For everyone’s reaction, Rhode did not know and could not guess.

Now it has turned into a fish and swam into the new world.

Two days later…

Rhode appears on an uninhabited desert island.

The island is very remote, has no name, and the magnetic field is extremely unstable, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, and the area is not large, which is not suitable for ordinary people to live in.

Above is not only a beast or a beast, one side of the forest, the other side of the reef.

Rhode spent a day strolling around, and after making sure that there was no one, he also relaxed.

There won’t be some two fools of the world government here.

If it appears and destroys its own mission, then killing ten thousand times is not enough.

Three days later….

As of today, the mission is launched.

And Rhode also started the wilderness survival plan.

Because of the intimate nature of the system, it is recommended that Rhodes dig a pit and sleep. A pill was also sent temporarily, saying that it could enter a deep sleep state, and it could also be adjusted to wake up automatically by the alarm clock.

But the side effect is that in the state of deep sleep, it is a state of suspended animation, even without breathing, and you can not eat, but you will not wake up early without being fatally injured.

Of course, a very humane point is that there is an early warning mechanism that will wake up early when a fatal attack occurs, which is also to prevent someone from killing themselves in a second.

This is the greatest benefit for yourself.

“It is impossible to sleep deeply, so much free time is still more cost-effective to cultivate the Dark Fruit and the Eye of Reincarnation.”

It’s hard to spend so much time, isn’t it fragrant to practice quietly.

In the meaning of the system, it is unlikely that the task will be released in two years, so it is also a rare purity, it is better to cultivate, in case it is not expelled, the dark fruit still has to be cultivated and improved.

【Three months later…】

Chambord Island

Bonnie still had the newspapers in her hand.

The headlines in several newspapers are very prominent:

“Shocked, the world’s strongest man Whitebeard was pressed to the ground and rubbed, and the other party turned out to be a 23-year-old young man!”

“Admiral, it turns out that a generation of super sea pirates, even Whitebeard’s subordinates are his eyeliner !!!”

“The Black Dragon General punched Whitebeard and kicked the red-haired Shanks, is it a Devil Fruit ability or is there another secret?”

“The sky cracked, and the young guy and Whitebeard fought against the overlord color that caused the sky to crack, and he actually said such a thing…..?”

It’s been more than three months since the big event, and Bonnie is following the news every day!

But the same headline in the newspaper, and the handsome face, have been read back and forth countless times.

Bonnie can’t figure out why this kind of person can be so strong?

If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, or if it hadn’t been live, Bonnie would have thought it was a gimmick by the news company, and she would have thought the video was fake.

Even now, many people think that the big event is just a drill, Rhode is far from being as strong as it seems, but someone secretly calculated that the white beard caused him to decay or poison long ago, so he lost so quickly!

Some people also think that the redhead is just an invited actor, because the young general is rumored to be a Draco, and all this is just a ghost of the world government, because there can’t be a young man in the world who will be so strong!

What’s even more surprising is that some people even think that the live broadcast pictures are all videos recorded in advance, and nothing has actually happened.


On the other side, Robin and his party had already gone to sea.

Unexpectedly received an invitation from Hancock.

However, the tone is still so arrogant, saying that Robin and his group are too weak, such a team Rhode can’t look at at all, it will only disgrace Rhode!

Out of Rhode’s feelings, Robin and Nami can be allowed to train the domineering of Nine Snake Island.

Luo and the other men were ruthlessly left behind and could only train alone on the small island next to Nine Snake Island.

Everyone knows that entering the new world now to wander, or to find historical inscriptions according to the information given by Rhode, this level of strength is definitely a dead end.

Therefore, I also accepted Han Cook’s idea, and cultivating for a period of time is the best choice.


【Half a year later…】

Vivi and Dusty are progressing very fast.

Dusty graduated from school, and with his excellent performance in the mission with Peach Rabbit, he has been promoted to lieutenant.

Wei Wei, under the leadership of the yellow ape, has also been successfully promoted to lieutenant, and has already practiced shaving perfectly, and Yuebu can barely pass the level.


【One year later…】

Vivi and Dusty were promoted to major.

Marin Fando also broke out again in a big incident.

The Marshal of the Warring States resigned from the post of marshal and became the chief inspector of the headquarters of the navy.

And the position of marshal is held by the veteran general Akainu.

It is rumored that for the post of marshal, the red dog and the green pheasant fought in Punk Hassad for ten days and ten nights.

Defeated by both, the red dog left indelible scars on his body, while the green pheasant was even more serious, breaking a leg.

In the end, the red dog won and successfully ascended to the position of marshal!

The green pheasant also unexpectedly resigned from the post of general, and now he is missing!

And the Yellow Ape General did not participate in the dispute for the position of marshal, but devoted himself to teaching his disciples, leaving hope to future generations, and being a naval guide with peace of mind.

The most strange thing is that the original admiral of the navy headquarters, Black Dragon, has not shown his face for a year!

Known as the strongest man in the world, he never expressed his attitude, as if he had evaporated from the world.

Many have also speculated.

The Black Dragon General defeated the whitebeard and redhead with a young age, and he must have worn out too much to show his face now.

Of course, some people speculate that he was originally a Draco, and now he is happy in Mary Joa, and he is not interested in the marshal at all.

And the former is obviously more and more reasonable, after all, it is a white beard, that is a red hair, they are all absolute strong people on the sea, if they can be easily defeated without being injured, it is too outrageous!

Of course, no one dared to go to Marin Fandor to see it.

After all, it was the place where the whitebeard was buried, the place where the redhead was humiliated, and no one dared to go, even the arrogant Kaido, who liked to commit suicide, did not have the courage to go around there.

But even so, many pirates in the new world began to make a fuss.

I don’t know if it’s because Whitebeard died or because the Black Dragon General has not appeared, and everyone began to be bold or tempted.

Coupled with the sea thieves who escaped from the city before, the new world is becoming more and more lively.

And for the sake of justice.

The new Admiral Akainu also made a major decision, and the Navy headquarters was officially relocated to the original G1 branch of the New World.

The New World is generally the territory of the Four Emperors, a crazy sea area for pirates, and it is difficult to manage.

Marshal Akainu and Admiral Akainu sit at the G1 headquarters of the Navy, near the Red Earth Continent, which can be regarded as protecting the world government while exerting certain pressure on the pirates.

[A year and a half later….]

Whitebeard II, an emerging force in the New World, encroached on Whitebeard’s remaining forces in the battle at the top, and the last captains of the original team, under the leadership of Marko, gave up many territories and stuck to Whitebeard’s hometown, which did not let Whitebeard’s last bottom line collapse.

And Whitebeard II, Edward Wybull, became one of the new Four Emperors.

According to the fact that the navy is also at war, the yellow ape claims that it has a white beard and is young in strength.


The naval side again conducts world conscription.

One of them shone greatly in the conscription, and in view of the investigation of all aspects, he was unexpectedly promoted to the rank of admiral of the navy headquarters!

This person is the Gravity Fruit ability, named Yixiao, known as the Fuji Tiger General!

And Vivi and Dusty had also been promoted to colonel at this time.

The two of them have been practicing frantically for the past year and a half, frantically catching pirates.

Not only cultivation, but even the rank rose like a rocket, even no less than Rhode back then.

Vivi’s goal is to be the king of the navy, to be a marshal!

And Dusty’s dream is to take back all the famous swords taken by the wicked and become the world’s number one swordsman!

Yellow Ape and Gion couldn’t help but do everything about the two, whether it was for Rhode, for themselves, or for the admirable dreams of the two people, they had put their best efforts into cultivating.

The two also often compete together, and in general, Dusty is stronger.

But Wei Wei’s progress is even greater, she has no foundation, from the beginning of being bloodied by Dusty, to now she can fight hundreds of rounds without losing.

The yellow ape looked in his eyes and sighed in his psychology.

“Rhode, are you throwing a treasure or a superman, my old bones are going to fall apart.” The yellow ape was often pulled by Wei Wei to take the initiative to do tasks, and he trained every day, and his good leisure life was gone, and he was about to become a Mediterranean uncle.

“Teacher, you lose this lovely disciple of mine so easily, hum!” Vivi still looks cute in front of this teacher.

But in front of everyone else, he is an iron-blooded and ruthless colonel.

Just like Rhodes back then.

The yellow ape sighed: “You should also pay attention to rest, you are only eighteen years old, Rhode was a lieutenant colonel when he was eighteen, not as powerful as you, young navy king, you are the most genius person in the navy ever.” ”

Wei Wei was naturally the happiest thing when she heard this, but she also glanced at the yellow ape: “You say this every time, do you want to be lazy, old man!” ”

Wei Wei now directly calls the yellow ape an old man, and the two have almost become a father-daughter relationship.

And Alabastan himself has gone back several times, and his family is now getting better and better day by day.

And every time Kobra asked about Rod, Vivi could only say that he was busy, and did not dare to say more.

This can be very bad for Kobra, for this reason, Kobra’s hair is almost white, and often counts Wei Wei does not take the initiative.

Vivi could only listen and didn’t take it seriously.

Active? Take the initiative and have the opportunity to take the initiative!

The other side.

Under the cultivation of Gion, Dusty is now also murderous.

“Hey, what are the girl’s eyes so sharp, you think you are Rhode, he is deliberately pretending, not the eyes of a swordsman, and the swordsmanship does not rely on the eyes.”

Gion patted Dusty’s head, this female disciple was saved by myrrh, and when she fought and trained, she always looked like a superior person in the world, forced to be full, and looked bluffing, but she was actually a middle school girl.

Dusty withdrew his gaze and puffed out his cheeks: “Aren’t fights all like this?” I saw that the moment General Rhode looked at the redhead, it was this way, but he was handsome and strong! ”

“And I feel that I have progressed faster with this method, as if I can experience that kind of kendo, teacher, you said that Rhode can stand six swords in an instant, and I can also cut two swords now.” Dusty said unconvinced.

Gion sighed: “Okay, big sword hao, big sword hao, come on, but you can’t use the spatula as a knife when cooking, dozens of pots have been changed in the past half a year.” ”

“Whatever, now I have good skills, I have learned new tricks, two-knife flow stir-fry, turn the fire to the maximum will not burn the pot, I will go back to show the teacher.” Dusty said and gestured a few times.

The Gion cheeks that looked only smoked, crazy, must be crazy, Rhode was not so enchanted.


Nine Snake Island

Robin and Nami and Hancock, who had learned Chakra refining, now walked and ran on water, and it was not a problem to walk on walls.

In addition, even Robin’s qualifications are very good, he has developed flowers and fruits, and now he can use the ‘Thousand Purple and Red Shuriken’ for group harvesting.

In addition, I also learned the transformation technique in private.

Nami and Hancock each exercise their own strengths, which are different from Robin.

Nami has read back and forth countless times now, and often drags Luo out to sea.

Luo no longer wants to complain about this, he still has to train, so far he has not learned Rod’s skill to restore people’s vitality, and he has not even touched the doorway.

But fortunately, it is now possible to initially lap and treat extremely delicate neuropsychiatric lap.


And Rod

Still a bad old man.

And it’s worse than before.

“Gan! Dog system! ”

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