"Then I'll carry it away."

One hand carried Tina, who had fainted on the ground, to her shoulder, and the other hand took a sword flower and inserted it into the scabbard.


Smogg didn't know what to say, and now Tina looked like a lady who had been carried away.

"Hmm~ Sister Tina is so cunning ~ Lord Estes ~ I will also be carried away~"

Looking at Esders who was carried away, she also wanted Lord Estes to carry it, and she felt it when she thought about it.



After going out for a meal and bringing back one more, Estes smiled at Tina, who was rosy on his shoulder.


"Hmm—my head hurts."

Shaking his head, forgetting that he didn't drink so much yesterday, he didn't even remember what happened.

The hand touched everywhere.

"Huh? So soft? When

I opened my eyes, I saw a woman lying beside me, hugging herself like an octopus.


Tina screamed and looked at herself, her clothes intact before she was relieved.

"What's wrong?"

With a scream, the other five woke up, and Estes also opened his eyes and looked at Tina.

She remembered that she threw Tina to Dusty, but she didn't remember, she was too sleepy, and the bed was too small to help.

"Why is Tina here?"

Glancing at it, it was actually a naval women's dormitory, what happened yesterday?

"Ah~ you forgot?"

Getting up from the bed and yawning, Estes walked over to the washstand and began to wash.

I still have things to do today, I have to attend the award ceremony, so I can't be late.

"Tina completely forgot about it."

"Then I don't care, yesterday you already lost, now you are my man." Ain told her about what happened yesterday. "

After washing, I changed into my military uniform, and the colonel could still buy his own clothes.

"I went out first to attend the award ceremony."

Pushed open the door, loaded my sword, and walked out.

"Tina go too, wait for Tina!"

Hurriedly dressed, simply washed up, and kept up with Esders, almost forgetting about it.

At this time, there are already many people on the street where the award is awarded, after all, it is graduation season, and there are always some people who want to join in the fun.

Even if you look at the future admirals of the Navy, you may be able to find a good home for your family.

Most of the people living in Marin Fandor were family members of the navy, and only a few were not, so it would not have caused riots.

Estes arrived late with Tina, and there were already many people standing on the field, and Smog was impressively listed.

It's just that this time he didn't have a cigarette in his mouth, but instead wore a formal navy suit, anxiously looking around in the queue.

It wasn't until he saw Estes and Tina's hanging hearts that he let go, and he thought they were late.

"The award ceremony begins!"

This time it was an old acquaintance of Esders, Sengoku.

Although there is a steel bone of the general marshal of the whole army on it, this kind of small ceremony does not need a steel bone to come forward.

None of the three generals appeared, only Karp and Tsuru.

Next to the crane stood a woman with a better face, whose whole leg accounted for half of her body length, it was Peach Rabbit.

"Drake, outstanding performance and excellent grades during school..." "Billy, outstanding performance during school

..." "Smogg

..." "Tina..." "


A series of names, but Esders was a little side-eyed, and there were actually characters who had shown their faces in the original work.



Take a step forward and walk in the direction of the Warring States.

"It won't be some second generation, right?"

Many people looked at the questioning look in the eyes of the overly young Esders, and he could actually be awarded at a young age.

Even Drake had doubts in their eyes, you must know that in the Navy elite training camp, he didn't seem to have seen this woman!

"Esders, a naval soldier, the total record reward for killing pirates exceeds 40 million, and he has outstanding performance in practical training naval battles, and is hereby awarded the rank of colonel!"

A medal, plus a white cloak, was handed over to the hands of the Sengoku.

The phrase forty million caused a gasp, and it was so strong before becoming an official navyman.

It seems that they underestimated people.

"The award ceremony is over!"


The voice of the shout came, although it could not be compared with which session of the Red Dog General, the quality of this Navy was not bad.


"Are you sure you're going to the Great Route?"

Listening to Esdith's words, the Warring States frowned, the Great Voyage is not a good place.

His original intention was to let Estes experience in the four seas, but he did not expect that Esders' ambition actually went straight to the great voyage.

"Actually, I want to go to the Chambord Islands more..."

But she didn't dare to say this sentence in her heart, she was afraid that the Warring States couldn't help but beat her.

"Okay then, since you said so."

Sengoku, who was just about to agree, immediately heard Esders's words.

"You want Tina? "We

can discuss..."

It took a reward of 200 million to successfully ask Tina over, and the first crew member had it.

"How about it, did the Marshal of the Warring States agree."

Tina, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at Estes coming out of the office and asked.

"Alas, the Marshal of the Warring States agreed."

First he sighed, and then slowly said the words that the Warring States agreed.

"Ah! Tina said how could the Marshal of the Warring States ... Agreed? Looking

at Estes's smile, Tina reacted that she was actually playing on herself.

"So where are we going?"

"Of course it's a great route!"

However, there are still some female soldiers missing on his ship, so he just went to find some recruits.


With the appeal of Esders, let alone find a group of female soldiers, it is no problem to find as many ships, but it is a pity that there are not many female sailors who show their faces in the original work.


Standing on top of his warship, Tina is by his side, this is all his possessions in the pirate world.

"Little ones, set sail!"

A warship slowly sailed out of the naval headquarters of Marin Fandor.

A purple-haired figure on the shore looked at the warship slowly leaving, and his heart was empty.

"Esders, be sure to come back safely."

Zefa was still a little reluctant in his heart, hoping that Estes would grow up, but he didn't want Estes to be hurt.

It completely became the mentality of an old father.

"Don't worry, Estes is very strong!"

Suddenly, a big hand slapped down on the shoulder, which woke up the stunned Dezefa, and Karp actually came.

"I also use you to say, go and drink with me."

The two old guys left the dock with their shoulders on their shoulders.

Naval Queen Esders goes to sea!

If you don't kill the 200 million bounty, you won't come back!

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