Chapter 57 Hollow Experiment

The moment Murphy took off his glasses, it was as if a special switch had been turned on, and an incomparably fierce aura emanated from him, which was completely different from the approachable attitude he had shown in front of everyone in the past. It's all different.

His temperament changed instantly, from a gentle and gentle gentleman to a domineering and ruthless emperor!

"Use the power of this Hōgyoku shard!" Murphy casually squinted at the fallen body, and slowly spread his palms.

The extremely round fragment in the palm of the hand seemed to contain powerful power, as if it violated the laws of physics, it fell slowly at an extremely low speed, and then fell into the chest of the corpse in front of Murphy.


Suddenly, there was a sound of accelerated decay and dissolution of the corpse, followed by white foam from the wound on the corpse's chest, eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

This horrific scene would have moved anyone if they saw it.

It seems that some terrible monster will appear.

Soon, the layers of thick white matter directly covered the whole person, leaving only the radiant Hōgyoku fragment at the center of the chest.

It's like a heart that keeps beating.

"Is it really the same as I guessed? Naturally, the concentration of spirit particles is too low. Only with the help of Hōgyoku fragments can we forcibly hollow them out, otherwise we will die directly in the middle. But I don't know if BIG MOM can bear it." Survive the process of Hollow."

Seeing the situation in front of him, Murphy can roughly feel that Hollow's process has been successful.

And this scene also reminded him of that guy BIG MOM, the soul soul fruit ability user, if he was BIG MOM, he might be able to perform Hollow normally without using the power of Hōgyoku fragments.

After less than half an hour, I saw that the pirate lying on the ground had stopped producing white bone foam, and slowly began to take shape, turning into a masked face with a mask on his chest. The appearance of a monster filled with Hōgyoku fragments.

What kind of thing is that?

It is about four or five meters long, and its face can't be seen clearly. It is covered with a white bone mask and has extremely powerful claws. All in all, it is a strange creature that has never appeared before.

"As expected of the combination of the Hōgyoku fragments and the 400 million bounty big pirate, it has the strength of Adjuchas directly." Seeing this scene, Murphy also looked a little surprised.

Adjuchas-level Voids are already quite scary, second only to Vasto Lorde-level Voids. You must know that the number of Vasto Lorde-level Voids is quite rare. With Hueco Mundo existing for such a long time, the Vasto Lorde-level that was born is also There are only Tucker, Baraggan, Hurley Bell, Ulukiola, Nilu, and Niutauxu.

And this guy has just become Hollow, even with the help of Hōgyoku fragments, reaching the Adjuchas level in one go is enough to show his potential.

As long as this guy is given a while, it must not be a problem to become the highest level Vasto Lorde.

Roar! ! !

In an instant, the monster in front of him roared wildly, and the tyrannical Reiatsu almost solidified red.

"Obviously Adjuchas, but still irrational? It seems that the situation is a little different from Hueco Mundo." Seeing the crazy look of the monster in front of him, Murphy said lightly.

If it's Hueco Mundo's Adjuchas, it must be a guy who already understands and can talk, but this guy in front of him is still crazy.

"Sure enough, putting a collar on these beasts in advance is the right choice."

With that said, Murphy rolled up his sleeves, revealing what looked like a watch, and pressed a button next to it.

In the next second, the monster, which was still extremely violent, suddenly turned red all over, exuded an astonishing temperature, and began to roll crazily on the ground in pain.

"This way you will be much quieter!" After pressing the button on his hand again, the body of the monster in front of Murphy also slowly returned to normal.

But this time, the monster didn't have the energy to make a fuss anymore. It was obvious that what happened just now had completely exhausted all the energy of this guy.

As long as Murphy uses the device for another ten seconds, the ghost in front of him will evaporate at an extremely fast speed, leaving only a Hōgyoku shard in the end.

"The evolution is not complete enough. It seems that this guy has to devour some souls. Let's stay here for a while! You are not allowed to leave here without my order. Otherwise, you should know what will happen." Although he said he was irrational, But as an Adjuchas-level xuan, this xuan at least knows what danger is.

Presumably after the torture just now, this guy didn't dare to run around anymore.

Of course, if this guy really escaped from the prison, Murphy could just find a reason to kill him, and it's impossible for anyone to suspect that he created this monster.

After walking out, Murphy ordered the jailers here to throw three or four prisoners into this deep pit every day to feed this Adjuchas-level monster.

With Kyōka Suigetsu's control, these jailers just mistakenly think that some prisoners need to be sent to another cell every day, and they don't see the Adjuchas below. He even completely forgot that a big pirate named Neia with a bounty of 400 million was once imprisoned here.

Of course, even if it was really exposed! Murphy is also sure to blame everything on another person without anyone knowing.

Just like the former captain Hirako and others of the Soul Society, fleeing from the Soul Society became the Masked Army.

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