Chapter 101: Rossvia Becomes a Maid! (Subscribe on 5/6)


Cao Cao narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect to meet this guy.

And it seemed that what Xiye just said was the invitation from the fallen angel governor.

And then he was rejected....

Rossweisse looked a little shocked. Isn't Xiye Sirzechs's brother-in-law?....

Aren't they people from the underworld?....

How did you get involved with Azazel?...

So messy....

"‘The Strongest Human 'Cao Cao...haven't seen you for a long time..."

Azazel came to Xiye's side, looked directly at Cao Cao and said

"Um...It's been some time.."

Cao Cao had a serious look on his face, but he shifted his gaze to Xiye.

"It seems I'm a little late...But you are always welcome to join my team. Although my subordinates are all some weird people, the one next to me is the best... It just depends on whether you have the ability to catch her..."

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Joan of Arc showed a look of resentment.

"Xiyejun~Actually, he is not bad..."

Really, she said this with a smile. Others didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but Xiye did.

That is, her figure was really good compared to other girls on the beach last time!

"...If you are willing to change jobs, I can accept it."

Xiye said lightly

"It seems that Xiye has no intention of joining our team...It's really disappointing.."Cao Cao's face became complicated.

Since Azazel appeared, this was expected. Cao Cao glanced at Azazel and said,"See you next time then.""

"But for those who achieve great things, beauties are nothing but clouds....I hope to fight with you next time....I am also curious about your strength!"

After saying that, Cao Cao and Zhendace disappeared here.

"Hey...Even I can't deal with you, and Cao Cao wants to get involved.."

Azazel smacked his lips, and a red blush appeared on his face.

A smell of alcohol wafted out.

"Huh...Lord Azazel... Didn't you leave with Lord Odin?.."

Rossweisse suddenly remembered something and looked at the fallen angel commander Azahil and asked

"...Really...Odin seems to have gone back...."


Rossweya's eyes widened and she covered her face with her hands:"Ouch~~ I failed again.....I'm afraid I'll lose my job if I go back..."

This was not the first time such a situation had occurred.

And as his mentor, the previous Valkyrie Tugolia had warned him that such a thing must never happen again.

"Dereliction of duty...Otherwise, I will fall from the sky....Become a fallen angel.."

After being hit by Xiye, Azazel finally found the reason for his failure, which is that fallen angels really don't produce many beautiful women.

This Rossvia in front of him is a good seedling.

" have no reason to fall..."

Rossweisse said with despair on her face.

She had aspired to become a Valkyrie since she was a child, so she really had no other thoughts about falling from heaven.

However, there was a reason for her falling from heaven, which was that her age was the same as that of a single person.

And she was also being urged to get married.

If she fell from heaven because of being single, it would be too embarrassing.

"Otherwise, come to my house to work...."

Xiye is saying

"Go to work!?" Rossweisse, who was still dejected, stopped crying instantly.

"Yes...And there is salary!"

"Really! ?"

Rosweisse's face immediately brightened up. Money is very important to this woman who has been living on the meager financial support of her family for many years.

Even the professional clothes on her body are distributed by the temple as a duty of a Valkyrie.

Being so poor, she really has a strong desire for money.

""Yeah." Xiye nodded.

Seeing how obsessed this Valkyrie was with money, Xiye's mouth twitched.

The salary he gave her was not much. If she knew that joining the Fallen Angels would also be paid, would she choose to fall?

As for why she knew that the Fallen Angels had a salary, it was because Linali gave him a lot of money last time.....


Azazel stared blankly at Xiye who had kidnapped Rossweisse with just a few words.

He was indeed the man who could kidnap the Infinite Dragon God!

As the commander of the fallen angels, he had to admire Xiye....

"Then come back with me!"

Xiye said lightly, but when he looked at Azazel again and wanted to say goodbye to him, he saw the other party made a gesture of praise towards him.

Xiye's forehead was full of black lines.....

I really didn't want to kidnap her, but the system wouldn't allow it!

Compared to carrying this title, Xiye is more looking forward to the 'Unlimited Sword Works' rewarded by the system!

Finally, I said goodbye to Azazel, the old guy.

On the way back.

Rossweisse suddenly stopped, stared at the ramen restaurant in front and said:"If I remember correctly, you still owe me a bowl of beef ramen!"


Xiye was speechless. This girl could even forget about Odin, but she remembered food and money so clearly!

Then Xiye smiled and said,"Since I am your boss, I will not take you to eat this. Let's go back and have a big meal...."


Rossweisse showed a surprised expression on her face. She had never seen such a generous and likable boss! She followed Xiye all the way.

But when she arrived at Xiye's house, in front of her were the maid outfits handed to her by Jenova and Shido Irina!

"What is this!?"Rosvia asked blankly.

The two girls from the church looked at Xiye in confusion, and then thought of what Xiye had said before, to find them an assistant.

Then Zi Teng Irina said:"Aren't you the maid that the boss found?...Put it on quickly!"

"...this.."Rossweisse's face subconsciously showed���Shy expression...

Adult women always look at maid costumes with strange eyes, and she is not surprised...

"There is a salary! It is 100,000 Sakura Coins! Food and accommodation are provided!"

"good...I wear it!" ps: Please order it yourself! Please support me with data! Please don't skip the order! Support the author! Thanks to anjaisn for urging me to update more with 6,000 yuan. Please be a human being!

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