Pushing the door open,

I saw

Rias sitting on the sofa in the conference room, with a heavy look on her face.

Opposite her, a silver figure appeared on a small space teleportation array with a diameter of several meters.

She was wearing a clean maid outfit, and she looked very capable, which made Xiye feel a little unapproachable. A terrifying sense of oppression emanated from her body.

‘Gurefia Lukifugus’...Known as the strongest queen among all the followers of the underworld, the silver-haired Princess of Annihilation...It really lives up to its reputation..!.

Xiye narrowed his eyes.

The system's voice rang in his mind....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Meet Gurefia!"

"Ding! System reward: The Seven Deadly Sins of the Royal Library, Lust, and Alchemy...!"

"Congratulations to the host:"Astir's Manuscript" magic book opening level +5%..!"

Gurefia glanced at Xiye standing at the door, then looked at Rias and said softly,"Miss, this is your backup plan... Why haven't I become your follower yet?.."

Everyone present was familiar, except for Xiye, who was a new face. Rias came to the Human World's Koou Town just to find someone who could beat Raiser in chess.

After hearing her words, Rias looked outside the door in confusion.

"How come Xiyejun is back?.."

However, I looked away and saw Koneko-chan was there too.

She must have come with Koneko-chan.....

Then he looked at Gurefia, raised his eyebrows and replied nonchalantly:"No, he is just a human being....My family's boyfriend..."

And Himejima Akeno thought something was wrong...

I wanted to come in and show my cards quickly, but Gurefia came and...

Himejima Akeno quickly covered her mouth and said with a smile:"Ala Ala~..The Minister is such a joke...This is Xiyejun..our minister's boyfriend..."

Then he pulled Xiye to Rias and winked at her....

He pressed Xiye to Rias' side....

Rias was in a state of confusion the whole time.

It was not until Xiye sat beside her and a strange man's scent filled her nose that she came to her senses.....

Just as he was about to lose his temper, a sudden electric current came through his fair hand.

He lowered his head and found that his hand had been held down by Xiye....

At this time, Xiye leaned lazily on the backrest

"right...I'm Rias's boyfriend..."

Suddenly, Rias was stunned...

This Himejima Akeno is messing around...Lian Xiye also followed suit..

I looked at Xiaomaojiang's reaction again...She didn't seem to be planning to say anything....

However, all this fell into Gurefia's eyes.

"Boyfriend? Didn't you say this is your relative's boyfriend?...You actually went to such lengths to avoid an engagement....Although Grandpa and Sirzechs-sama know that you are against this matter, do you think it is appropriate to involve a companion of a dependent?.."

Gurefia said in a tone of unbearable indifference. At the same time, she was not only looking at Xiye, but also frowned slightly.

However, under her pressure, the human in front of her looked normal, as if her pressure had no effect on her.....

"No matter what, you are the next head of the Gremory family, please show your proper demeanor...."

The silver-haired maid sighed and then turned her attention to Xiye.

"Nice to meet you...I serve the Gremory family, my name is Gurefia, please give me your guidance in the future..."

She could understand Rias's behavior and used the words of a servant to explain.

Himejima Akeno had already brewed coffee and placed it in front of Xiye and Rias.

She gave Xiye a look, which was considered as an appreciation for Xiye's domineering performance just now....

However, Gurefia didn’t seem to have finished her words:"Miss, this is my personal opinion now, you’d better be mentally prepared, the Phoenix family will not let it go so easily...."

Here, after listening to Gurefia's words, Rias seemed to understand Himejima Akeno's intention to let Xiye pretend to be her boyfriend...

But this is equivalent to violating the marriage contract, so the Gremory family and the Lyfix family will indeed face a major contradiction....

In this way, I will eventually be forced to marry Lesa...

However, Xiye stood up when Rias was confused. Since she had agreed to help, she had no worries.

"Miss Gurefia, you don't have to worry. There are chess games in the underworld..."

"Chess!? You can't start a ranking game if you are not a turn demon. This is the rule set by Beipuxi..."

After taking a closer look at Xiye, Gurefia frowned and continued,"However, you can let the young lady and her fiancé, Lesa, compete with each other...."

"Isn't there a second option?..."Xiye said lightly

"The second...Do you want to fight Raiser and all his followers by yourself?..."There was a hint of anger on Gurefia's cold face....

That is, the man that Rias likes is so arrogant that he wants to be alone with Raiser and his followers....

"Do you know where Raiser ranks in the Underworld Rookie Ranking Game?.."

"have no idea.."Xiye simply said that he forgot the exact number, but the one who stood out was the one who relied on his"Phoenix" bloodline to wear down his opponents and win...

"Second place, do you think you still have a chance?..."Gurefia said in an angry tone.

Rias suddenly became a little nervous, thinking that it was unnecessary for her to try to win over Xiye as her follower....

Because Lesa is so scary...

But she was grateful to Xiye for helping her...

I reached out my hand to hold Xiye back, to make him give up his wrong thoughts.

I grabbed Xiye's hand and wanted him to sit down, but he held it tightly...

Xiye nodded:"Well, I choose the second option."


Seeing that Xiye did not listen to her advice, her aura suddenly exploded....

A strong aura filled the entire conference room.

The fear in everyone's heart continued to rise.

The aura from Demon King Gurefia, one of the two former prides of the underworld, oppressed the people present like a mountain.

Koneko-chan's oppressed pair of white, tender ears stood up from her hair, and her hands turned into cat claws. She felt ready to move.

Both Himejima Akeno and Rias had embarrassed expressions on their faces.

Only Xiye looked as if nothing had happened.

Gurefia stared at Xiye closely.

After a few seconds, she retracted her aura, and then she showed a hint of surprise in her eyes:"Miss, I am rude. I will report your affairs to Lord Sirzechs."

However, soon, a group of uninvited guests came to the conference room....

That's Serafla and Sona...

Suddenly, the demon king appeared in this Kouou Academy. As the demon king of Leviathan, how could Seraphlu not care? She immediately brought Sona here.....

"Huh...Gurefia, why are you here too?...Could it be that Sirzechs asked you to take me back?..."

"Let me stay with Cana-chan for a few more days..~~~."

In front of her was Gurefia, a good friend of Serafla and a former rival. Now she spoke like a girl begging.

However, Sona frowned. In front of her, Xiye was holding Rias's hand, which caught her off guard.....

When did Rias and Xiye get together?...

Isn't Xiye the boyfriend of Tacheng Kitten?...

Is it to make Xiye her dependent?...at all costs...She also used the"honey trap"!?

And it seemed that the scene was quite spectacular, which made her, a strategic expert, unable to analyze it at once.

"Lady Seraphle...Sirzechs asked me to tell you to return to the underworld as soon as possible....He is currently helping you with diplomatic matters..."

Gurefia saw the person coming and said with a cold look:..

"Woo~Since Sirzechs is helping me take care of it, I shouldn't have to go back so early, right?..."Seraphle said without any fear of Sirzechs.

"this..."Gurefia was also speechless....

However, she still politely replied to Serafla,"Lady Serafla, I have to go back to the underworld first. I have important things to report. I will help pass on your message. Sorry for the rudeness."

Then, Gurefia stepped back a few steps.....

Came to the ground where I first appeared, cast a magic space transfer array, and left here

"You are..."

Sona looked at Rias with some doubt....

When Rias saw Sona's gaze, she realized that she was holding Xiye's hand and quickly pulled her hand back....With an embarrassed look on his face, he said,"It's not what you think...."

"Humph! Rias...To be exact, I am not as good as you...Your methods are much more clever than mine..."

Sona pushed her glasses and said with some disappointment.

But Serafla seemed to understand something and said,"Actually, Sona-chan can also come up.....You are no worse than her...."

Suddenly, black lines appeared on Cang's forehead....

She feels that there is nothing more troublesome than her sister Seraful....

"In fact, Xiye is just pretending to be my boyfriend."Lias showed a complicated expression and said

"Fake Boyfriend...."

Sona looked back and forth between Xiye and Rias suspiciously.

And Koneko-chan came to Xiye's side as if to claim sovereignty, stretched out her cat paws, and grabbed Xiye's hand.

Suddenly realizing something, Sona said,"Are you trying to avoid the engagement by having a boyfriend?...So naive..."

"I had the same idea at the time....But in the end I defeated that man with my own abilities...This kind of stupid behavior...It probably wasn't you who did this....Rias.."

Cangna's eyes showed a hint of brightness, analyzing the situation on the field, and then pointed out the key.

On the side, Himejima Akeno smiled and squinted her eyes:"Ala, Ala~ President Cangna is indeed worthy of being the strategic queen....This is my crooked idea...."

She passed directly over Himejima Akeno, and the queen's aura burst out from Sona.

Sona said solemnly:"Rias, you are also fooling around. As the future leader of Gremory, you should not be so ignorant...."

Feeling the accusation from her friend, Rias did not refute. Things seemed to be getting worse.

She did not dare to say that Xiye agreed to challenge Raiser and his followers alone....

At this time, Xiye stepped forward and said,"I have already agreed, and Miss Gurefia has taken it seriously."

"What...Your ranking match with Raisa...If they lose, the Gremory family will be cursed....Likewise, your brother, Lord Lucifer, will also be condemned...."Sona said angrily.

Sona had no ill intentions, and Rias also understood...She lowered her head..the proud girl was also in trouble at this moment...

"Feeling Xiaomaojiang tighten her grip on his hand, he gently squeezed her hand to make her relax... Xiye said calmly:"It's not us, it's just me..."

"...Xiye classmate...Do you think that by defeating me you can fight against Raiser who is firmly in second place in the ranking game?..."Sona held his forehead.

His good friend Rias made a mistake that she shouldn't have made. Even Xiye thought he was very strong.

"That's right~ Lesa is a direct descendant of the Fix family, so he has a good ability to withstand attacks..."Seraphlu also followed Sona and explained.

The field suddenly fell into silence.....Only in Xiye's mind, the girl Kong suddenly asked:"Ah, who is Lesa? She is so tough. This loli looks pretty good, why is she still praising that guy!?"

"It's just a roast chicken, a guy who can only be beaten by others. If you are interested, I can let you join the battle when the time comes! ?"Xiye responded. ps: The following is a picture of Gurefia...

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