Chapter 76: Ilias's Fragment ~

In Xiye's residence.

After dinner, they stayed in their rooms.

Jenova and Irina both had strange expressions.

"Irina...what to do....Our holy swords are all lost."

Irina looked helpless. Although the two were saved, it was a pity that they, as holy sword users, had lost their holy swords....

It's impossible to go back to church.....

The gods of faith have all left....

At this time, there was a knock on the door.


Jenova frowned. Without the Holy Sword, they were like fat sheep without fighting power. They were always worried and afraid.

"It's me, Asia...."

The door opened gently, and Asia's pretty face poked out with a sincere smile on her face.

"You are all injured, I made you some nutritious soup."

As she said this, the girl tiptoed in, holding a white ceramic jar in her hand.


The two girls didn't know what to say. They looked at each other with shame on their faces.

They had laughed at the little girl in front of them and called her a"witch".’....

She betrayed her faith......

But how could a Seraph, who could be the most loyal believer of God, be like this?.....

I'm definitely a clown....

And the fact that he got God's approval was also Balupa's conspiracy....

Asia, who was carrying the nutritious soup, came to the two girls and saw their expressions.

She put the soup aside.

"Xenovia, Irina, what happened to you? Is it because Asia didn't treat your injuries?..."


Asia's concern made them feel even more ashamed, and they all lowered their heads.

"Is it about God no longer being here?..."

Asia placed her index finger on her thin lips, pondered for a moment, then understood something and said

"In fact, Asia already knew it. My brother told me that God is gone....But I have Xiyejun..."

"and...Xiyejun is a very nice person...Not only did he help Asia, he also made me her follower, and amazingly, he also became a Seraph....."

"This seems like a dream, but it's all real...Perhaps this is the guidance of the dead god...."

"But he is in league with the devil..."

Although her faith was shattered, Irina, who was still wary of demons, spoke up.

"Kitten sauce...She is a real little foodie...."

When mentioning Kitty-chan, Asia smiled and narrowed her eyes.

The image of the kitten in Tacheng eating popped up in her mind......


The two were silent.

After interacting with the demon Rias's followers and Xiye, they realized that their demons were not that bad.

On the contrary, there were many traitors among the godfathers in the church......

Shido Irina is in a dilemma

"I do not know what to do..."Shido Irina said with a confused look on her face

"Irina, if you don't know what to do, then stay with Xiye Jun. Maybe you can become a Seraph too...."

Asia spoke at this time, blinking her eyes and saying

"Not to be God's angel, but to be Xiyejun's angel"

"Become Xiye-kun's angel! ?"

Shido Irina was confused, not knowing what Asia was talking about.

Could it be that Xiye had the ability to turn anyone into a Seraph!?

This was something that even the heavens couldn't do!

Now the heavens could only make people reincarnate as reincarnated angels.

However, if Xiye's ability was spread and known by the heavens, it would be a big trouble.

Obviously Asia was honest with herself, otherwise who would tell their secrets to others?

"I know. I'll try it....."Zi Teng Irina sighed.

She had a good influence on Xiye.....She had misunderstood him before.

After two days of contact with demons, her view on them had changed.

Then she turned to look at Xenovia and asked for her opinion.

"I'll listen to you....Now that the holy sword is lost, I don't know how to return to the church...."

Xenovia sighed and said

"Then drink the soup quickly....."Asia opened the lid of the nutritious soup next to her, and a fragrance spread to the taste buds of the two girls.............

Xiye was in his room at the moment, exchanging all the holy swords for points.

He had no intention of returning the holy sword to Irina.

Looking at the points in the store, it showed: 4700 points.

Xiye clicked on the exchange for the"Fragment of Ilias" magic book without hesitation.

The exchange store lost 1500 points.

A silver-gray mini magic book appeared in Xiye's hand.

The system's exchange store now showed elementary level.

But there was no sign of upgrading.

Xiye exchanged (immediately) the natural fruit and the strongest defense card, and the points were only: 1900 points....

As a result, the system prompt sounded

"Ding! Exchange shop upgrade!"

Looking again, the exchange shop has been refreshed.

Exchange shop (intermediate)

Demon King Core: 7000 points

Sword of Separation (treasure) main weapon (not affected by the magic book of"Astir's Manuscript"): 12000 points

Heaven and Earth, I am the only one (ultimate version): 10000 points

Dimensional World Round Trip Card: 500 points

"Sword of Separation....Heaven and Earth....I am the only one who is supreme!"

Xiye's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that the intermediate exchange shop would be so powerful. Isn't that the strongest sword in fate, the sword of separation that can break stars?...

Isn't"I am the only one in the world" the powerful killing move of Escanor, the sin of pride in the Seven Deadly Sins? However, it is shown that it is the ultimate version, but the ultimate version!

It must be different from the ultimate version of the original character.

However, looking at the scary points above, Xiye is still a little bit difficult to start.

However, the"Fragment of Ilias" magic book obtained now is not bad!

If you want to exchange it for one of the things, you have to have a good"talk" with Azazel.

Otherwise, judging from the number of God-destroying tools in this world, there are only a dozen in existence!

That's not much. ps: Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Below is the picture of Irina!

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