Kurata Yui can only be eliminated.

Otherwise, the collapse phenomenon will continue, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Xiye classmate.....Are you really capable of this?"

Seeing Xiye walking forward, his hair had turned from black to white, and he was wearing a black cape, looking handsome, Qiuyin was a little surprised and asked with concern.

"I don't know, but I think it should be possible."

After scanning the surroundings and finding that Lilith, Levi and others were about to collapse, he responded to Qiu Yin who was standing still.

After saying that, Xiye suddenly had a burst of magic power.

"Activate: Demon King Factor."

The dark black Demon King Mark suddenly burst out with a large amount of magic power surging on Xiye's body.

A pair of transparent gray-black energy wings spread out behind him.

Xiye is now like a demon king, and his momentum immediately attracts the attention of the surroundings.

"No way, Xiye Jun has also become a demon." Lilith pushed the weapon in his hand to the ground, and looked at Xiye's current changes in shock:"This is difficult..."

"Is the Demon King Gene rioting?"

Sanai Miroku, who was dragging a white ball of light in her hand, frowned and said suspiciously.

As the strongest among the seven magicians and the chief inspector of the Royal Library, she had seen people with the Demon King Gene.

Most of them could not control the energy in their bodies, and finally fell and were suppressed.

But the next scene.

Xiye directly sacrificed the"Astir's Manuscript"》

"Connect to the Seven Deadly Sins 'Rage' Library"

"——Start the Holy Ritual."

Xiye's magic power surged again.

"Sacred Rituals...."

As the master, Irene recognized her own magic at first sight:"Sure enough, I am the Demon King's partner...."

"Holy Ritual… Did Xiye still have this hidden?"

Fengjian Levi looked shocked. She had seen the Word of Truth when she attacked Xiye that night, so she was not surprised.

But what was this Holy Ritual?

Could it connect two libraries at the same time?......It's too abnormal.

As for whether Xiye has become a demon, Levi and Selina know it very well.

At this moment, Selina is holding a camera and frantically capturing the wonderful scene of Xiye's double library and demon king transformation.

"He actually knows the magic of our Royal Library......"

Sanna Miroku watched Xiye's next move warily and said secretly.

She is the chief inspector of the Royal Library. It is really unbelievable that an outsider can do this.

Although he is now a student of the Royal Biblia Academy, he has mastered two library stacks in just one day! ?

No one can believe it......

But when he noticed the magic book on Xiye's neck again. Her pupils suddenly shrank:"Astir's manuscript!?"

But while she was shocked.

Xiye's body had disappeared from the spot.

He didn't have much time left.

With the control of his mind, the strength of his arms suddenly increased.

Xiye's current state is stronger than when Budong Qiuyin was victorious. He casually attacked with a heavy punch, directly hitting the magic dragon.


The huge body of the magic dragon flew backwards and was pushed directly to the edge of the secret room before it stopped abruptly.

When the original owner Budong Qiuyin saw Xiye using the mantra to knock the magic dragon away, the corner of his mouth showed a hook:"Not bad..."

However, such damage was only enough to destroy the dragon.

The sudden attack injured the dragon, and the black figure on its body showed a little illusion.

The blood-red eyes stared directly at Xiye.

The huge magic bullet in its mouth condensed and blasted directly at Xiye like a cannon.

"The blow just now didn't cripple him....But his body was indeed illusory."

"It should be necessary to consume his energy before causing substantial damage."

Xiye slowly analyzed the situation, but he didn't care about the magic bullet flying towards him.

"Xiye, get out of the way.

Lilith saw this and fired a shot at the dragon that was charging its magic bullet.

But the dragon ignored the attack and continued to charge its magic bullet towards Xiye.

"——"Magic decomposition!"

He raised his arm and used a spell that was no weaker than the magic dragon's to surround the flying magic bullet.

It decomposed instantly and disappeared into the air like a piece of glass.

Since one attack didn't work, he would use more attacks.

In fact, Xiye could use large-scale magic, but this was a secret room. If it collapsed, he might be able to get out.

It was not clear for others.

So Xiye chose the support of the double library to enhance the magic power and started the violent beating mode.




Xiye's movements were as fast as a cherry blossom costume, attacking the dragon in the middle from multiple angles at the same time.

Until the dragon's body became illusory.

In the direction of the dragon's heart, the figure of Kurata Yui, one of the seven magicians, appeared.

"Become the magic support of the dragon...Then let's end it."

Xiye poured all his magic power into his body for the last time.

The powerful attack that was charged immediately hammered towards the head of the dragon.


The whole body of the dragon flickered in the illusion and finally collapsed.

Kurata Yui's body fell like a leaf.

Xiye held her in his arms at the last moment.

Kurata Yui, as one of the seven magicians, can have a figure that is either a loli or a big breast.

However, at present, she is in a coma, and her pure and white cheeks are still more plump than those of Levi and other girls of the same girl.

Xiye sighed secretly, the original work did not lie


After a while, when Xiye fell to the ground,

Xiaowei opened her eyes dazedly:"You are...The one who saved Xiao Wei."

Xiye also released the magician status at this moment, because the devil factor has a time limit and he can't keep it for a long time.

"Did you see it all?"

Xiye asked curiously.

"Um...I saw it in my dream."

In fact, all this was not a dream, but Xiye did not tell her the truth, so she just thought it was a dream.

"Xiao Wei!!"

The others who were watching Xiye's fight also came over, calling Kurata Wei's nickname.

Only Miroku and Akina, who had turned into a loli, watched Xiye from a distance.

Akina, who had turned into a loli, also changed her voice, and said cutely,"Boss, it seems that this demon king is a little strong, but he doesn't look bad at all."

"I know, but I'm going to ask the principal about why he has the Royal Library's ritual."

The arrogant Miroku turned his head away and did not deny what his adjutant Qiu Yin said, but stated his next purpose.

"Hehe, Boss, you look unhappy! Are you unhappy about being outdone?.."

It's rare to see Maitreya in such an expression, Qiu Yin couldn't help but teasing

"where..."Maitreya turned around unconvinced and walked towards the direction of leaving the dungeon............................................................................................................................................................ ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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