People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 76: Deducing the Bird in a Cage

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Waking up, I feel refreshed.

Not only did the splitting headache last night disappear, but even the Qi consumed when the brain was overclocked last night has been restored by nearly 80%!

"It doesn't take another 10 days to repair it?" Ning Yuan was a little surprised. It stands to reason that if you use up ten days of Qi, you have to use another ten days to repair it.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

"It seems that the protagonists in those martial arts novels don't say that they have to use up their Qi for decades to repair it." Ning Yuan thought of Tianshan Tonglao, who can repair nearly a hundred years of skills in just over ten days.

It can be seen that this Qi recovery has a certain relationship with the sleep recovery effect of "Phoenix Genealogy", but it is by no means entirely its credit.

There should be other factors affecting it.

So, what is it?

Physical adaptability?

The physical adaptability after ten days is different from that before ten days, so the speed of cultivation after ten days is naturally faster than that before ten days.

For example, I can accumulate 1 point of true qi on the first day, 2 on the second day, 3 on the third day, and 10 on the tenth day, so a total of 55 points of true qi have been accumulated in these ten days.

After all of it is used up, 12 points of true qi can be accumulated every day, so it does not take 10 days to restore all the true qi, but 5 days.

"There should be more than one reason, because even if the physical adaptability is added, the speed is still fast!"

Moreover, the progress of the early practice is fast, but if there is a hundred years of true qi, then the practice is almost impossible to improve, how to explain the problem that a hundred years of true qi can be restored in a dozen days?

So Ning Yuan has another conjecture, the theory of the upper limit of true qi!

Is it possible that there is an upper limit to the true qi capacity of a person in a certain period of time, and cultivation is the process of raising this upper limit.

Just like blowing a balloon, blowing up the dantian?

This can explain why 10 days of true qi can be restored in one day, because these 55 points of true qi are not my limit, but the limit of Dantian.

The early practice is slow because I am still developing Dantian. Since Dantian has been stretched, the process of stretching it again is omitted.

And true qi is formed by the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy. Physical energy is food. As long as there is sufficient food supply, physical energy can be continuously produced.

So the production of true qi is not difficult, but the storage is difficult!

It would be great if there was a master for this kind of question. Just ask and you can get the answer.

But he happened to be in the Naruto world, so many questions can only be deduced and guessed, but he didn't know whether his guess was right or not, so he could only make do with it.

However, seeing that the speed of recovering true qi is so fast, there is no need to search for the activation of brain overclocking, and you can use it when you need it.

As for skills, you can use them if you can. After all, even if the recovery speed is very fast, it will still waste some time. Isn't it good to use this time to develop Dantian!

"Ningyuan, why are you sitting so loose!" Meihui felt something was wrong with Ningyuan when she woke up in the morning.

After watching him for a long time, she realized that it was his posture.

He was not as straight as before, and had a little more lazy taste.

"I call this returning to nature!" Ningyuan shrugged: "Don't you think my posture is very deceptive?"

"I didn't see it." Meihui was speechless. She just felt that the child had a big appetite recently and started to be lazy.

However, it's not that it's not okay. It's a good thing for the child to eat.

But his spirit is a little confused. Is it because of too much pressure from studying recently!

He has to go to class, learn illusions, and learn medical ninjutsu. Isn't it too much for a child to learn?

"Ningyuan, do you still want to learn those illusions and medical ninjutsu? How about I help you push it?" Meihui asked: "We are the Hyuga clan after all. It's not a good influence for you to learn these things outside."


Ning Yuan's eyes lit up. He really didn't need to learn medical ninjutsu anymore. It would be a good thing if he could use Meihui's relationship to turn it down.

However, learning medical ninjutsu is convenient for falling under Sarutobi Hiruzen's nose. From this perspective, medical ninjutsu cannot be given up.

"Hasn't the clan leader talked to me? He has agreed. How can I turn it down again!" Ning Yuan waved his hand: "It's okay. I have a good brain and I can stick to it!"

"Okay!" Meihui sighed. It's not good for a child to be too smart. Being too opinionated will make the mother feel unfulfilled.

Ning Yuan's confusion is not because he is tired, but because he is doing two things at the same time.

While eating, he recalled and studied the sealing technique.

Yesterday, he turned on the brain overclocking to learn more than half of it. Although he hasn't finished learning it yet, a serious sealing ninja generally only has three or five sealing techniques that he is good at.

So his level has actually surpassed most of the senior ninjas who specialize in sealing techniques. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the best in Konoha.

After all, Mito, who specialized in sealing techniques, is no longer around, Kushina hasn't grown up yet, and neither Danzo nor Tsunade specializes in sealing techniques.

Of course, Ning Yuan is talking about theory.

In practice, he has little chakra, so it's probably hard for him to cast a sealing technique.

Sealing techniques are divided into two major systems: the sealing system and the curse seal system.

The sealing methods of the two are the same, both of which use chakra to form sealing characters to seal objects.

What is the difference between the two? The former uses one's own chakra to maintain, while the curse seal absorbs others' or natural chakra to maintain its own existence.

So the advantages and disadvantages of these two sealing techniques are very obvious.

Sealing techniques use one's own chakra, so the sealing speed is fast and the effect is obvious, but the service life is short.

Curse seal techniques use others' or natural chakra to maintain, so the sealing speed is slow and the effect is also slow, but the service life is extremely long, and it is possible to seal people forever.

For example, the Chibaku Tensei that sealed Miss Kaguya should be a kind of curse seal technique.

Obviously, the seal of the bird in the cage is a kind of curse seal technique, which uses the recipient's own chakra for energy and accompanies the recipient for life.

Once the recipient dies and the supply of chakra is interrupted, the seal of the bird in the cage will immediately start and destroy the Byakugan.

Therefore, the seal of the bird in the cage should have three basic structures.

Energy structure, used to intercept chakra to maintain the curse seal.

Sensing structure, when the supply of chakra is interrupted, the sensor will start.

Functional structure, receiving signals from the sensor structure to destroy the Byakugan.

In addition, the seal of the bird in the cage can also be activated by the main family to destroy the brain nerves of the branch family.

So the sensor structure should also have a part that receives external chakra. The trigger structure also has a part that destroys the brain nerves of the branch family.

So far, a parallel sealing structure has been deduced by Ning Yuan.

This structure should share an energy system, and then have two parallel functional components, which perform their own functions without interfering with each other.

Considering that the children of the Hyuga family were given the caged bird at the age of 3, they did not have chakra at that time, and the Byakugan field of vision would be reduced by 1° after being given the caged bird, so the energy system should be in the eyes, drawing the pupil power of the eyes.

Part of the pupil power drawn maintains the functional structure that destroys the eyes, and part maintains the functional structure that destroys the brain nerves.

And the chakra must run through the meridians.

Therefore, the structure of the sealing technique should be like an H.

The horizontal bar of the H is the energy part, the upper end leads to the two eyes, and the lower end leads to the brain nerves.

Then the construction method should be

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