"The barrier here can't cause any interference to you..."

Sheng stared at Xiye entering the magician mode, his expression became complicated.

Why was it him?.....

The memories that had been hidden in her mind emerged.

In the picture.

The man in front of her, Xiye, became a demon king, possessing the magic book"Astir's Manuscript", holding the Black Emperor Sword in his hand, and asked Kasuga Sheng to be her partner.

Among them, Xiye was followed by several beauties.

They all seemed to be Xiye's partners, but they were all blurry and she couldn't see clearly.

This dream has been bothering Sheng, and she encountered it again and again in her dreams.

How could such a person become her husband.

As for the characteristics of Xiye, she only recognized the magic book"Astir's Manuscript", and didn't recognize the others.

It was not until she obtained the demon king factor and became a demon king candidate that she knew that the sword Xiye was holding in her dream was the Black Emperor Sword.

The Demon King's triple star ruling weapon, the Black Emperor Sword 'Jutica'!

But she never mentioned it to others, and Xiye's appearance was engraved in Kasuga Sheng's mind since childhood, and she could never get rid of it.


"Maybe it's because I have the magic book"Astir's Manuscript"."

While speaking, space fluctuations suddenly appeared in Xiye's palm, and a silver-gray magic book appeared.

Xiye was not afraid of the Saint in front of him, because he was not disturbed by the barrier, and the Saint was not his opponent.

Seeing the"Astir's Manuscript", the Saint's body trembled slightly:"......"

After a moment, he regained his composure.

His brows furrowed slightly, and his mind recalled the mission assigned to him by the Gospel Exploration Society.

To eliminate the Demon King candidate from the Royal Biblia Academy.

Because the higher-ups once sent a person who was not a member of the organization to carry out this mission.

In the end, it ended in failure.

Kasuga Sei must take action.

The magic power in his body was running, and the power of the Demon King factor was stimulated.

His body slowly rose into the air.

Sei, who was originally dressed in a student outfit, was wrapped in a ball of lavender magic power.

Then it dissipated, and his body had been transformed into the mode of a magician.

His black windbreaker fluttered, and the huge wings behind him spread out, which was somewhat similar to Xiye.

"In this case, the only option is to get rid of you...."

Xiye frowned.

Why is it different from what he expected?.....

《Astir's manuscript, the magic book has been taken out.

Why don't you tell me about the bond of your dream?...

But seeing Kasuga Sei's state, he was ready to fight.

So he would not do those things that would make him a headache.

If he wanted to fight, then he would fight!

"Activate the Devil Factor!"

"Connect to the"Greedy" library!"

"Connect to the 'Gluttony' library!"

""True Words! Chorus!"

Xiye's magic power surged wildly, and huge wings appeared behind him. His short white hair was like the emperor of the night.

"Come on up, get on my back."

Turning his head, Xiye looked at Sannai Miroku behind him and said seriously.

Sannai Miroku was a little surprised, with a blush on his face:"Ah........"

As the highest inspector of the Royal Library and the most outstanding student in the entire academy, she had never had such an intimate relationship with a boy.

"Come up." Xiye urged again.

Looking at Xiye's eyes, was he overthinking?....Xiye is not that kind of person.

What happened to me?...I always think of strange things.

"Hold me tight with both hands, I don't have any extra hands, hold you..."Xiye's words were repeated again.

The girl, Sanna Miroku, turned her head away shyly like a shy young lady, but still held Xiye's neck with both hands.

"Are you ready? The Demon King Candidate of the Royal Biblia Academy, I'm going to take action."

Haruhi Sheng, looking at Xiye's appearance, was a little surprised.

The man in the dream who had so many beauties didn't seem to be as bad as he imagined......

On the roof, the breaking point of the magic barrier of this castle.

The God of Light Luger sat on the fence of the roof.

"Saint, when did you hesitate so much?....."

"It seems that man has the magic book"Astir's Codex"...It's really surprising...It seems to be getting more and more interesting.."

Ruger has been accompanying Saint's companions.

She is also curious about what Saint is hiding.....

The sight returns to Xiye

"Xiye, the opponent is so strong!"

Sanamiro, who had overcome the psychological effect, said

"It should be within the controllable range."

Xiye was not surprised.

The magic power of Kasuga Sei is indeed an existence that Sanna Miroku cannot surpass now.

Because he has the devil's gene, he has escaped the rules and restrictions of this world!


Sanna Miroku saw Xiye's profile from the back, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Perhaps this was trust, and her body relaxed.


The sound rang out during the conversation between the two.

Kasuga Sheng raised his right hand, and the magic bullet condensed.

The next second!

It shot out like a laser!


There was a loud bang, and Xiye had already dodged the attack.

Because of the secret technique, Xiye had come behind Sheng.

"Right now!"

The magic power was lifted!

But things did not go smoothly!

It seemed that Chunri Sheng knew that Xiye would do this, and he disappeared in front of Xiye when Xiye's magic power was condensed.

Chunri Sheng came to the other side, stared at Xiye and said:"The Manuscript of Astir, the legendary magic book, is really surprising."

"But before that, I have already understood the ability of"Astir's Manuscript""

"Why....It's really difficult..."

Xiye looked up at Kasuga Seiji, who looked a bit like Ailin, and said helplessly.

In fact, I should have guessed this.

A girl has had a dream about"Astir's Manuscript" since she was a child.���Bond, how can I not understand it?....

But Xiye is not limited to this ability................................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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