Paranormal Research Department

"So she is a divine weapon owner...."

After hearing the report, Rias put her chin on her hands and thought about it.

"There is also a Lost Godfather, which seems to be understandable."

The fallen angels who were wiped out in the church might be waiting for the Lost Godfather Fried and Saint Asia.

But what is the purpose?

And what is the function of Asia's artifact?

It actually attracted the attention of a superior demon.

That may not be such a simple thing.

However, Himejima Akeno covered her mouth and smiled:"Ella Ella, Kitty-chan, Saint Asia lives in Xiyejun's house~"


Mao Mao-chan was sitting on the sofa, reporting on her work, and was eating the snacks Xiye bought for her on the street.

Hearing this, she crushed the fish-shaped biscuit with a click.

The scene of a saint living on the streets and Xiye, who seemed to have a special hobby, living in the same room came to her mind.

Her expression changed from the state of eating snacks to a complicated one.

Rias gave Akeno a look and said,"Akeno, go check for the godfather who has appeared in the city recently, it should be easy to find.

After all, the church in Juwang Town has been abandoned for a long time, and it is easy to identify him in the uniform of the teachings."

"Got it, Minister~"

Akeno nodded.

""Kawaii-chan, invite that Saint Asia to see me tomorrow."

Rias reminded, then she remembered something and asked,"Xiye-kun, do you know anything about you or Asia's identity?""

"He probably doesn't know."

Asia recalled Xiye's clueless look at the ramen restaurant, and shook her head.

"Do you think he will accept your identity?"

Lias asked.

Because in Lias' eyes, Xiye is now an ordinary person.

And Koneko-chan is a reincarnated devil.

Although he doesn't object to devils and humans being together, he is not particularly optimistic about the fate of his cousin Sairaorg's parents in his mother's family, King Baal.


Mao Maojiang looked a little distracted, she was not sure.

But she would probably accept it, after all, she believed that there were beings other than humans in this world, right?.....

But when I think of Asia, Koneko-chan feels uneasy.............

Here, Xiye's new residence.

A sudden unexpected guest, Xiye saw Asia diligently cleaning the surroundings.

And not long ago, she had also tidied up her own room.

She was exactly the ideal wife of the previous life.

"I'm so sorry, Xiye-kun, to disturb you."

After cleaning up everywhere, Asia came to Xiye and said respectfully.

Now it can be said that Xiye is the master, and she is just a little saint who comes to stay and exchanges food for labor.

Regarding this scene, Xiye can only sigh silently in his heart: naive people are so easy to deceive!

In Xiye's opinion, although Aisha is not stupid, it is more appropriate to describe her personality with two other points: pure and innocent.

"It's okay!"

With a slight smile, Xiye stretched out his hand and rubbed Asia's head twice, with a hint of joy in his tone:"I only asked you to cook breakfast and dinner, and I didn't ask you to clean the house. In the end, I still got the advantage."

"Oh? Yes...Is that so?.."

After hearing what Xiye said, Asia stammered and replied. The blush on her face that had just faded away was back again.

"Of course."

Xiye smiled slightly, which was really lovable......

However, there was an inopportune knock on Xiye's door.

In order to avoid Xiye seeing her embarrassing appearance, Asia ran away. She walked quickly to the door and opened it.

"Oh my, isn't this Asia? You've made it so hard for me to find you."

Outside the door, a man with long white hair and a strange smile that seemed different from that of a normal person was staring at Asia like a lamb.

Thinking that it was Xiaomaojiang who came to check on the room, Xiye didn't check who was outside the door.

But after hearing that disgusting voice and what he said, he recognized that this was the preacher Asia mentioned.

Lost Godfather Fried!

"...Ah I..."

Asia was still in the warm environment created by Xiye.

Seeing Friede, who frightened her, she took a few steps back.

"Well, I never thought that the Saint of the Gadran Church was so capable that she actually ran away to Juwang Town."

Fried roared at Asia who suddenly ran away to Juwang Town.


Asia looked helpless.

At this moment, a pair of warm hands gently rubbed her head.

""Asia, don't be afraid."

Xiye smiled at Asia with narrowed eyes, bent down and gently wiped away the tears that were still hanging on Asia's cheeks.


Xiye's image in front of her was like a savior with a big sun on his head.

"Oh my, what a sweet love story...."

As he spoke, a hilt appeared in his hand, followed by a blade of light. He gently stroked the corner of his mouth and said,"I'm touched, hehe."

Xiye ignored him, but gently told her to hide in the house.

Cute Xia suddenly saw Friede's appearance through the gap in Xiye's body, and immediately remembered that before she came to Juwang Town, Friede killed a family that had an affair with the devil.

Xiye Jun couldn't be his opponent.

She was a witch, and even the salvation given to her by God was going to be killed by herself?

"No, Xiyejun, you go in. He is the godfather who brought me here. I will go to the church with him. It's okay....."

As she spoke, Asia's tears kept falling.

However, Fried, who was standing at the door, had a twisted smile on his face:"The church, those fallen angels, have already dumped me. They are such an unreliable bunch."

Fried went to the church today, but found nothing inside.

He was angry when he thought about it, and he thought of Saint Asia. He was ready to vent his anger on her............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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