Inside the house.

Xenovia and Shidou Irina also came out.

The noise in the hall made them curious about what happened.

However, when they arrived at the door, they found that Asia had knocked the strange man away.

However, the state of Asia in front of them made them gasp.

Ten-winged Seraph......

"What's going on? Wasn't it still the Eight-winged Seraphim at noon?...."

Xenovia was shocked.

Kuroka, who was tightly held in his arms, kept struggling. The monkey came to save him, but was stopped by Asia.

He kept wailing:"Meow meow~ (You dead monkey...Get me out now. I don't want to eat strawberry cake anymore....)"

But Meihou said something to her helplessly and ran to Vali's side.


Xiye looked at Vali and said lightly:"This is just my follower, you should have no objection."

Vali frowned, Xiye was becoming more and more mysterious in front of him.

No matter what, being able to control the ten-winged seraph as her follower was something that even she couldn't do.

"It's getting more and more interesting...."

After saying that, he lowered his head and looked at the dark cat. He spread his hands and said,"Although Meihou found you, it seems that I can't help you now...."

Meow~ (pitfall)

Heige wailed in despair.

After a pause, Wally said to Xiye:"Actually, I really want to fight you, but unfortunately my old friend wants to fulfill his long-cherished wish with his mortal enemy Ddraig first...."

"Xiye, I hope you can live to that time, I will come to find you...Call me Wally...."

Then he turned around and flew away. The monkey behind him said to Wally in surprise,"Wally, this is not your style. Why are you running away?"..."

When he was out of Xiye's sight, Vali hesitated and said,"Even the White Dragon King Arubion can see through this man's strength, not to mention that he can take a ten-winged seraph as his follower. Do you think it's a good idea to fight him now?..."

"What's more, it seems that there has been a lot of commotion in Juwang Town recently."

For the first time, Vali's eyes showed a serious look.

"What about the black song?....You don't understand what she says, but I do....She said she didn't want to eat strawberry-flavored cake anymore." As she said that, Meihou couldn't help laughing.

"oh...Really....It seems that the treatment is not bad, but Heige is too aggressive...Let Xiye teach her a little bit."

Vali also said with a smile

"That's right." After hearing what Vali said, Meihou, who had been beaten up by Heige, also agreed...........

On the other side, Asia looked at Xiye in confusion, not understanding the changes in her body.

"Xiyejun~Why did I suddenly become a ten-winged seraph?..."

"Maybe she was moved by your faith in the lost God...."

Xiye made up an excuse and said.

The owner of the Bible on his neck, the Bible Loli God Xiaosheng, communicated with him through the mind and said unhappily:"Ye...I'm still alive..."

Although protesting, Xiaosheng will not appear in the outside world, because she will not do so without Xiye's permission.

Here, Asia was shocked, and believed in Xiye's words without a doubt. She nodded and said,"Well, it should be like this. Although the god is gone, she has always existed in my heart...."

Next to them, Xenovia and Shidou Irina stared at Asia blankly....

We are both believers in God, why are we treated so badly?...

After being so happy for so long, Asia noticed the expressions of the two girls and suddenly remembered what she had asked before.

"Xiye-kun~Xenova and Shido Irina both want to become your followers~I wonder if it's possible?..."

"Oh?" Xiye looked at the expressions on the two people's faces, which changed from shock to lowering their heads.

To become Xiye's followers means to follow him for life, which is a major decision for the two girls!

""Of course." Xiye said calmly. Now that he had five more places in the Bible for Seraph followers, it would be no problem to accept these two girls.

"However, we still have to ask them ourselves."

After saying that, Asia and Xiye stared at the two girls.

Only Heige in Asia's arms turned his head away with a look of disdain.

After a while, the two nodded.

"Meow meow~ (You actually collected followers in front of me~~ Damn it~~)"

Heige secretly glanced at them and saw that both of them nodded, and complained.

However, the protest was ineffective, and Xiye said to Asia:"Go to your room and take out the maid costume!"

Asia's face was a little embarrassed. Last time, Xiye specially bought a few sets of maid costumes and put them in her room. It has been so long that she forgot about it. Now that it was mentioned in front of so many people, she asked shyly:"Xiye-kun~Why do you want to......take...Maid..outfit!"

"You go get it..."Xiye urged.

Xenovia and Shido Irina also looked up at Xiye in confusion, not knowing why.

Until Asia took out the maid outfit and Xiye threw it in their hands.

The two took it in a daze.

Xiye said lightly:"If you want to become my followers, you have to start as a maid, otherwise I will raise you in vain!"

Shido Irina's face twitched!

"But Asia..."Jenova glanced at Asia and said.

Before this, Asia had told them about her acquaintance with Xiye.

But Xiye said seriously,"She is my sister. Are you guys..."


For a moment, the two were speechless.

Although they both had the idea that they could be Xiye's younger sister, they were immediately abandoned by her.

That's right, Asia and Xiye have known each other for so long, and she still treats them the same way as before.

Indeed, if you want to become Xiye's qualified Seraph follower, you can only start as a maid.....

At the same time, in the Juwang School, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared, and a smaller magical girl jumped out.

"Huh...Where's my Cang Na sauce?....Where did that old guy Kirkbol go!"

Ps: Please subscribe! Please subscribe to all! The author has to eat too! Please give me some free data!

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