In the underworld. Hades. In the palace of Lucifer the Devil....

The red-haired devil Sirzechs had a sad face because he received a message from Grayfia.

His sister Rias' boyfriend and that guy Raiser chose to start the competition today.

Originally, he wanted Grayfia to bring Serafla back, and then he would go to the human world to see the 'brother-in-law' he had never met before.’..

The result was beyond his expectation.

It was several hours since Gurefia reported the situation.

At this time, two figures walked into the palace lobby.

Gurefia and Seraphlu...

"Looks like the game is over.."

Sirzechs said to the two people at the door.

"Sirzechs-sama, the game is over, but there was a small error...."

Gurefia frowned, not knowing whether to report it or not. After all, this was something that would damage the reputation of the Demon King Beipusi.

"Is it possible that Rias's human boyfriend is dead?..."

This is the only slight error that Sirzechs can think of....And for the first time, Gurefia's expression changed while working.

"The game was won by Ms. Rias's boyfriend Xiye....However, at the end of the battle, something unexpected happened in the virtual projection space."

"The space is turbulent, and the third young master of the Phoenix family, Lesa and Xiye, are involved.....And Lexa fell into a coma and has not woken up yet... But Xiye was not injured."

Gurefia said her doubts lightly. Perhaps Lucifer Sirzechs, the leader of the four demon kings in front of her, could answer this question.

After all, in addition to this matter, Sirzechs also wanted to give an explanation to the Phoenix family, which has an important position in the underworld.

After all, as the direct bloodline of the Phoenix family, the exploitable value is the most precious bloodline for the underworld....

"What...Raisa lost... Space shock..."

All this fell into Sirzechs's ears, like a thunderbolt.

It seems that this human boyfriend that his sister found is not simple....

But is Biepusi's invention so useless?

As a fellow demon king, he absolutely does not believe it, because there has never been any related rumors before....

This is a big brain-burning question.

Seraphlu, who was next to Gurefia, stepped forward and said in a self-willed manner,"I was there too. The scene was indeed very strange. The only one who could control space in the human world was King Arthur's descendant, Pendragon."

"The Sword in the Stone, the holy sword that can split space, is in his hand, and he has become someone's reincarnated demon under the command of Vali, who was driven out of the family by Li Zevim."


As the Demon King of Lucifer, Sirzechs certainly knew who this person was, because he was the descendant of the former Lucifer, a half-human, half-demon, and the owner of the light wings of the God-Slayer White Dragon King....

"The elder sister of Rias's servant, Kitten from Tower City, seems to be under his control...."

"There is indeed a possibility of taking action...."

After a series of guesses, Sirzechs had a clue....

Moreover, Phoenix Lesa is of Phoenix bloodline, and his coma doesn't seem to be a simple injury. That human boy definitely can't do it....

Then he looked at Gurefia and said: That's going to be difficult....I'll take care of Phoenix...

If Gurefia goes, it will cause dissatisfaction among others. This is also what Sirzechs thinks.

"Um.."Grayfia responded softly, and just as she was about to leave,

Sirzechs said,"Please contact Rias for me and tell her that I will go to the human world to see her boyfriend in a few days...."

"Huh...You are going to see Xiye..."Seraphlu had a bad idea.

She knew that Xiye was pretending to be Rias' boyfriend.....Now Sirzechs wants to see Xiye....Everything is going in a bad direction!

"Seraphlu, are you familiar with him?..."Sirzechs asked in confusion.

"Unfamiliar...Hey..I'm not familiar with you..."Seraph shook her head guiltily.

Then she ran away.

She was afraid that if she stayed here, she would talk too much, which would be bad. If she angered Xiye, how could Cang Najiang accept Xiye as her dependent?...

But Xiye's strength is indeed good....

I began to pray that Cang Na could work harder, or use the beauty trick to seduce Xi Ye....It seems good.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Seraphlu felt that if Xiye married Rias, then it would be better for Cang Na to take Xiye as his wife.........

In the Supernatural Research Department, after the engagement battle of Rias ended, Himejima Akeno suggested that everyone go on a trip together, such as a beach vacation.

Of course, among the ruthless women, Xiye could only be forced to agree.

At this time, night had arrived, but Xiye received a text message from Rias on his mobile phone....

It says: My brother Sirzechs wants to see you, and you are my boyfriend.....

Xiye was speechless.

The couple had to continue pretending and meet the red-haired devil.....

He just promised to be your fake boyfriend, what are you doing now, are you taking it seriously!

However, Xiye still politely refused: Xiaomaojiang will be unhappy....

However, Rias on the other side quickly sent another message

"Kitty is right beside me..."

Instantly, Xiye could imagine the scene where Xiaomaojiang was kidnapped by two women from Oubai....

The look of unyielding....

Xiye hesitated to reply.

After several minutes, Xiye received another text message.

It showed that it was sent by Xiaomaojiang.

Please help the minister. I understand you.

Xiye shook his head. Where did that unruly Xiaomaojiang go?...

Tamed by her chief minister, Rias....

In addition, Xiye also received news.

That is, the seaside vacation will be postponed.... ps: Please order it yourself, please give me some flowers and votes! Thank you all. The picture of the kitten sauce is as follows

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