"Mercy is not in charge of the army!"

"To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself!"

After saying this, Estes walked into the cabin without looking back and returned to his room.

"Ah, la-la, I was actually lectured by a little girl!"

If he were allowed to kill the enemy, he would definitely not be soft, but in the face of those who had already surrendered, he thought he would not kill him.

The concept is different, there is still a battle of ideas within the Navy, this is no way.

For Esders's words, he naturally will not be angry, if he forcibly changes the ideas of others, it is immoral.

"Hahaha, it's a shame Kuzan!" Karp, who had no heart and no lungs, covered his stomach and almost died of laughter.

Bad people don't deserve sympathy, and killing or not killing depends on the meaning of those who defeated them.

"Mr. Karp, don't laugh at me."

Reluctantly, he put on the blindfold again and lay on the recliner, but a sentence said by Estes poked his heart.

Instead of persuading bad people to be kind, it is better to stop more people from running to the sea.

Is Estes angry?

Of course, she is not angry, because the weak have no right to speak, she is not a virgin, and she will become strong if she is unwilling.

What she cares about is fame, compared to the number of pirates and the number of navies, the number of ordinary people is obviously more!

Killing pirates by himself actually has a reputation.

A pirate with a bounty of 10 million can actually convert into 1,000 prestige, which is a bit beyond his needs.

If you say so, you can continue to become stronger as long as you kill the pirates!

"Systematically purchase Jianhao Sword Art and Navy Six Styles!"

"Ding! Does it cost eight thousand reputation points to buy?


Originally, the reputation of 13850 was instantly reduced by 8000 points, and only 5850 remained.

Esders was distressed for a while, but he quickly adjusted, and two memories flooded into his mind.

The first is Jianhao's memory, there is no so-called swordsmanship inheritance, nor any moves, just simply let his swordsmanship realm reach the realm of slashing iron.

Just make his swordsmanship look more concise, without any physical improvement.

The same is true of the Navy Six Style, let yourself learn it immediately, but the proficiency of this kind of thing depends on your own cultivation.

If you can use it, you need to test it yourself a few times, even the extension technique.

There was nothing but one life returned.

"No wonder the price will go down, and it is still sold so cheaply." The corner of the eye twitched, this broken system is not much more convenient than other systems.

"Ding! Whether to spend five thousand prestige to refresh the mall! "


"Do you still need prestige value for this system mall refresh?"

Esders almost didn't kick over when he listened to the sound of the system, which is also too bullying!

"Ding! Does it cost? As

if he hadn't heard Estes's appeal, he simply repeated what he had just said.

"Flowers! Prestige is not for spending. With

exactly five thousand reputations, she wondered if the system was deliberately trying to clean up its reputation.

"Ding! Refresh succeeded. The

five thousand reputation points disappeared in an instant, leaving only a lone three-digit number, hanging in the attribute panel.

"Let me see what comes out of the refresh."

Just saw the first page of Estes was angry, this system refresh is actually not incremental, but random!

It's really infuriating.

Page 1: Fire Escape - Fame of the Art of Hao Fireball *500

Page 2: An Ordinary Immortal Bean *10,000

"Don't pit me!"

Looking at two pages in a row, Hao Fireball has a hammer to use, and if the battle is difficult to complete, it must be sealed first, then a hammer is also hit.

The second page made Esders feel a little better, Sendou!

The most awesome supplies in Dragon Ball, from the early to the late stage, it has always been a great thing to explode!

It's the price....

But it's so bad that he has one more life, and he has to buy it by gritting his teeth.

"On the third page, give me something to improve combat effectiveness!"

Close your eyes and open them again!


Page 3: Super speed regeneration * 10,000

super speed regeneration is a divine skill, as long as the person is not dead, you can quickly recover your injuries.

This is a bug-level ability, you must know that the perverted physique in One Piece has gone more, and even Luffy can heal his injuries by simply eating a meal.

This is not a simple physical fitness can be achieved, even the long nose has the same physique as this monster, the body has never been sick, the flesh is bursting!

"You still have to earn prestige, otherwise..."

Zefa's broken arm is probably not far away, and by then he and Bai Erdan will definitely deliver dishes, but he can protect the naval students.

Let Zefa really exert his strength, and prevent Bai Er from finding Zefa's weakness.

Esders does not believe that Zefa will not be able to beat a white second, and it is not certain who wins and who loses without worries!


Two days passed in a flash.

The sea is really boring, and my own people have not yet come, so I can only familiarize myself with my abilities day by day.

Knock knock!

"Lord Esders!"

The voice of a sailor came from outside the door.

Estes opened the door and looked at the serious-faced sailor and smiled, "What's wrong?"

"We have arrived at the windmill village, Lieutenant General Karp asked us to call you."

A standard military salute, since two days ago they had a completely new look at Estes.

The momentum of the training in the past two days is even more so, from not being familiar with the Navy Six at the beginning, to being extremely proficient in its use.

He even had more than one confrontation with Adjutant Bogart, from the difficulty of parrying at the beginning to the barely parrying in the back.

Progress is so fast!

"Hard work, I'll go right away."

He nodded and encouraged the naval non-commissioned officer and turned back.

"Lord Estes is so gentle!"

Esders now doesn't know how popular she is now on Karp's warship!

Beautiful, hard-trained, strong, gentle when it should be, strong enough to let no one refute when it should be strong.

That kind of domineering fan, directly conquered the people on the entire warship.

"Hahaha! Come with me and I'll take you to meet my grandchildren. Karp

looked at Esders, he saw the progress in the past two days, and originally wanted to teach Esders Six Styles.

As a result, she actually had no teacher!

Now even Bogart needs a certain amount of time to beat her, and it is not at all as easy as it was at the beginning.


Shaking the decoration on the top of the hat on the head, the hat was buckled on the head.

Little Luffy is still a little interested, but he doesn't know if Ace has gone to sea.

"Maginot, I'm back."

"Mr. Karp!"

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