“I don’t know what the purpose of the three of you came to the forest?” Limuru was a little curious. The three people appeared at the entrance of the cave at first, and now they appeared in the forest again. It was so strange and coincidental.

Zhu Gongyu asked with some doubts, “Are the three of you doing a guild mission?”

The man in the lead explained, “Ah, it’s also a task for the union. We’re here to investigate the reason for the disappearance of the storm dragon.”

“Oh…” Takemiya Yu nodded thoughtfully.

So the three of them introduced themselves. The man in the lead was called Kabalu and was the captain of this small team, while the female magician in the team was called Ai Lian, and the brave man with the iron sword next to him was called Kidd, while the one behind him was called Elian. The girl in the white dress is called Jing.

Kabalu said happily to the village chief, “Thank you for entertaining us and entertaining us with such delicious food!”

The village chief explained quickly, “I am not the owner of this village. Our master is this slime named Master Limuru and his friend, Takemiya Yu.”

Ailian looked at the chubby slime in front of her in surprise, “What? I didn’t expect the owner of this village to be a slime!”

Limuru asked in confusion, “Can’t Slime be the goblin’s master?”

Ai Lian quickly explained, “Not really, I just think that slimes are the weakest monster in the first place, but now they are so powerful.”

Kidd also quickly followed the clearance and said, “I didn’t expect a slime to be so powerful that it was scary. This subverts our cognition, so it’s so surprising.”

“All in all, thank you very much for helping and giving us so much food.” Captain Kabalu quickly added.

Limuru looked at the three people who were so grateful to him, so he also laughed, “It’s nothing, it’s just that you were attacked near our village, that’s why I helped.”

The three answered in unison, “Thank you very much!”

The girl in white next to her just sat there silently.

After watching a few of them chatting, Jingcai said lightly, “My name is Jing, I am a traveler and I am looking for someone very important.”

Limuru nodded thoughtfully, “Oh.”

As the captain, Kabaru quickly said, “She is our temporary member, because we are going to this forest together, so we will go together.”

At this moment, Zhu Gongyu suddenly asked, “You are looking for the reason for the disappearance of the storm dragon, have you found it now?”

Captain Kabalu is also very clear in his heart how much impact the disappearance of the Storm Dragon will have, and he said helplessly, “Of course not, although I don’t know why such a powerful Storm Dragon suddenly disappeared without a trace, but we are now I also know that after the storm dragon disappeared, the surrounding monsters also began to move.”

I know that human beings may not understand things between monsters, so he explained, “This is natural, because the storm dragon released the power of his body in the forest before, and let the whole The monsters in the forest are all under his protection, and now they suddenly disappear, then these monsters will naturally start to make plans for themselves.”

Kidd next to him also smiled, stretched out his hand and scratched his head helplessly and said, “Well, but we didn’t find anything when we came to investigate this time. Instead, we were attacked by other monsters in the forest, and almost lost a small child. Life.”

Limuru said with a smile, “You should pay more attention.”

Ailian smiled and ate a few bites of meat before continuing. “Of course, as a hero, you will use your own life as the premise to fight.”

Limuru jumped on the table and couldn’t help but say, looking at the happy expressions of the three brave men, “I really envy you, you can go to various places and see all kinds of strange things.”

“Actually, most of us are just for living and doing tasks. It’s not as simple and happy as you think.” Kabalu knew that Limuru envied them being able to go out everywhere, but didn’t think about the stakes.

Takemiya Yu just followed up by saying, “No job is easy. There are small skills and great dangers.”


Everyone laughed at this moment. After all, the atmosphere was pleasant, and everyone was immersed in this cheerful atmosphere.

After eating, Miss Jing went to the hillside alone to watch the sunset…  

Limuru hurriedly took Lan Ya to the top of the mountain, and Takemiya Yu followed closely, wanting to see what would happen between the two.Miss Jing stood alone on the hillside, blowing the evening wind, watching the sunset without speaking.

Limuru appeared behind Miss Jing at this time, and greeted him warmly.

“You should be Japanese, right? This name doesn’t look like a foreigner at all, you can take it.”

Miss Jing heard the slime talking behind her, so she turned her head and smiled.

Lifting up her own past, Miss Jing’s expression became a little sad, but she quickly covered it up and continued to tell her past, “Yes, I am not the one here, I was summoned here many years ago. Just a Japanese.”

Naturally, Limuru didn’t understand why Miss Jing appeared here, so he asked in confusion. “I’m also Japanese, and I just came here because of an accident. What do you mean by summoning?”

Miss Jing explained silently, “It was someone who held a ceremony and specially summoned me from Japan in another world to come here…”

“I see.” Limuru understood the sadness on Miss Jing’s face. There might be some tragic past in it.

Miss Jing looked at the appearance of Limuru as a slime in front of her, and continued, “I was summoned as a weapon, and if you came here by accident, you should be a reincarnator.”

Limuru nodded, “Well, maybe it is.”

When he mentioned this, Limuru couldn’t help but ask, “Should you come here many years ago during World War II?”

Miss Jing learned from the children who were called later that Japan had already developed very rapidly, “Yes, although I don’t know when it will develop in the future, I can probably know that the war era I lived in was very painfully.”

Limuru looked at Miss Jing so confused, so he mentioned it again, “Let me show you Japan in the new century.”

“Okay.” Miss Jing smiled and nodded.

So Limuru used his own consciousness to transmit pictures to let Miss Jing understand how prosperous and beautiful Japan is in the new century. .

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