"where....Xiye Jun, you think too much."

The little cat lowered his head and cleaned up the things on his own.

"I can't even lie...Really innocent...But sometimes it is..."

Xiye muttered to himself, his mouth twitching, and it was hard to believe his expression.

In a short while, everything was cleaned up.

Xiye picked up the big package by himself.

He came to the school gate and put it on the moving company's vehicle.

""Huh! Done."

After moving all the things,

Xiye also got on the car.

However, when Mao Maochan wanted to get on, a space voice transmission magic sounded in Mao Maochan's ears, which was a function used exclusively for communication between Rias's followers.

In the voice, Himejima Akeno said,"Mao Maochan, put down your current work quickly and come to the Supernatural Research Department. We have found the base of the fallen angels and there are new tasks~"

This voice is definitely not audible to ordinary people.

But Xiye heard it in his ears.

"Xiyejun, you go back first, I suddenly have something else to do."

Mao Xiaojiang just climbed halfway into the car, then backed up again, saying apologetically

"Well, go ahead, but be careful."

Some of the rules of the Supernatural Research Department are still clear. If there is a mission, all members must rush back, not to mention the fallen angels, one of the three major forces in the Bible.

Xiye said without stopping. Xiaomaojiang also hurried to the Supernatural Research Department.

"Fallen angel!?"

The only thing that came to Xiye's mind was the fallen angel Linali who pretended to be Amano Yuma.

"Did they find their hiding place so quickly?"

Xiye knew.

Linali and her team's base was in the abandoned church in Juwang Town.

Only this special place would not attract the attention of the local power Rias.

But she still underestimated the powerful and sharp detection ability of the supernatural research department.

"This Linali still owes me a nun, is she going to be surrounded and suppressed?"

Xiye shook his head. He had no intention of saving the so-called Linali.

But he was worried that this scheming Linali would give herself away.

That was not okay.

Xiye narrowed his eyes. He wanted to nip the unstable factor in the bud.

At least, Amano Yuma was the one who couldn't speak.

"Don't blame me, it's all because of your bad luck.".......

The base of the Occult Research Department

""Neko-chan, why haven't you come yet?"

Rias looked at Himejima Akeno and asked

"Ah, Minister, I can bet that she must be with Xiye, otherwise she would have used teleportation magic and returned long ago."

After saying that, Himejima Akeno spread her hands, saying that she was innocent, but the order had been conveyed.


Rias covered her face, also having a headache.


The door of the conference room was opened.

A small figure came in through the crack of the door.

Looking at what Koneko-chan did, Rias couldn't help but sigh that she was living more and more like a normal person of her age.

But the change in style was a bit too sudden, and Rias couldn't adapt to it for a while.

""Hi, Koneko-chan."

Kiba Yuto greeted Koneko-chan.

However, the moment she came in, Koneko-chan turned into a cute and silly person again.

She came to her seat and sat down.

All members were present and the meeting officially began.

"Then Akeno, tell me what you investigated. What exactly happened?"

Rias crossed her arms and looked at Himejima Akeno seriously.

The enemy this time was a fallen angel. If it was not handled properly, it might cause a war between the two races.

Previously, they had been responsible for cleaning up the lost demons that defected from the underworld to the human world, which was the core element of their establishment of the Supernatural Research Department.

Cleaning up those garbage in the underworld

"I was a little surprised. I just checked some remote places."

"As a result, I saw several fallen angels entering and leaving the newly abandoned church."

"Church!? They really know how to pick places."

Rias was stunned.

Church is a place that demons try to avoid, because there is holy water there that can restrain demons. The strong ones can save their lives, but if the weak ones are hurt by the holy water, it will be difficult to repair the damage.

However, the holy water cannot cause any harm to the fallen angels, which are the nemesis of demons.

Rias pondered for a moment, then asked:"Are there many of them?"

"I was only observing from the outside, so I didn't know the specific situation inside. But I saw that some of the fallen angels coming in and out were mid-level demons, and there were quite a few of them!"

"Hmm? Fallen angels with the strength of intermediate demons!"

Rias frowned. Was she facing such a strong opponent all of a sudden?

Feeling the danger signal, Rias did not dare to let Himejima Akeno, Koneko-chan and others go out easily.

This battle was against some lost demons, one more against one.

There were quite a few fallen angels.

It was estimated that their leader might be as powerful as herself.

Thinking of this, she had to ask her good friend Sona for help.

It just so happened that she could ask about Xiye's background in Tokyo this time.

"Let's go meet Cang Na, this opponent is not easy"


Even the usually frivolous Himejima Akeno became serious.

At this moment, the four of them came to the open ground in front of them. A blood-red light appeared, and teleportation magic was constructed under their feet.

Then, in the blink of an eye, they disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, they moved into their new home.

After simply placing the packages, Xiye set off for the church set up in Juwang Town.

However, when he arrived here, he saw that the pedestrians in front of him who were walking in front of the church were not ordinary people, but fallen angels.

"When did so many fallen angels appear here?"The sudden change surprised Xiye a little.

But he soon realized that it was probably because of his warning to Linali that she felt the danger and immediately called for help from the fallen angel headquarters.

"It seems that Linali is really not simple. If Asia came to Juwang Town, she would not let me deal with it."

After waiting for a while, Xiye walked out in the darkness and walked straight into the door of the church............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I'm begging for flowers and monthly tickets.

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