People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 354 Adjusting the deployment of troops

Seeing that Ning Yuan was still making acupuncture gestures, Eagle Eye reminded him angrily: "Ning Yuan, I admit that you are indeed a bit smart, but since you are not a swordsman, it is best not to express any opinions in this field easily!"

Hawkeye only gave this kind reminder because Ning Yuan was not a swordsman.

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If Ning Yuan was also a swordsman, Hawkeye would have struck him with his sword if he saw him doing such evil things.

"But you nodded just now, didn't you? Don't you agree with my theory?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I don't understand what theory you are talking about. I only know that whose sword is sharper depends not on his mouth, but on the sword in his hand!" Hawkeye said with a stern expression.

He did agree with Ning Yuan's statement before, but he agreed that the smaller the contact surface, the greater the pressure.

But while Ning Yuan was talking, he suddenly said that the current direction of the sword was wrong and the shape of the sword was wrong.

How can this be possible? The sword I have been practicing my whole life is actually wrong, and the shape of the black sword I have been raising all my life is also wrong?

"You!" Ning Yuan shook his head speechlessly: "Okay, I thought you were the world's best swordsman, so I should have high expectations for the future of swordsmanship, but I didn't expect you to be a person who has never changed from the past! "

"Huh?" Hawkeye's face suddenly darkened: "What did you say?"

"You don't understand the past, don't you understand?" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "You just hold on to tradition and don't let go. You think the old is good and the traditional is right. You refuse to embrace the new era and accept new theories!"

"I thought this situation would only happen to the elderly, but I didn't expect that Hawkeye is so young."

While speaking, Ning Yuan curled his lips, as if he was very sorry.

"You!" Hawkeye stood up and was about to draw his sword, but Hancock reacted faster than him and stood up first, blocking Ning Yuan: "What are you going to do?"

"Boom!" The door to the conference room was kicked open, and then Warring States walked in furiously.

Behind him were a white-haired old lady and a tall navy lady wearing a red military uniform with all her white thighs exposed.

"It seems that you didn't get along very happily while I was away!" Looking at the tense situation inside, Sengoku nodded with satisfaction. It would be fine if the Shichibukai had conflicts. If there were no conflicts, he would be anxious.

"If you have any questions, tell me and I can help with research?"

Ning Yuan remained silent, Eagle Eye remained silent, Hancock ignored others, and Xiong pretended to be mute.

Fortunately, there was someone at the scene who was worried about the world being in chaos.

"The king of the country that joins the world government said that the swordsmanship practiced by the world today is wrong, and the shape of the sword is also wrong!" Doflamingo said with a smile.

"Oh?" Warring States was stunned and looked at Ning Yuan curiously: "Why do you say that?"

Taotu also looked over curiously. She was also a great swordsman, so of course she cared about sword issues.

"Just a casual chat!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Let's talk about business, so are you going to bring in some reinforcements?"

Warring States' face, which was still very happy, suddenly turned gloomy again.

However, he couldn't say anything back because Ning Yuan got it right again.

However, the old lady next to him said with a smile: "As expected of Ning Yuan, not only does he write articles to the point and have amazing insights, but he is also so talented in uniting the army in combat!"

Recall that Ning Yuan discovered that people with natural devil fruit abilities were arrogant, so he used a seastone bullet to kill Crocodile with one shot.

This child seems to be very good at finding the weaknesses of others and then exploiting them!

It would be great if he was a marine, this kid would be perfect for the staff!

"It's not bad!" Ning Yuan smiled, but his eyes fell on Yujie Haijun: "Is this the Navy Reserve Admiral, Momotu Gion?"

"Your information is quite good!" He nodded, then sat down next to Ning Yuan: "How is it? Do you like it?"

"Whether you like it or not, what do you mean?" Ning Yuan looked wary and hugged Hancock beside him: "I have a wife! I won't mess around!"

He was speechless. Why don't you start messing around? Do you want me to read your wife's name one by one?

"That's what you said!" Patting Ning Yuan on the shoulder, He was surprised to find that she didn't feel the slightest bit of evil in Ning Yuan. In other words, there was no need to wash it off, he was already a righteous person.

Lustful, but still yearning for justice! ?

Well, actually it’s not a contradiction.

But this kind of righteous character makes He like this young man even more.

"After all, there is going to be a war tomorrow. You are the king of the country that joins the World Government. We definitely don't want anything to happen to you here, so we have sent a lieutenant general to protect your safety!" He said softly: "After all, you have to spend a day together. Yes, so if we can have some good feelings, we can live in harmony later!"

Ning Yuan was speechless and asked: "Is it so difficult to formulate a battle plan? Is it like this?"

That's right, the reason why Warring States and He brought Taotu here was very simple: they wanted to get a combat plan from Ningyuan.

This sacrifice for Peach Rabbit is not big, it is not even a sacrifice, it is nothing more than being a bodyguard for a day.

In order to catch pirates, she usually has to work as an oiran in a flower shop, which is not much more uncomfortable than being a bodyguard.

He smiled gently, there was nothing she could do, she had never commanded such a large-scale battle!

Moreover, the current arrangement of the navy was originally arranged by her, Warring States, and the three generals. Hasn't this been overthrown by Ning Yuan?

There is only half a day left, how can I have the brains to come up with a strategy at the last minute!

Seeing that Ning Yuan was not going to speak, Crane's eyes signaled that Gion stepped forward, gently pressed Ning Yuan's shoulders, and began to knead.

Honey trap, she is a professional.

She is also professional in massage.


"Don't do it, don't do it, I just said it!" Ning Yuan quickly avoided Gion's hands.

What kind of place is this? Even if you want to use a honey trap, don't block Hancock's face!

I still want to go to bed tonight!

He nodded with satisfaction, then glanced at Warring States. You see, let me tell you, this trick will definitely work.

Warring States looked helpless. If it wasn't for the fact that he had no other choice, he really wouldn't want to use a honey trap.

"Go ahead!" He opened his notebook and planned to take a note.

"Have you paid attention to the war between the World Government and the Revolutionary Army?" Ning Yuan asked.

"After paying attention, what happens next?" Warring States asked.

"I'm paying attention, but you still make such a battle plan?" Ning Yuan pointed to the map on the wall: "Didn't you learn something from the war?"

"Well" Warring States Period scratches his head, what can be learned? The World Government has suffered a defeat, and I don’t think there is anything to refer to!

Ning Yuan was speechless: "Who gave you the title Zhijiang? It's completely unworthy of the title!"

Sengoku's face suddenly turned red.

One thing to say is that he is indeed not smart. As for why he is a wise general?

Because compared to him, Garp and Zefa who were at the same time as him were even more brainless.

Among a group of fools, didn't Warring States, with a normal IQ, stand out?

Fortunately, although Seng Guo was not smart, he was thick-skinned: "So, is there anything worth referencing in this war?"

"There are so many places worthy of reference, let's just talk about the key ones!" Ning Yuan said: "In this war, the World Government is the one attacking the city, with an advantage in military strength, and the revolutionary army is the defending side, with a disadvantage in military strength, but The revolutionary army achieved a great advantage by relying on inferior strength. What does this mean? "

Warring States and He were stunned. Is this allowed to be said?

"The World Government's military is seriously corrupt. They will have no will to fight, and the soldiers will have no fighting spirit. If they are not defeated, there will be trouble!" Doflamingo next to him muttered.

Warring States turned to glare at him, but that's what he thought.

Ning Yuan smiled and said: "Of course you are right, but we should see that in the battle to land on the island and defend the city, the defensive side has a huge advantage!"

"And in the war with Whitebeard, the Navy is also on the defensive side!"

Warring States eyes lit up, it seemed like this was the case!

"Looking at the second point, the World Government and the Revolutionary Army fought two wars at Lailong Pier. Both times, the World Government was defeated. Did the Revolutionary Army dispatch any absolute masters or strong men in the two wars? "

Warring States and He shook their heads together, as if not.

"The Revolutionary Army did not send out strong men, and neither did the World Government. In a purely military confrontation, the World Government occupies an absolute disadvantage. The reason why this situation occurs is because the Revolutionary Army's guns are better and the artillery can hit farther. !”

Warring States nodded heavily. This was not the first time he had heard Cyborg complain. Their guns would become wet with gunpowder when it rained and could not fire, but the guns of the Revolutionary Army were not afraid of fire.

Moreover, the Revolutionary Army's artillery shells hit farther than their warships, causing the warships to be unable to dock for support. The Navy's Demon-Slaying Order fleet had a longer range, but it was unable to continue firing due to a lack of supply of artillery shells.

"But if you change the target to Whitebeard, the gun will be better, and the cannon will be farther away and it will become the navy!"

Sengoku and He continued to nod, and their emotions became excited.

The defender has the advantage and has better firearms. Isn't this battle a sure win?

"I believe you have understood. We are the defenders. Our cannons can hit farther and our guns can hit farther, so we have a greater advantage!" Ning Yuan stood up and came to the map: "The only problem now is What’s left is how to use our advantages!”

He pointed to the bay of the headquarters: "Set the battlefield here, set up forts on both sides, and all the sailors hold guns and shoot downwards. Then the Whitebeard Pirates will be like a turtle in a urn, and their situation will be worse than facing the revolutionary army. The World Government Army is even worse!"

"But, didn't you say that you would be bombarded by 43 cannons from the Whitebeard Pirates?" Sengoku asked.

I have already mentioned this proposal just now!

"So the only problem left now is how to make Whitebeard obedient and enter the bay obediently!" Ning Yuan said: "The execution time is tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock, right?"

"Yes!" Warring States nodded.

This time has been announced, so it is not confidential.

"Then advance the execution time by one hour!" Ning Yuan said.

"Then what?" Warring States asked.

"Then what, it's enough!" Ning Yuan said.

"Ah?" Warring States was stunned, and quickly turned to look at He, only to see that He looked thoughtful.

So, do you understand?

"Our time has been set, and Whitebeard will naturally march according to the time we set and arrange the battle plan, such as an hour of artillery bombardment before the execution!" Crane said: "But if the execution time is advanced by one hour, Whitebeard's battle plan will be disrupted, and they will have to speed up and naturally abandon some unimportant plans!"

The reason is that Whitebeard did not come to fight to conquer Marinford, but to save people.

The lifeline is in the hands of others, so naturally you have to listen to other people's orders.

To be honest, Whitebeard's disadvantage is too great.

He is old and weak, fighting high from low, without masters, with few troops, and trapped in the bay. He doesn't have any decent guns and cannons, and he was attacked by his own people.

As a result, the navy suffered countless casualties, so that Coby, a deserter, could stand up and speak nonsense.

What does this show? Does it show that Whitebeard is awesome?

No, it can only show that the navy is stupid, and the people who make the battle plan are also a bunch of people in their heads.

It is a blessing for the World Government to have such subordinates.

Now that Ning Yuan is involved in the planning, is Whitebeard unlucky?

Of course not, Ning Yuan just slightly adjusted the distribution of troops, but did not command any individuals, so Aokiji will still be a traitor, Kizaru will still be lazy, and Coby will still be a deserter.

What, you said that there are dozens of more guns on the naval battlefield?

Whitebeard also got an extra battleship, the Queen Elizabeth!

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