(Chapter 31 is under review. I've been in jail. I should be out today. Flowers and other monthly tickets are needed to help me get on the list. I'll be back to the world of High School in about ten chapters.)

"Magic Sword..."

Sanna Miroku is the person closest to this"demon sword".

Her body was also trembling slightly with fear.

The Black Emperor Sword"Jutica" is the dominant weapon, and it is a secondary weapon that grows together with the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".

No matter how it is opened to 40%, it has reached a terrifying existence.


The Black Emperor Sword was held in Xiye's hand, and a sense of familiarity came into Xiye's mind.

This is probably caused by the demon king factor in Xiye.

Xiye felt Sanna Miroku's trembling body, turned his head, and said,"Are you afraid?..."At that time, he was face to face with Sanna Miroku on the right.

In the picture, the side of Xiye's lips just happened to make close contact with Sanna Miroku's thin red lips, who was lying on Xiye's right shoulder because of fear of the Black Emperor Sword.

In an instant, a current-like touch���The sound was transmitted into Sanna Miroku's brain nerves.

She froze, staring into Xiye's eyes, her mind was blank.

After a few seconds of silent contact, a strange smell came from Xiye in front of her into her nose buds. Sanna Miroku suddenly blushed and her body became weak.

What should I do?.....Should I....

But he seems to be concerned about himself.....

Finally, after Shannai Miroku nodded, Xiye turned his head.

He knew Shannai Miroku's temper. If he moved a little, he might be beaten.

But why didn't this girl resist now?

But in the end, how come he still made a profit?

"Hey, fellow demon king candidate of the Royal Biblia Academy, please respect our battle....Although you still have the Black Emperor Sword in your hand, I am not necessarily afraid of you."

Haruhi's voice became a little hoarse due to his dual transformation, and he said impatiently

"Accident , accident."

When Xiye said this, he felt the pain of Shanna Miroku's mouth suddenly pressing on his back....I was born in the Year of the Dog.

I thought I made money, but now it seems I have lost money.


Haruhisa's magic power is condensed at this moment, and this open space is the best place for her to perform.

She can bombard as much as she wants.

Several magic arrays are condensed behind her.

The array center formed by the purple runes is condensed together behind her.


Several meteor-like attacks bombarded Xiye's side.

Horizontal attacks, the space seems to be condensed.

This is the world of Haruhisa's own rules, which restricts space jumps.

However, Xiye, who is out of the rules, is not interfered with.

Several secret techniques are still unrestricted.

The moment Xiye disappeared,

Haruhisa felt something bad.

"Can actually break the rules of space...."


The sharp blade of the Black Emperor Sword hit the outer armor of Kasuga Saint.

"Execute the theme of"reduction"!"

As for why he didn't use magic to remove it, it was because the magic power of the Kasuga Saint in front of him was much higher than his.

The Black Emperor Sword, which could ignore the opponent's strength, could do this.


A long crack appeared on Kasuga Saint's body.

But it was quickly restored.

"Is this the extent of the damage done by the Black Emperor Sword?"Harushi Sheng turned his back and looked at Xiye who appeared from behind.

However, when he saw Xiye's calm face, a trace of surprise appeared on Harushi Sheng's face the next second. His magic power was fading.

"This legendary Black Emperor Sword can actually reduce magic power."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiye came to another location through several secret techniques.

In the distance, the God of Light Luger was watching the scene on the field.

He stared at Kasuga Sei and said,"Do you need us to take action?"

"No need!"

Kasuga Sei's consciousness went berserk because of the forced transformation into a demon king, and a second consciousness gradually emerged in her body, interfering with her.

Xiye was on the other side, holding the Black Emperor Sword and fighting Kasuga Sei.

The Black Emperor Sword has only opened 35% of its power now.

The ultimate power of the Black Emperor Sword is nothingness. A power that is higher than any law stipulated by the library.

And it can also devour everything.

However, at this moment, the magic power reduction under the theme of"reduction" is enough for Xiye to use.

In the battle between the two, Xiye circumvented the rules of this world under countless attacks.

Completed the magic that can only be used in the original world ability.

The dual armor on Kasuga Saint was tattered by the attack.

However, with Xiye's attack, Kasuga Saint's magic power decreased, and her own consciousness was gradually eroded by the second consciousness.

Xiye also noticed this change.

He thought that this was caused by the interference of the Demon King Factor.

He has not yet untied the dream bond between him and Saint.

He must use magic power to remove it while Saint has not completely lost consciousness!

Suppress the rioting Demon King Factor in her body!

After the decision.

Yamanami Miroku behind him whispered:"That Kasuga Saint seems to be about to be completely demonized.



Xiye nodded.

He glanced at the Light God Luger who was watching the battle on the side. He was still there and didn't seem to be ready to take action.

The next second, Xiye appeared next to Saint.

""The magic power is eliminated!"

Xiye pressed on the hair of Kasuga Sheng that had turned white due to the double transformation, and a powerful magic rule controlled Sheng's body.

""Chorus! Dream Space."

The next moment, the God of Light Luger found that the three people in front of him had disappeared out of thin air.

And the world began to collapse.

"What's going on?!"

She scanned the changes around her and used her magic to sense the presence of Saint, but there was no clue.

"Damn it, they took the Saint away right in front of us."

Ruger frowned.

After making sure there was no movement around,

"Humph, it seems that I should go to the Royal Biblia Academy to meet up with that guy first. It's really a headache. If he knew that I lost Sheng, would he punish me?..."

Then, in a hidden place, she waved her hand gently and a magic circle appeared.

The God of Light Luger slowly walked in............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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