People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter Thirty-Fourth: Senju's Bright Sky Elimination Cannon!

Chapter Thirty-Fourth: Senju's Bright Sky Elimination Cannon!


A white thunder aimed at Waldo at an extremely fast speed.

In a breathless time, Lei Guang directly arrived in front of Waldo.

but the next second

As if he had expected it a long time ago, Valdor immediately crossed his hands in front of him, and the dark Armament Haki directly covered his hands.

"Naive! Could it be that I didn't know you would take this opportunity to sneak attack?"

Waldo said with some disdain, how could he fail to see through such an easy-to-understand strategy, and directly launched a surprise attack when the enemy slowed down.

After defending for more than ten minutes in a row, no one would have expected a sudden counterattack at this time.

But the experienced Waldo was naturally prepared in advance.


Can the old experience still have Murphy's experience?

"Really? So what about this trick?"

"The gap between the thundering carriage and the spinning wheel, this thing has light and one part! Bakudō's sixty-one six-stick light prison!"

At the same time that Valdo was resisting Bai Lei, the Six Paths light sheets flew towards Waldo's body at the same time, directly trapping him firmly!

"What the hell is this!" Seeing the light sheet flying over to grab him, Valdor wanted to use Armament Haki to break free.

But how could Murphy's Bakudō be so easily broken?

Even World Destroyer Valdo, using Haki will not be able to break free for a while.

"Since we don't know how resistant Armament Haki is to Bakudō, it's better to add an insurance policy." Seeing Waldo struggling, Murphy said with a smile.

It is also the first time he has used Bakudō to restrain a powerhouse of this level. Whether Valdor's Armament Haki can break free from his Bakudō is also a question.

Therefore, Murphy also planned to add another Bakudō to prevent Waldo from breaking free directly with his strength.

"The wall of iron sand, the monk-shaped tower, burning iron Yingying because of its determination, it is silent. Bakudō's seventy-five five-pillar iron gun"

Voice down

Five huge iron pillars fell directly from the sky, and slammed into Waldo's head and limbs.

Coupled with the restraint of the six-stick light prison, Waldo was completely immobilized.

"Damn it! This guy's ability is so strange! It's that piece of light and this iron pillar again!"

Waldo, who was firmly suppressed, wanted to raise his head with some difficulty, but the extremely heavy iron pillar around his neck completely suppressed him.

Although these things don't seem to be very threatening, Valdo can feel a special force trapping him firmly, making him unable to move.

This made him feel quite dangerous, even with Armament Haki for defense, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"That's it!"

"In the past of Senju, the venerable hand that cannot touch the darkness, the archer of the sky that cannot be reflected, the road where the brilliance falls, and the wind that ignites the fire, there is no need to be confused when you gather, just follow my instructions.

"The distant and long chant sounded again, although it is said that Kidō has been baptized twice, but those two times were Bakudō.

But this time, although he didn't know what the situation was, he could clearly feel that the situation this time might be quite difficult.

"Light bullets, eight bodies, nine articles, heavenly scriptures, disease treasures, big wheels, gray turrets, bows to the distance, and dissipates away brightly."

When the chant was coming to an end, Murphy's hands had gathered into a huge halo of light.

"Damn! It would be bad if that thing hits!"

Seeing the aperture in Murphy's hand, Valdo was also anxious.

Although he said he had never encountered such a situation before, he could be sure that the thing in Murphy's hand was quite dangerous, and if he hit it, it would most likely kill him directly!

Unfortunately, bound by the double Bakudō, he has no room to resist.

"Hadō's Ninety-One Senju 照天断炮!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!


Countless lines of light flew directly towards Waldo, and the sound of explosions reverberated the entire island, but everything within Murphy's field of vision was attacked by the Senju Cannon.

Not to mention one or two buildings, even the ground was thoroughly washed.

And Valdo, who was suppressed by the double Bakudō, had no ability to resist.

Sting... poof! ! !

Countless light beams penetrated Waldo's body, and a large amount of blood splashed out from Waldo's body. For a moment, Waldo's whole body showed a mixture of light holes and blood.

Even the flesh in many places fell off in pieces, and the skin became blurred and completely inhuman.

But even so, Waldo didn't intend to show an embarrassing look like the others. He was quite clear in his heart that begging the enemy for mercy at this juncture would be useless at all.

So he didn't intend to beg for mercy like a bereaved dog.

"You regret it, kid! Laozi will take you with him even if he dies!"

Seeing that the attack just now shattered the restraints on his body, Waldo's expression also became more ferocious.

There is nothing good about him now, but relying on his strong strength and vitality to hold on, it is already impossible to survive.

That being the case, he at least wants to drag Murphy into hell together!

"Little devil! Let me show you why Laozi is called the World Destroyer!"

Waldor roared angrily, and now every word he speaks is consuming a small number of lives.

However, even though his life was like a dying candle in the wind, Waldo's aura was still impressive.

"Has the light come back? But so what?"

Seeing Waldo's crazy look, Murphy still had an unhurried attitude.

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