People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 62: The Cycle of the Ninja World War

A child who is less than 1.2 meters tall and only five years old, just opened his mouth to talk about the war in the ninja world.

It's funny no matter how you look at it.

But, inexplicably, Tsunade actually thought he really understood!

"It's ridiculous, how could I believe him? I even took out a pen and a notebook?" Tsunade really felt stupid.

But what's even more outrageous is that although she was extremely entangled in her heart, she didn't question it, but just sat upright.

After all, she has been convinced once!


"Before talking about the causes of war in the ninja world, I want to ask you, what do you think is the main reason for the endless war in the ninja world?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It's hatred!" Tsunade thought for a moment and said, "The predecessor of the Ninja Village was the Warring States Period. During the Warring States Period, the families fought each other and accumulated countless hatreds. These hatreds were inherited by the village and eventually developed into wars between Ninja Villages!"

"Is it you who thinks so, or your great grandfather or second grandfather?" Ning Yuan asked.

Tsunade blushed and said frankly, "I inherited my grandfather's ideas, what's wrong with that!"

"That's fine!" Ning Yuan nodded and said, "Your idea is one of the mainstream ideas in the Ninja World. In fact, there is another mainstream idea, which is the misunderstanding between people."

"Uh" Tsunade thought of who had this idea.


He seemed to think that the war was initiated because of the misunderstanding between people.

"This idea originated from the Ninja Sect a thousand years ago. The Six Paths Sage believed that the reason why the earth was full of wars was because people did not understand each other. If they could understand each other, the war would naturally end."

Tsunade was speechless. I thought this was Jiraiya's idea, but I didn't expect it to have such a long history?


"Since it is the idea of ​​the Six Paths Sage, is this idea correct?" Tsunade asked.

Ning Yuan shook his head: "If he is right, then there should be no war in the past thousand years!"

Tsunade thought about it, and it was too ridiculous to understand. At least I couldn't understand the old man of the third generation. After listening to Ning Yuan's analysis of the third generation, she wanted to kill the third generation.

If there was no more content later, she would have set off long ago!

"Then what do you think is the cause of the Ninja World War?" Tsunade asked.

"I can tell you the answer directly, but the answer obtained in this way is too simple." Ning Yuan smiled and said: "Why don't we start from scratch and deduce it?"

"Okay!" Tsunade nodded. She was actually very curious about what kind of genius Ning Yuan was.

If you can follow his train of thought, maybe you can understand it a little.

"First of all, who started the war?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It should be the shadows of each village!" Tsunade thought about it and said.

For example, World War II was initiated by Hanzo.

Ning Yuan shook his head: "According to your idea, if the Kage doesn't want to fight anymore, the war should be over, but how do you explain the death of the Second Hokage?"

Tsunade was stunned, yes!

The Second Raikage didn't want to fight anymore, but his subordinates still wanted to fight.

It can be seen that the one who started the war was not necessarily the Kage of each village.

If it wasn't the Kage, who else could it be?

"Don't forget the concept I mentioned before, interest!" Ning Yuan gave a thumbs up: "Whoever benefits from starting a war, then whoever starts the war will be the one who starts the war. Then I ask you again, who started the war?"

"This" Tsunade thought about it, who benefits from starting a war?

There are still people who benefit from war?

At least my lover and brother died, and other people should be about the same!

No, there are still people who benefit from war, such as

"Those merchants?" Tsunade asked.

Those who sell detonating talismans, kunai, and shuriken are looking forward to war every day!

"They are one of them!" Ning Yuan nodded: "What else?"

"And." Tsunade began to scratch her head. She felt that going to school was not so difficult back then!

However, this question is not that difficult to think about, because she has really been on the battlefield, come into contact with a large number of ninjas, and fought with a large number of enemies.

"During the war, there are a large number of tasks that can make the middle and upper ninjas who can only take low-level tasks profit!" Tsunade frowned: "In addition, there are a large number of genin, and chunin will be promoted in the war"

Although some people died, some people did profit from the war!

Thinking of this, Tsunade suddenly felt a terrifying feeling.

Genin, chunin, and jonin are all beneficiaries of the war, so the war is not initiated by someone, but the collective will of everyone?

"It's already very close to the correct answer!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "Think deeper, merchants, jonin, chunin, and genin, what do they have in common? If you don't know how to think, then recall a core element I talked about before!"

"Benefits!" Tsunade said categorically: "Benefits, money!"

What is the purpose of the upper, middle, and lower ninjas doing tasks?

Make money!

Why do merchants sell weapons?

Make money!


After writing down the answer, Tsunade was confused: "Wars are fought for such ridiculous reasons? To make money?"

Ning Yuan shrugged: "Yes, wars in the ninja world are indeed started because of money, but this is only the surface reason, there are deeper reasons!"

"There are deeper reasons?" Tsunade's eyes lit up. I said it, how could ninjas fight to the death just for money!

Doesn't this mean that the Will of Fire is a joke? Konoha ninjas fought one after another, all for money?

"Of course there are deeper reasons, for example, where does the money come from?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Money, money," Tsunade said, "Daimyo funding, and missions!"

Ning Yuan nodded, "So the money earned from daimyo funding and missions, is it increasing or decreasing every year?"

"This," Tsunade thought about it and said uncertainly, "I'm not very clear about this, but it should be fixed. As for missions, even if there are increases every year, it shouldn't increase much!"

"In other words, the total amount of money is limited!" Ning Yuan concluded.

Tsunade nodded, "You can say that!"

"But the number of ninjas is not. Every ninja is giving birth to a child, and the ninja's children will become ninjas!" Ning Yuan continued.

Tsunade was stunned.

"The money is limited, but the number of ninjas is increasing. One day, there will not be enough money for ninjas to share!" Ning Yuan spread his hands, "So..."

"The war has begun!" Tsunade was at a loss.

"As soon as the war started, ninjas began to die, and the number of ninjas decreased again, so there was enough money again! It just so happened that everyone couldn't stand the death, so the war stopped." Ning Yuan added.

"When the war stopped, the ninjas returned to the village to recuperate, the population continued to grow, the village was overwhelmed, and the war continued," Tsunade continued.

"This is the cycle law of the ninja world war!"

The truth is so simple, and so deafening.

Just like the cycle law of the dynasty, the truth is never cumbersome, and it can be explained in a few words.

It turns out that the death of Dan and Nawaki was just because Sarutobi Hiruzen was greedy for power. It turns out that the war was launched and countless people died just because there was not enough money, and some people needed to die to reduce consumption?

"Too ridiculous." Tsunade murmured.

"Then try to disprove it!" Ning Yuan laughed.

Tsunade was silent.

It can't be disproven.

Even if Hanzo initiated the Second Ninja World War, it is still impossible to disprove it, because although Hanzo was seeking the status of a great power, the lack of money in the village was also a reason.

Seeking the status of a great power is not just because the small country has no money and cannot develop?

Every time the Ninja World War, all five ninja villages participated, which is also one of the evidences.

Because everyone has the same system and the same economic source, they will encounter the same problems!

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