Tas also began to look carefully at the human in front of him.

"He should be the owner of a divine weapon."

He felt the breath coming from the young human being, which was closely connected to a piece of equipment he didn't recognize in his body.

He knew the general appearance of the divine weapons in this world, and none of them looked like the one in front of him.

So Tashi would think so.

"But as for the artifact, I have one too!"

Tas smiled.

A white light flashed in his hand, and a red and white handle appeared. It matched the exquisite blade, and the blade even glowed faintly under the candlelight.

"Human, please remember, my name is Tashi, you should thank the artifact in my hand for taking your life, this is the artifact given by Master Azazel"

"Lord Azazel!?"

Linali's eyes were filled with shock. No wonder this guy would attack her openly.

She was a subordinate of the governor Lord Azazel.

Xiye glanced at the artifact in Tas's hand.

He immediately knew that this was just a toy made by Azazel, the artifact fanatic.

This guy treated it as a treasure.

"How naive."

Since it took a lot of time, Xiye had to end the battle quickly.

Otherwise, if Rias came, things would not be so simple.

"Then you - go to hell!"

Xiye's body rose into the air, and under the blessing of the mantra, he was extremely light. In the blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came behind the fallen angel Tas.

"people....Where are the people?.."

At this time, Tas was looking ahead, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then he felt a sudden chill behind him.

"Look behind you! Idiot!"

Xiye came behind the fallen angel Tas and made a punching motion with one hand. A blue halo wrapped around his arm. He threw an uppercut at the back of Tas's head.


Tas's position was high, and with this blow, his whole body was like a parabola. He formed an arc in the air and fell heavily to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth

"It seems that the body is still quite strong."

The violent attack method of the mantra has a deep appeal to an anime fan.

And Xiye also enjoys it.

"Damn, too fast."

Tas's head was dizzy for a while, and after waking up, he said with a ferocious face.

The six black wings behind him spread out.

He didn't think that he could defeat the human youth in front of him who seemed to be despised by him by close combat.

The fallen angels and demons have something in common, that is, they inherit the power of blood.

""Erosion magic."

Tas slowly stood up, and the magic power in his hand circulated to form a magic mark.

Then a green magic light bullet formed from the magic circle and attacked in the direction of Xiye.

""Eliminate the magic power!"

Looking at the disgusting magic bullet with corrosive properties, Xiye directly used magic power towards the attacking magic bullet and issued instructions to"Astir's Manuscript".


The magic bullet scattered in an instant. The next moment.

Xiye disappeared like a ghost, but this time he did not appear behind, but right in front of him.

The fist in his hand had already been charged and ready to go.

When Tas saw Xiye suddenly appear, the shadow of being shot in the head just now appeared in his mind again. He said in panic:"Don't hit the head!"

"You don't have the final say."

The next scene was a fallen angel flying from the ground to the sky.

His body was in a horizontal position.

Countless attacks swept over him, making him stay suspended.

It was like a perfect performance art.


Until the last attack, Natas's head was separated from his body. He was shot to the ground like a football.

His body fell down like a falling object.

Linali saw this scene.

She shrank back in fear.

Each attack could cost her life.

With her eyes wide open, she looked in the direction of the aisle.

She had no choice but to run away to have a chance of survival.

She clenched her teeth.

Just when she was thinking about how to escape, a figure blocked her way.

"Want to leave? This guy seems to be the helper you hired, how can you leave?"

If Rias and the others hadn't intervened, Xiye had no intention of killing Linali.

But now she still wants to find someone to deal with me.

That's unforgivable.

"big....Sir, I didn't want to escape....Oh no..you don't want that nun?"

"she...It should be here soon.. I have agreed on a time with the godfather...It's almost here."

Linali saw the indifference and murderous intent in Xiye's eyes. She knew that if she didn't find an excuse to exist, she would be like Natasha.

"Nun!? Since she will come by herself, isn't it the same with or without you?"

Xiye grabbed Linali's neck and said with a smile.

"Sir, I am still useful....You see, I have a much better figure than that nun, and I know how to serve you better."

Linali begged for mercy again with a distorted face.

"Hehe, I don't need a dirty guy like you."

Xiye narrowed his eyes slightly.

How could he keep Linali around when she was so scheming? With her pride, she would betray her master sooner or later.

What's more, with her dirty body, Xiye didn't think he needed such a woman.

"——Go to hell!"

As Xiye finished speaking,

Linali's neck was twisted by the pinching, blood was flowing from all seven orifices, pupils were bulging, and she was no longer breathing.

He scanned the surroundings to see if there were any fish that had escaped.

After confirming that there were none, Xiye picked up the artifact weapon of the fallen angel Tas, looked at its properties, and said in confusion:"Artificial God���, I wonder if it can be exchanged for points."

After a casual search, Xiye prepared to go back and study.

It would be better to leave me first.

Not long after Xiye left, many figures appeared outside the church.

"There is a strong smell of blood in the air.

Cang Na frowned and looked forward............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg you to give me flowers and monthly tickets.

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