the help of the Wireless Dragon God.

When she saw the intimate actions of Xiye and Orpheus, her face was stunned.

Li Zevim sent the Dragon God Orpheus to assist her. She was full of confidence.

But now she felt that all this was too unreliable....

‘The leader of the 'Calamity' is having an affair with a human....

Just as he was about to take action to deal with Sirzechs, he was also stunned.

He raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised.

"Xiye actually knows this legendary Infinite Dragon God. It seems that we can't underestimate this brother-in-law...."

If he knew that there was another loli hidden inside Xiye, the Bible God, Sirzechs' jaw would probably drop in shock.


Orpheus nodded, and Xiye stroked her head without causing her any discomfort....

Xiye is a seasoned cat-stroking expert. He is also an entry-level player in dragon-stroking.

"Then let's go down.."

After saying that, Xiye stretched out his hand and made a gentleman's gesture.

The little cute dragon looked at Xiye's current actions with a little confusion.

Xiye's head was full of black lines. It seemed that the little cute dragon was staring at him blankly. He spoke softly

"Put your hand up, I'll take you down..."

"Once this is done, I'll take you back to my house..."


Orpheus placed her hand awkwardly on Xiye's palm.

Xiye gently held it.

Then the two of them came to the eaves of Juwang School in a daze. ps: Please subscribe, please give me data! Thanks to Zuixinhua for urging me to update another chapter of 12,000 today. Thank you....It's my life.

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