People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 331 Technology Transfer and Self-pollution

Chapter 331 Technology Transfer·Self-defilement by lust

"Asshole!" After receiving the apology letter from Zhan Guo, Gang Gu slapped the table directly.

"What does this mean? Does he think I'm old and confused?"

The generals and staff officers in the audience looked at each other in silence. How could they participate in the conflict between the commander-in-chief of the army and the admiral of the navy?

"This Zhan Guo!" Gang Gu gritted his teeth and cursed, but he could only curse and had no other way.

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The same sentence, procedural justice!

All my actions are reasonable and legal. You can't let our ship be broken and can't be repaired!

And the navy has really done its best for this wave of anti-bandit war.

You said you wanted the Demon Slaughter Order, we supported it twice, and also supported so many ships and shells.

You said you wanted the navy to assist, and all the navy in the East China Sea went to help you block the route.

You fought the war like this, it's already very good that we don't report you, and you still want us to help continue fighting?

"What should we do then?" A staff officer raised his hand tremblingly: "After all, there is no Demon Slayer Fleet to help now!"

"Without the Demon Slayer Fleet, I can't fight anymore?" Steel Bone asked unhappily.

"This" the staff officer lowered his head hurriedly. He felt that he really couldn't fight, but such words could only be thought of, not said.

"Go away!" Steel Bone waved his hand unhappily: "Get out of here!"

A group of generals left the meeting room in a hurry.

Steel Bone looked at the empty meeting room and rubbed his temple. Inexplicably, he felt a little helpless.

Although he still had 380,000 soldiers under his command, he had no combat effectiveness.

The firearms in his hands were not as advanced as those of the Revolutionary Army, and the cannons did not have as long a range as those of the Revolutionary Army.

There was also a group of teammates who were dragging their legs, and they were still delivering supplies to the enemy.

Even his closest subordinates did not understand him and betrayed him at the critical moment!

Can this war continue?

"Marshal Cyborg!" A messenger came to the door of the conference room carefully. He knew that Cyborg was not a person who would vent his anger on the soldiers, but there was no way. Cyborg's momentum was too strong!

"What's the matter again?" Cyborg said unhappily.

"Colonel Smoker is outside!"

"Let him in!"

This may be the only good news among many bad news, that is, in a place like the East China Sea, a good seedling like Smoker was discovered.

Although his strength is a little worse, he has a flexible mind and a strong fighting will, and he has the hope of becoming the next wise general.

Thinking of the Warring States, Cyborg felt his forehead start to hurt again.


"Don't call me marshal, it sounds a bit strange!" Cyborg waved his hand: "Call me master, your teacher Zefa, barely counts as my disciple, you are my grandson!"

"Master!" Smoker was quick to follow the advice, and now he has a high emotional intelligence. Even if he doesn't know how to speak, he has the teleprompter given by the goddess of wisdom.

"Yes!" Cyborg nodded: "What do you want?"

"The 20,000 soldiers you asked me to select have been selected!" Smoker said: "Please give your instructions!"

"So fast?" Cyborg was a little surprised. How long has it been since my order was issued?

"Whether a soldier can fight or has strength does not need to be deliberately selected. The soldiers around him know it!" Smoker smiled and said: "So I just sent 1,000 soldiers from our headquarters to go deep into the grassroots to find out, and found the 20,000 best ones. On average, each person only needs to find 20!"

"Not bad!" Cyborg nodded with satisfaction: "You are not only smart, but also very capable!"

He really felt more and more satisfied the more he looked at it.

This kid is not only smart, wise, and has a fighting will, but now it seems that he has strong practical skills. He is not the kind of person who boasts about his high expectations but low skills.

But the better Smoker is, the more uncomfortable Cyborg is.

"What a pity!"

"Master, what is your pity?" Smoker asked curiously.

"It's a pity that we're going to lose this battle!" Cyborg shook his head and said, "So you don't have any chance to make any contribution in this war!"

"How could this be?" Smoker was shocked: "Didn't we just get 20,000 guns? Isn't the situation very good now?"

Cyborg shook his head: "It should be a military secret, but since you are one of us, I won't hide it from you! The suggestion you made before is very good. The shells can indeed be transported by transport ships, but I don't know where the news leaked, which attracted pirates from all walks of life to the transport ship to rob these shells!"

"The navy's shells can't be transported, and the Demon Slayer Fleet has returned. We don't have long-range artillery support!"

"How could this be!" Smoker frowned.

"Not only that!" Cyborg sighed again and continued: "Because the number of pirates has increased sharply, but the shells are limited, these pirates are no longer satisfied with just looting shells. They also began to loot food and goods. Now the prices of goods transported to Four Leaf Island have also begun to increase sharply!"

"This!" Smoker's face suddenly became ugly.

Four Leaf Island is not capable of supporting an army of hundreds of thousands, so the army's supplies are heavily dependent on fleet transportation.

Now that the merchant ships are raising their prices, it is equivalent to the cost of maintaining the army increasing.

The World Government has only so much money. If it is all spent and the bandits are not eliminated, this war will mean failure.

And because the landing operation is too difficult and relies heavily on the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, the Navy has now recalled the Demon-Slaying Order fleet, so it is obvious that he cannot attack here.

Not being able to attack means wasting money and food.

In other words, failure is only a matter of time.

"How did this battle end like this?" Cyborg felt a little confused. The revolutionary army was not so difficult to fight in the past!

He didn't know why, but Smoker did.

There are many reasons why the Revolutionary Army can fight, but the core reason is that the Revolutionary Army has an extra adviser.

Ning Yuan dug trenches and added cat-ear holes in one move, and immediately abolished the Demon-Slaying Order.

The cannons of the Revolutionary Army, which have a range greater than that of small and medium-sized warships but smaller than that of the Demon-Slaying Order, were provided by Ning Yuan.

The revolutionary army's water-resistant firearms were provided by Ning Yuan.

In addition, the goddess of wisdom also controls the weather so that the weather is always on the side of the revolutionary army.

The Goddess of Wisdom provided map markers again, exposing all actions of the World Government to the eyes of the Revolutionary Army.

Not to mention the grievance movement and the public trial, these two tactics first united the people of the Goa Kingdom and the revolutionary army, and then quickly recruited tens of thousands of surrendered army soldiers.

Cyborg only knew that he still had 380,000 soldiers, but he didn't know that the revolutionary army had already organized 400,000 regular troops, and there were also 1.2 million militia troops!

There are 2.6 million people in the Goa Kingdom. Except for children and the elderly, almost all the remaining men and women in their prime participate in military training and master military knowledge.

This is in the true sense, all the people are soldiers!

The revolutionary army is actually ready for the World Government troops to attack Don Island (the island where the Kingdom of Goa is located) and then start a people's war.

I just didn't expect the World Government Army to pull its hips so hard, and even after charging several times, it didn't come forward.

Of course, he would not tell Cyborg these things, after all, he was also a member of the Revolutionary Army.

He came with a mission.



"Master!" There was a saying. Smoker was quite embarrassed. He was treating him with all his heart and soul, but in the end, he only wanted to trick this master.

However, he quickly convinced himself that the route was wrong. The stronger the strength, the more reactionary. Cyborg is a living example.

The object of loyalty is wrong. The harder Cyborg works, the further away he becomes from the people.

Isn't it natural to cheat him?

Smoker said: "I think there is no way to solve the lack of long-range artillery shells!"

"What can you do?" Cyborg was stunned and managed to regain his energy.

"Now that the navy's cannonballs have been robbed, in your opinion, with the pirates' technical level, is it possible to reproduce this kind of cannonball?" Smoker asked.

"Then you still have to ask?" Cyborg said angrily: "Absolutely!"

The pirates also have talents!

"Since the technology has been leaked, is there no need for the Navy Headquarters to keep it secret?" Smoker asked again.

"Huh?" Cyborg was stunned and looked at Smoker: "What do you mean?"

"Since there is no need to keep the technology secret, why don't we produce artillery shells nearby?" Smoker pointed at the feet of the two people: "For example, we might as well build a military factory on Yotsuba Island to produce artillery shells, so as not to save the transportation of this Process?"

"No!" Cyborg shook his head without even thinking: "The Demon-Slaying Order's shells use the latest explosive shells. This kind of shells may not be produced by the participating countries!"

The world government does not mind that the participating countries have strong military power, as long as you develop it yourself.

Let the world government support you? There is no way this is possible.

As for why, this involves a deep political game. Anyway, if it doesn’t work, it won’t work.

"But pirates have to master this technology!" Smoker said: "If these pirates are only used to attack the navy, they will not affect us, but what if these shells are sold to the revolutionary army?"

"This!" Cyborg suddenly fell into deep thought.

Yes, a technology that is bound to be leaked, why is it so tightly covered?

Do I really have to wait until there are opponents and I get beaten before I can react?

"That's wrong!" Cyborg suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why was this artillery shell technology leaked?

Isn't it because the artillery shells need to be transported by transport ships?

Why do artillery shells need to be transported by transport ships?

Smoker suggested it!

Smoker has a problem?

Cyborg immediately shook his head. There were indeed a lot of moles in the World Government, including those who were doing business with the Revolutionary Army.

But there was absolutely no way Smoker was among them.

After all, Smoker was born in an elite navy training camp, and his future is bright, not to mention his upright roots!

A person who will be a rear admiral or even a lieutenant general in the future, running to join the revolutionary army?

Picture what?

Inexplicably, Cyborg thought of Dorag.

It seems like there really is such a person?

But he still eliminated Smoker as a suspect.

After all, there was nothing wrong with Smoker's original proposal, and with the transport ship to transport the artillery shells, their attack was indeed much smoother.

I just didn't expect the revolutionary army to attack at night.

If the revolutionary army had not attacked at night, they would have established themselves on the dock by now.

By then, there will naturally be no need for the transport ship to continue transporting the cannonballs, and the cannonballs will naturally not be lost.

The reason is that the revolutionary army is too capable of fighting!

Back to Smoker's advice.

Is it feasible to move the military factory to Four Leaf Island?

Cyborg thought about it and shook his head.

"It's already mid-September, and the funding from the World Government can only last until December!" Cyborg said: "If we can't finish the battle in December, we will have to withdraw. In just three months, Four Leaf Island may not even be able to build a factory, let alone supply artillery shells?"

Four Leaf Island is not China, and it does not have that kind of terrifying infrastructure. It takes time to build a factory and train workers. It may not be able to start production in three months.

"Then find a country with an industrial foundation and ready-made production capacity!" Smoker said: "These countries have ready-made factories, which can be used with a little modification!"

"You are the chief of Rog Town in the East China Sea. Tell me, which country in the East China Sea has such industrial strength?" Cyborg asked.

"Uh!" Smoker began to scratch his head.

The industry in the East China Sea is not weak, but the strength is light industry, not heavy industry.

It's ok to ask merchants in the East Sea to produce military uniforms, after all, the East Sea is the birthplace of the famous luxury brand DOSKOI PANDA, but heavy industry?

Then you have to start with mining.

"There is no industrially strong country in the East Sea!" Smoker said truthfully.

"The industry in the North Sea is strong, but the journey is farther than transporting from the Navy Headquarters!" Cyborg was also thinking.

"What about the Great Route?" Smoker asked: "Are there no industrially strong countries on the Great Route?"

"The Great Route?" Cyborg was stunned and remembered two places: "Alabasta and Water City 7 are both strong in industry, especially Water City 7, oh no, Water City 7 is not weak!"

Water City 7 created Pluto back then, and the World Government was very afraid of it, and has been monitoring and suppressing the development of Water City 7.

Letting them build ships is already a mercy, and then letting them build shells?

"You mean Alabasta, the huge island country on the great route?" Smoker asked, "I know the perfume there is famous, but their industry is also very strong?"

"Alabasta has 600,000 standing troops!" Cyborg said, "How can they arm these 600,000 troops without any industrial strength?"

What he didn't know was that Crocodile could make the largest bomb in history without anyone knowing.

This fully demonstrates how powerful the civilian industrial strength of Alabasta is, and it can create such a miracle outside the supervision of the royal family.

"Then let's buy shells from Alabasta!" Smoker said.

"Alabasta has strong industrial strength, but its shipbuilding technology may not be better than the navy!!" Cyborg shook his head, "They can't cross the Calm Belt, they can only cross the Upside Down Mountain, which is too far away. I'm afraid it will take more than ten days to go back and forth."

It's better to transport the cannons from the Navy Headquarters than to buy them from Alabasta!

"But, Alabasta has two warships!" Smoker laughed, "Navy headquarters standard warships!"

"Alabasta, how can there be navy warships?" Cyborg asked in surprise.

"Because my teacher, Admiral Zefa, went to Alabasta to be the principal after retirement, and he drove away two warships before leaving!" Smoker laughed.

Don't ask why the admiral can drive away the warships when he retires. If you can teach half of the navy, no one will stop you if you want to drive away a warship.

And the warships under the World Government are not so strictly supervised. Since everyone is corrupt, isn't it easy for the admiral to report the loss in person?

"This is good news!" Cyborg nodded with satisfaction.

After all, the navy's standard warships can pass through the Calm Belt.

Of course, only a few warships can, but Zefa is an admiral, and his warships can certainly do so.

Alabasta produces artillery shells, which can be transported by warships. In this way, the round trip that originally took 10 days only takes four days through the Calm Belt.

This is already two days faster than the Navy Headquarters.

Although the efficiency is still not as good as the transport ship, at least the problem of having or not has been solved.

As for whether the pirates will rob Alabasta's warships?

It is entirely possible, but what does that have to do with Steel Bone?

They robbed the Alabasta Navy, and the loss was also caused by the Alabasta Navy. At most, I can't receive the goods, but I can pay for them on delivery!

Of course, Alabasta may not be willing to accept the order because of the heavy losses.

But the problem should not be big. It should be possible to lure them with the technology of shrapnel shells.

It is entirely possible to sign an agreement. If you don't give me shells, I won't give you technology!

Well, the premise is that Alabasta attaches importance to this technology. To be honest, Steel Bone really has no confidence.

After all, he heard that the new king of Alabasta is quite lustful, and maybe he is also a person who loves to enjoy himself, and may not necessarily look down on this advanced technology.

If this is the case, then Steel Bone will have to use administrative means.

After all, Alabasta is a member of the World Government. Although the World Government usually doesn't pay attention to these member countries, if there is a strict order, do you dare not agree?

"We have cannonballs, but what about the cannon?" Seeing Cyborg's happy look, Smoker had to interrupt Cyborg's reverie.

It's not enough to just have cannonballs. If you want the cannonballs to go farther, more advanced cannons are also necessary!

"What's the matter? Let Alabasta produce the cannon together!" Cyborg waved his hand. The cannon's technical content is not high. The only core technology is the barrel material.

However, the barrel material and the shell material of the shell are surprisingly consistent.

In other words, as long as you know how to make cannonballs, you will basically understand how to make the cannon of the Demon-Slaying Order, so instead of holding on to the ropes, it is better to transfer both technologies to Alabasta.

Cyborg is a soldier, and the habit of a soldier is to act vigorously and resolutely. He finalized his idea and then directly contacted Wulaoxing.

After some bargaining, Wulaoxing approved his suggestion.

Wulaoxing is different from the Navy Headquarters. The Warring States Period may not care about the threat of the revolutionary army, but Wulaoxing does!

After all, if the revolutionary army saves a country, they will receive less of the country’s heavenly gold!

As for Alabasta's acquisition of Demon-Slaying Order cannon technology, will it threaten the World Government?

The world government says how is this possible!

How many years ago was the Demon-Slaying Order a technology?

Now we're dealing with pacifists, Seraphs!

Moreover, the World Government believes that Ning Yuan’s rise to power is all due to their Five Old Stars. There is no way Ning Yuan can turn against the World Government!

It makes no sense. The nobles in the world are one family, and we are of the same class!

So Wulaoxing called Ning Yuan again.

"Hello?" Ning Yuan answered the phone.

"This is Wulaoxing!"

Ning Yuan was in awe and said quickly: "Hello, Mr. Wulaoxing, I have to explain to you that Beaver and Igong killed each other by themselves. I really didn't know they would be like this! "

"Ah?" Wu Laoxing was stunned for a moment before he remembered that two CP agents had died in Alabasta.

"We won't pursue this matter!" Wulaoxing doesn't care at all, CP agent?

It's just a tool, if it dies, it dies.

They didn't pay attention at all when they saw the newspaper. If Ning Yuan hadn't mentioned it, they would have forgotten it.

"We have something else to do with you!" Wulaoxing said: "Is there a factory in Alabasta that produces cannons and artillery shells?"

"Ah, yes, I don't know!" Ning Yuan scratched his head: "I'm not very good at running a country!"

Wu Laoxing suddenly had a black line on his face.

They also know how Ningyuan governs the country.

He married Princess Weiwei and then made Weiwei responsible for various ceremonial affairs in Alabasta.

Then a woman was found to oversee everything.

On the Navy side, everything was left to Hina.

Recently, a woman named Nami was hired to take charge of the finances. CP checked the identity of this woman named Nami and said she was the navigator of the original Straw Hat Pirates.

He left everything to his confidante and lived a relaxed life, which made the five old stars even a little envious.

"Forget it, let's stop talking nonsense!" Wulaoxing said: "There is a task for you here. Later, the Navy will transfer to you a copy of the artillery and shell technology, and you will hand it over to your factory for production. , the products will be sent to the East China Sea by your navy and handed over to the commander-in-chief of the army. Of course, your work will not be in vain. How much does it cost to produce cannons and shells? I will give you 20% of the profit!"

Ning Yuan scratched his head: "You can just tell my secretary about such a trivial matter! I'm not in Alabasta now!"

"Ah?" Wu Laoxing was confused: "Where are you?"

"I'm in the Devil's Triangle!" Ning Yuan said.

Wu Laoxing suddenly frowned: "Are you lost?"

"That's not true. I came here for a trip, and I heard that there is a beautiful girl here. Although she is very thin, she looks cute and has a good personality. She is also a Lolita with two ponytails!"

Wu Laoxing was speechless. Why the hell should I contact him?

"Forget it, we will ask the people below to contact your secretary about this!"

"That's it, bye?"

The five-old star hung up the phone with an expressionless face, and then said angrily: "This is the first time I have seen such a dishonest king!"

"And she's very lustful!" said another Five Old Stars.

"Which king is not lecherous!" Another Five Old Star said: "The king's lust is easier to control. If he is not lustful, we should be vigilant!"

Several five old stars nodded in unison, this is the truth.

"But if he's lustful, he can just choose beautiful women in the country. Why is he still running around looking for women, and he's not afraid of meeting some big pirates and killing him?"

Several five old stars looked at each other, you ask me, who should I ask?

Who knows what's wrong with this kid.

"Forget it, let's not talk about him anymore!" The five-old star said angrily: "Have you not found out Si Qian's identity yet?"

"No!" Another five-old star shook his head: "We suspect that this person should be from the revolutionary army!"

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