Chapter 82 Pension? Enraged Ryder

At the same time, Murphy also gently put down the Zanpakutō in his hand, revealing a mysterious feeling under the sunlight.

And Ryder also stopped in place without moving, just quietly looking at the young man in front of him.

But Murphy didn't pay attention to Ryder in front of him, but turned around, with a sunny smile on his gentle face, and then stretched out his hand to Yuan in front of him.

"It's all right." The extremely soft gaze and smile made Zhiyuan in front of him blush uncontrollably.

He didn't blame him for running around and not being obedient, he just cared about her safety.

Such a gentle person!

The round arm trembled a little, and the blushing little face reached out to Murphy, and placed it on Murphy's palm.

"Don't you blame me for running around?" Feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand, the wide palm made Zhiyuan feel extra secure.

Looking at the extremely handsome young man in front of him, Zhiyuan stammered a bit and asked the question.



Handsome 12!

If it was said that Yuan was secretly in love when he was in the elite camp, then now he has completely fallen in love.

Her gaze was completely unable to leave the young man in front of her, like an indescribable attraction, as if as long as she raised her head and looked at the gentle and charming face of the other party, all the fear in her heart would dissipate.

It was like a warm current gushing from the bottom of her heart, spreading to every corner of her body, warming her body.

Just touching the other person, she felt her body was soft, as if she couldn't raise the slightest sense of resistance.

"As long as you're okay. But you're not allowed to do such dangerous things in the future."

Murphy was stunned for a moment when he heard Zhiyuan's words, but then he understood what Zhiyuan meant, shook his head, squinted his eyes and still had that bright smile on his face.

The white shattered hair floated slowly under the blowing of the breeze (Reiatsu), revealing an extremely handsome and handsome face.

Murphy's incomparably gentle words seemed to be able to clearly pass into her heart! Zhiyuan felt a trance in his heart.

Very common, but quite common and effective routine - the hero saves the beauty!

It sounds like a routine in some routine TV series, but now it really happened to Zhiyuan. This feeling is completely different from other ways.


When the hero who saves lives is handsome!

"Hmm! I see." A mosquito-like whisper came out of Zhiyuan's mouth, and that delicate and pitiful appearance would probably be unattractive to anyone.

But at this moment

"Marine Vice Admiral Murphy! I've seen a lot of you on the headlines in various places these days, why are you in a small place like Sabaody Archipelago now?" Ryder withdrew the umbrella sword in his hand, his face calm asked.

There are not many people who can easily block his sword energy, especially in Sabaody Archipelago, which still belongs to the first half.

However, Ryder was relieved after seeing that the other party was the new Marine who had recently gained fame.

However, when Ryder saw Murphy's extremely youthful appearance, there was a look of jealousy and disappointment in his eyes, but Ryder himself didn't seem to notice it.

People who are afraid of old are not afraid because they are old, but they have already started when they noticed the word old.

Even though Ryder is now in his prime, he still has some thoughts about aging.

"Why I'm here is naturally Marine's arrangement, but you, as a person who can keep pace with Whitebeard and others, it's hard to be afraid of that sea area now

Did you choose to retire here?" Murphy lightly pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and smiled at Ryder.


Ryder's face was gloomy, and he stared at Murphy with dark eyes, and said with an exasperated smile: "It's just a young man with a little bit of luck and talent." Don't be too pretentious.

at this time

Cracks had begun to appear on the ground under Ryder's feet, and there was a terrifying killing intent in his eyes.

in an instant

The umbrella sword in Ryder's hand swept out directly

Bloody sword qi pierces the sky

call out

The terrifying slash seemed to dye the entire sky red, and it blasted straight in Murphy's direction.


Murphy didn't dodge or dodge.

Let the huge red sword energy strike towards him.

A huge slash came whistling.

Murphy held the Zanpakutō in front of him.

A fierce impact erupted immediately, stunning sparks erupted at the impact, and then the red slash was directly split into two and blasted towards the distance without any reduction in power.

There were constant explosions and screams.

The huge mangrove fell directly.

Area No. 1 instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Just a simple collision has such a huge power, which makes people feel an indescribable sense of shock.

Even hundreds of meters away from here, the two groups of Hai 147 bandits who were fighting were suddenly affected by the aftermath of the sword energy, and were directly involved in the powerful turbulence, flying into the sky.

"Go back to Marine Base, it's not good to stay here any longer." Murphy glanced at Yuan behind him, motioning her to leave here quickly.

Zhiyuan also knew that staying here would only cause trouble, and Murphy had to worry about protecting her. Although he was a little reluctant, Zhiyuan left here immediately.

Seeing Madoka leave, Murphy turned his attention to Ryder in front of him again and said: "I thought you would stop her, so the fight seems to be more beneficial to you.

"Boring, do you think I would do this kind of thing?" Ryder said with a look of disdain.

Anyway, he is also a well-known big pirate in the New World, and he relies on hostages to fight, so he is not so inferior.

PS: 【1】

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