In the afternoon, on the playground of the Royal Biblia Academy, the seven magicians, Selina and Xiye, gathered here.

"Today, the principal specifically mentioned that Xiye should learn our technique."

Lilith said to all the members standing here

"Oh, why does this sound so uncomfortable?"Irene glanced at the people present and said weakly.

Next to her, Kazama Levi put his hands on Irene's ears and leaned over to say,"You don't have a chance, Xiye has already learned your technique."

"...Am I redundant?.."

Ailin stood there blankly.

During their private conversation, Lilith had already pulled Xiye to her side and said sincerely:

"Then let me start learning first. I don't know what Xiye's talent is. You are one of the seven magicians, so you can guide him."

"I am the witness of the demon king Xiye." Selina raised one hand and said, holding the camera with the other hand, and briefly described her work.

After Selina finished speaking, Lilith said with a serious face:"However, Selina's sister Lise was once one of the seven magicians, but in the end she fell into depravity and broke the taboo by forcibly connecting to the Eternal Library.’"

"Although you are a substitute for the Demon King, the principal does not mind your identity and hopes that you can learn from it."


Xiye also nodded and agreed, but he carefully asked Lilith and it seemed that she had become cold now.

It was probably because of what happened in the morning.....

However, he knew about Lise. Selina's twin sister was also a magician who could use space and time. This was all due to her ability of"Numerology".

"So let me start..."

After saying what she wanted, Lilith's magic started to work.

"Open the 'Lust' library...Connect' Life Theme’!"

Lilith transformed into mage mode


Following her words and Lilith's thoughts, a super-long barreled weapon that she had used to rescue Kurata Yui appeared in her hand.

"Watch out."

Then, Lilith suddenly pointed her gun at a huge mountain in the distance.

""Aim, fire!""


Lilith leaned back under the backlash of the heavy weapon.

As the gunshot rang out, the powerful magic bullet flew towards the distant hilltop."


A mushroom cloud slowly rose from the hilltop.

The sharpest part of the hilltop was razed to the ground.

"Hey, Irene, I heard what happened to teacher Lilith. She looks weird."Levi Kazama saw that Lilith suddenly became silent and asked curiously.

In response to Levi's words, Irene explained calmly:"Oh...She saw me and Xiao Wei sleeping on Xiye's bed"

"Huh...I said something was wrong.."

Levi seemed to have discovered some secret, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.....

"Okay, Xiye, see if you can try it."Lilith put the barrel of the gun on the ground, exhaled, and said to Xiye

"Then I'll try."

After saying that, Xiye raised his hand

"Open the"Arrogant" library"

"Connecting the 'dominant' theme’"

""Copy! Alchemy!"

Following Xiye's command, the magic book flew off his neck into the air, and magic power swirled around his body. He transformed into a magician.

On his right eye, he had the same positioning glasses as Lilith.

In his hand, he also had a large, long-barreled heavy weapon that emitted a silver-gray glow.


Lilith stared blankly at the weapon in Xiye's hand.

How could it be possible?...

"Boss...You see...I said Xiye classmate is okay.."Seeing that Xiye could learn alchemy after just one look, Qiuyin praised him.

"Humph! Although he learns quickly, he may not be able to exert his power."

Sanna Miroku's eyes condensed, and the firm belief in his heart began to loosen a little, but he still made excuses, thinking that it was a fluke.

"Kaka, it's really exciting..."

Selina was like a hungry puppy, filming frantically.

Glancing at the expressions of the people around him, Xiye had thought about it when he was preparing to copy.

In fact, copying is easy for him, but there are certain limitations, and it can only exert the power of the original owner.

It seems that this thing can use other people's abilities to expand its moves when it is weak.

Or, it can borrow other people's moves, create a crime scene, and frame others.

However, after imitating Lilith's alchemy, Xiye raised the heavy weapon.

Towards another hill.

Aim and shoot!

All in one go.


A huge feast of appreciation bloomed in everyone's eyes.

"Very strong...Xiye.."

The girl Xiao Wei rushed towards Xiye from the crowd

"It's really surprising..."

Lilith looked helpless. She had originally wanted to vent her feelings today while learning her own abilities.

It seemed that this was not going to happen.

"It looks like he is really annoying."

Ailin stood there, not trying to stop him or demanding the same treatment as before.

Because she and Xiao Wei had reached an agreement last night.

They would join hands to deal with Xiye's cheating.

The prerequisite was that he would take her to sleep with Xiye.

"It should be just an accident."

Shannai Miroku calmed down and tried his best to dispel the bad thoughts.

In the middle of the playground.

Xiao Wei threw herself on Xiye, showing an excited smile, and then pointed at herself:"Xiye...Learn my"duet technique". You have already learned from Teacher Lilith."

"Choose me next!"


Xiye's arms were held by the girl and swayed in the air

"I have already learned your"re-singing technique."

After rubbing the girl's head, Xiye said seriously:

"ah....When did you learn it?...Xiao Wei herself doesn't know.."

Xiao Wei had originally been enjoying the idea of being intimate with Xiye, the man who saved her. But the result was like this....

"Very early..."....

Below is a picture of Lise, Serena's twin sister!............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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