"Just let me handle it....Are you worried that I will have some special requests?"

Xiye said jokingly.

I guessed that Lise might be afraid of the principal. That guy has a weird personality, so it's understandable that she would be afraid of him.

Then isn't she afraid of me?...

"snort....Do you dare?.."

After saying that, Lise's eyes were a little evasive, but in order to cover up her ugliness, she hurriedly said:"I know that Teacher Lilith is very strict about discipline..."

As soon as the words fell.


It seemed that the sound of soft flesh colliding with something came from behind Lise's mind.

Instantly, Lise's face showed a hint of shyness.

It was the first time she was touched by a stranger, and she was a little stunned.

I didn't expect Xiye to dare to say that and dare to take action.

The initiator of the sound, Xiye, was standing behind Lise.

"Don't use your provocation to test my bottom line, and it seems that you are still very young."

Xiye leaned over to Lise's ear and whispered softly.

The strange and slightly warm air entered Lise's mind.

Lise's whole body was a little spasmodic.

But she immediately realized what she had said.

She was being.....

How does he know himself?...

I couldn't help but say:"What a disgusting guy...."

"Well, let's go back to the academy and see for sure. You'd better not think about running away...."

Xiye looked around and said calmly, as if nothing had happened just now.

As he spoke, the surrounding scene changed slightly, and the dream collapsed.

Xiye and Lise both appeared in the previous scene.

"They're out!"

Levi's keen observation ability immediately discovered Xiye's appearance.

Everyone looked over.

And Lise did walk in front of Selina in front of everyone.

"My dear sister, it seems that your magic power has improved again!"

When Lise wanted to get closer,

Qiu Yin immediately blocked her way:"Do you still want to absorb magic power?" Lise did turn around and look at Xiye:"Although I admit defeat, don't I have the right to say hello to my sister?"

Hearing this, Xiye considered for a while:"Let her talk to Selina, after all, they are sisters, there is no need to worry that she will run away"


Akine was a little confused. It seemed that something had happened in her dream. Lise had surrendered obediently.

Although it was unexpected, she stepped aside, but she did not cancel the Word of Truth in her hand. She was ready to attack immediately when something unexpected happened.

"elder sister....."

Selina held the camera and watched Lise walk towards her step by step, and said softly.

The two sisters were in the academy, and Lise still took good care of her sister.

So, Selina's mood at this moment was also the most sincere.

"Well, you have to work hard and don't be too far behind your sister..."

Lise walked in and touched the top of Selina's golden twin ponytails.

However, she turned her head and looked in the direction of Lilith:"Teacher, I'm so sorry for sucking your magic power."

Then she said apologetically:"But I can't pay you back now."

Seeing Lise, they just exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Xiye did not stop either. He activated the secret technique of numbers!

However, he did not know the location of the Royal Biblia Academy, and said helplessly:"Lise, should you give me the spatial direction of your Royal Biblia Academy?"


Lise had just finished talking to Lilith, and turned around to see what Xiye was asking about.

Then she seemed to have some bad ideas.

She walked in front of Xiye in front of everyone.

"I'll pass it to you now~"

With her lips curled up, Lise stood on tiptoe, in front of everyone, put her hands around Xiye's neck, and suddenly kissed his lips.


Lise's action was going to make everyone fall into silence, not understanding what she was going to do.

This time, the kiss sound really fell into everyone's ears.

"Damn....As a partner, I have no personal experience, but I was robbed of the opportunity..."Irene's eyes were blank, and she didn't avoid Lise's H. She was jealous. She had never done this before.

"Oh, I'm really looking forward to what they said in the dream space.."

Levi thought he could figure out some clues and wanted to detect something from the two people's actions, but because Xiye was also confused, he gave up.


Sanna Miroku covered his face with his hands, trying to avoid this scene.

Fudo Akine beside him also smiled and said,"The boss is really a pure girl...."

After completing this action, Lise looked back at everyone's reactions, with a smile on her lips.

This was also her plan.

I let you do bad things to me in the dream space, and now I will make you look bad in front of everyone.

In fact, she didn't need to kiss to transmit the spatial location of the Royal Biblia Academy to Xiye, but only physical contact could convey it.

After being treated like this, due to Lise's obstruction in front of him, Xiye suddenly whispered in front of everyone without being seen:"It seems that you really want me to deal with you.."

"The one you want..."

Lise suddenly regained her senses and gave Xiye a look and said

"There's really nothing I can do about you...."

Xiye exhaled lightly and said.

He pried Lise's hands apart, used the secret technique, and transferred everyone from this battlefield back to the academy through the spatial positioning transmitted by Lise.

If she continued to talk with this sadistic fairy, she was afraid that she would lose control.

There were nearly ten pairs of eyes staring at her here.

Although Xiye had been surrounded by thousands of girls before,.....

But I haven't achieved such a great feat yet.

Just take it slow.

The space conversion was successful.

He said to Selina on the opposite side:"You'd better use your magic to confine your sister's magic, don't let her run away."

Xiye was really afraid that she would really run away, so he said that.

Isn't there a saying that goes like this, a woman's heart is as deep as the sea.

At this moment, Lilith's state seemed to have changed slightly.

From the indifference at the beginning, she became shy.

Now she is slowly changing from shyness to tenderness.................................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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