Xiye looked up and found two strange-looking people.

If he hadn't said this, Xiye would have thought they were mentally retarded.

"Really, looking at this handsome face really makes me angry!"

"Yeah, why don't we do something?……"

Before Xiye could make a move, the two of them froze in their tracks.

"What exactly is going on"

"You were actually threatened by two thugs."

"Come thank me now"

"This world is really unbearable."

The one who made the move was not someone else, but a person with empty space on Xiye's body.

""Why did you take action?"

Xiye asked calmly. In fact, he wanted to ask how these people came here.

They could have followed him for so long, so there must be some vulgar reason.

But now everything was messed up by Kong.

"You, go to the small dark room and reflect on yourself for a few days"

"Next time, don't act rashly without my order!"

Seeing that Xiye was not happy but angry, Kong was confused and scared at the same time.

"Master, I was wrong……"

"But why are you alone outside the academy?"

This is what Kong wanted to know. Xiye has always been mysterious and would never tell his purpose.

Xiye walked forward without saying a word. Kong thought that his master would not say anything, so he could only return to his body obediently.

"I came out just to get away from that place"

"After all, we will have to take action later."

After Xiye finished speaking, he came to the agreed place, which was under a huge tree.

A figure could be seen under the tree.

"It seems that she has been waiting for me here for a long time."


The person below was the one who was about to fight Xiye. But she didn't know that Xiye would actually come.

"You're actually coming?"

"But it's true, I don't think you are one of those people who break their promises."

When he said this, Xiye on the other side touched his hair.

"There is no point in talking more, let's get started."

The Black Emperor Sword appeared in Xiye's hand.

But no matter how many times he saw it, the God of Light Gru was very surprised.

"It's amazing that you can do this."

"Without any method, this thing can be summoned without limit."

But no matter what, she still summoned her armor.

The war was about to start.

No one knew that there were two powerful people fighting in the deserted place outside the campus.

Although no one knew why they were fighting.

But one thing we know is that if this battle started on campus, it would definitely cause countless casualties.

Xiye didn't want people to know his strength at the moment.

"Let's make a quick decision"

"It seems that you underestimated me before."

Xiye moved his hands and feet, and at this moment, Gru also felt unprecedented pressure.

"This feeling of oppression……"

"You really did hide it before!"

"Well, let me see your strength, which is comparable to that of the Great Demon Lord!"

"I need to witness the gap between you and me!"

Gru knew that he was no match for Xiye, but he still wanted to try.

As long as masters fight, they will know who is stronger and who is weaker.


Not only here, but also in the academy, the afternoon battle is about to begin.

At this time, the four people inside are discussing tactics and who they will face next.

"I'll see...after we finish"

"Next, the night's plan is a guy named Gru"

"Her partner is the man called Saint"

"And their opponents seem to be people from Sky Academy"

"But I haven't even heard of their names."

Now, everyone knows that they will advance.

But what I didn't expect was that almost all of these opponents who could advance to the second stage were not easy to deal with.

Especially Xiye, but for the existence of Sheng and Gru, I don't know the details of the other party, nor do I know their abilities.

If I just act like this, I might suffer a loss.

"Next round, I think we need to negotiate"

"Which team should be promoted?"

Several people were discussing this, not noticing that time was passing by bit by bit.

Strangely, many things seemed to have lost their source.

That is, the two people who had observed the situation and intervened before were gone.

They did not announce their withdrawal agreement.

Instead, they just disappeared.

No one knew of their existence.

Even the principal was looking for the two people all over the campus, but still found nothing.


The principal looked at Liber over there, and seemed to be looking for something.

"You're here too, looking anxious."

"But I don't have time to play with you now."

Liberl's expression was also a little tense, and next to her was Saint

"You… lost someone?"

The principal quickly guessed the truth behind the other person’s expression, and this time Liber did not deny it.

"Is such that"

"I don’t know if you saw where that girl went?"

"Just now Sheng said that he lost the person. We are looking for him now."

"This is your academy, do you have any clues?"

The principal shook his head. He wandered around for a long time, but didn't see any suspicious people.

Once he found someone with stronger power, he would be stopped and questioned by the principal, but there were basically no two.

So the principal was very tormented all the way.

"No, but since it happened in my college, I can try to help you analyze it."

"I don't want you to beg me."

"Tell me in detail, who did the person you mentioned come into contact with before he disappeared.

Although he was anxious, he did not show any panic on his face.

Liberl, who wanted to argue with the principal, was interrupted by Saint next to him.

"She had met many people before.……"

"But there is one person who left a deep impression on us."

Sheng said, thinking of the scene he saw when he first entered the campus.

Then he told the principal how he and Gru met Xiye.

"So that's how it is. Are you suspecting that my students have seduced your female classmates?"

"Haha, this doesn't seem impossible."

"From your description, the two of them should be on a date."

Faced with the principal's joke, Sheng was not interested at all.

Liber next to him also ignored the principal and prepared to go find someone himself.

Unexpectedly, before he walked far, the principal said indifferently behind him.

"Actually, this matter is not that simple"

"Well, I am also looking for Xiyejun now. Where are they?"

"Do you want to come and look for it together?"

At this point, both of them stopped.

"If I'm not mistaken"

"There won't be a host for the next game."

"The girl called Xiao Wei before will also join the battle today."

At this point, the principal's expression changed.

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