People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 328: Thunder and Storm

After all, the navy is an army, and its style of action is vigorous and resolute.

Smoker's suggestion was quickly reviewed after it was submitted, and then it was unanimously approved.

So when the Demon Slayer Fleet set out again, there were three supply ships behind it.

The shells carried in these three supply ships can allow the Demon Slayer Fleet to fight for another five rounds!

In other words, the artillery fire that could only bomb for two hours can now bomb for ten hours!

Two days later, the Demon Slayer Fleet docked.

Steel Bone and five vice admirals held a meeting to discuss the details of the bombing, and the bombing officially began at five o'clock in the morning of the next day.

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The landing location selected by Steel Bone is still Lailong Port. After all, it is right that this is the most suitable place for landing. And this time with the help of the Demon Slayer Fleet, it must be very simple to land, right?

At six o'clock in the morning, the first wave of landing ships approached Lailong Wharf. This time, Ganggu learned his lesson and only had two thousand soldiers get off the ship in neat rows.

Even if this number was lost, it would not be a pity.

Then we saw that these two thousand soldiers walked two kilometers away on land smoothly without being attacked?

"Inform the marshal, the wharf has been occupied. Repeat, the wharf has been occupied!"

"Is it so easy this time?" Ganggu felt a little dazed, as if the news he heard was false, but the flag on the wharf he saw through the telescope told him that it was not false and that they had indeed landed!

"The artillery fire is really useful!" Ganggu nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "The first batch will hold on, the second batch, the third batch, continue to land!"

The second batch of 4,000 people, the third batch of 8,000 people, and soon the fourth batch of 16,000 people also successfully landed!

Ganggu was overjoyed and simply joined the fifth batch of soldiers who landed. So far, the bandit suppression army has landed 62,000 people!

After boarding the dock, Ganggu immediately began to study how the Revolutionary Army defended against the artillery fire of the Demon Slayer Order, and then he discovered the pits and pits dug on the entire dock.

"So that's it!" Ganggu simulated the flight trajectory of the shells in his mind. It turns out that digging a trench on the ground can avoid the shells. It is really a simple and practical method!

But even if you can hide, you can't stand up to resist the sky-high explosions. Didn't you let us go ashore?

From ancient times to the present, none of the rebels have become a force to be reckoned with. Do you know why?

Even if our soldiers are weak in combat effectiveness and low in morale, we have many people and good equipment. How can you fight us?

"Order all soldiers to be alert, and the archers to build barracks and fortresses on the spot!" Although it is still within the range of the Demon Slayer Order's artillery attack, the Demon Slayer Order fleet will have to move forward, which will enter the range of the Revolutionary Army's artillery attack.

The attack range of the Demon Slayer Order is just over 26 kilometers, while the artillery range of the Revolutionary Army is about 15 kilometers, which means that the Demon Slayer Order fleet can only stand 15 kilometers offshore to fire and control a distance of 11 kilometers on land.

Scratching his head, Ganggu felt a little outrageous. Since when did he think that a distance of 26 kilometers was too short?

60,000 people is not a small number. Despite the constant urging of superiors, the overall landing speed is still not slow. When everyone landed, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Cooking and building temporary residences, after a busy time, it soon entered the night.

Ganggu didn't know what he was going to experience. He and a group of officers selected the newly built barracks, held a meeting for a while, discussed tomorrow's attack, and ordered everyone to rest.

After all, there may be a big battle tomorrow!

A group of soldiers were busy landing during the day, and worked for another day after landing. Not only were they physically exhausted, but they also had to be mentally prepared for the attack of the Revolutionary Army at all times, which was also extremely exhausting.

After hearing the order from Ganggu, they all fell to the ground in a hurry and fell asleep.

Of course, there were also people responsible for night watch, but these people also stood crookedly, nodding their heads, like chickens pecking at rice.

At night, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock!

Seeing that no one was coming, these sentinels completely relaxed their vigilance and simply fell asleep at their posts.

These days, no superiors would come to stand guard, let alone wake up to find a military coat on their bodies. Those superiors were busy sleeping, so how could they come to patrol?

So at three o'clock in the morning, the whole barracks had fallen into complete silence.

And in this boundless silence, the trenches that were ignored by everyone during the day, and even Ganggu only glanced at them and no longer paid attention to them, showed movement.

Ganggu only looked at the trenches, but he didn't know that every certain distance in the trenches, a hole that could only accommodate one person would be dug out.

This hole is called a cat ear hole, and you can hide in it to avoid shells!

But the Revolutionary Army went deeper. This cat-ear hole was dug so deep that it became a tunnel directly, connecting to the interior of Dong Island.

And there are thousands of such tunnels underground!

Thousands of tunnels, thousands of people marching slowly. If there are navy soldiers using observation Haki, they might be able to hear it.

But the weather was not very good that night. It started to rain and blow heavily at midnight, and there was thunder at three o'clock in the morning.

Seeing, hearing, color and domineering is the ultimate evolution of the five senses, but now that thunder, wind, and rain are obstructing it, the sounds of human activities are naturally covered up.

Until three o'clock in the morning, the soil used to cover the cat's ear holes was pushed away, and the Revolutionary Army soldiers rushed out of the trenches carrying rifles, hand cannons, and grenades.

While they were moving, the sea did not stop. A dozen small boats loaded with gunpowder left the coast in the strong wind and headed straight for the Demon-Slaying Order fleet.

Cyborg is getting older and his health has never been good. For example, he seems to have problems with his digestive tract. He always needs to squat in the toilet for a long time every day, and he can't pull it out even if he tries to pull it out. When he pulls it out, it's always watery.

Sometimes he would also joke about himself, saying that he was going to be a close friend of Magellan of Imperial.

He was an old man and slept very lightly. He actually woke up when the storm started.

After all, in the world of One Piece, wind and rain are not necessarily natural phenomena, they may also be man-made.

It wasn't until the heavy rain lasted for more than two hours that Cyborg breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how powerful Drago is, he shouldn't have such physical strength to activate his Devil Fruit at full power for two hours?

Even if he has this physical strength, he can't waste it like this, because if you use all your physical strength to activate your devil fruit ability, how will you fight later?

Without Dorag, who would be able to fight against this steely guy?

You don’t really think I’m weak, do you?

but. . .

Standing at the door wearing a military coat, looking at the thunder in the sky, Cyborg always felt that something was wrong.

Maybe it was because the dark clouds were too dense and too low, which made him feel a little depressed.

"Forget it, wake up now, let's have a cup of tea!" Cyborg did not call his guard marines, but went to make a cup of tea by himself, and then came to the conference room.

He originally thought that he should be the only person in the conference room, but he didn't expect that there was another person here.

He has white hair and a cigar in his mouth. He is studying the map on the table and writing and drawing with a pen from time to time.

"Smorg?" Cyborg suddenly felt a little happy when he saw the young man. What could be more gratifying than the young man he was optimistic about working hard and being diligent.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

"I landed very late during the day and slept on the boat!" Smoker said: "The weather is very dangerous. If the revolutionary army attacks at night, I'm afraid something will go wrong!"

"Don't worry, in this kind of weather, how can we look like we can fight?" Cyborg waved his hand indifferently: "In this kind of weather, the gunpowder is wet and can't be lit at all. They won't fight with us with a big knife. Bar!"

"But, I heard that gunpowder that is not afraid of heavy rain has become popular on the black market!" Smoker frowned: "If the revolutionary army also has such guns and cannons!"

Cyborg was silent for a moment.

In terms of technology, the World Government is definitely the leader. Not only do they have the largest caliber and longest range guns, they also have the most advanced warships.

But the most advanced guns may not be in the hands of the world government.

Because the territory under the World Government is too large and there are too many soldiers, a complete change of uniforms requires a large sum of money.

Of course, everyone knows that soldiers need more advanced weapons to protect their homes and countries, but the Tianlong people have their own calculation method.

Anyway, the life of a navy is not worth much. Instead of spending a lot of money on better firearms, why not let the navy fight with its life?

The current navy doesn't have better firearms, isn't it still maintaining peace on the sea?

So there is no need at all!

At this point, we can see a strange scene.

The weapons flowing out on the black market are often more sophisticated than those in the hands of the navy.

It's not obvious now, but two years later, automatic rifles have appeared in the hands of pirates in the New World, and the navy still uses flintlock guns.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these unpleasant things!" Cyborg patted Smoker on the shoulder and said, "Come out for a walk with me!"

Smoker nodded, then took a lantern in one hand and an umbrella in the other to hold it open for Cyborg, and the two of them, one old and one young, walked into the wind and rain.

"I've been to Warring States to inquire about your situation in the past two days!" Cyborg said while walking on the muddy path: "He said that you love to contradict your boss, refuse many unreasonable requests, and are unwilling to join in with many people? "

Smoker nodded: "I think that since we are in the navy, we should be more pure. What is going on when a soldier goes into business and collects protection fees from pirates?"

"Alas!" Cyborg nodded and said earnestly: "When I was young, I was like you. I was very sharp and could not understand many things! But I soon figured it out. It’s impossible to be clean, there’s no way to climb up!”

"I don't want to rely on these to climb up!" Smoker said angrily.

Cyborg shook his head: "It is precisely because the circle is dark that you have to climb up. If you don't climb up, how can you change them?"

Smoker suddenly fell silent.

"You are just a colonel now. Who cares what you say?" Cyborg said: "But what if you were a rear admiral? Would your voice be louder!? What if you were a vice admiral? Would it be louder? Some?"

"What's more, if you were an admiral, or even a marshal?"

"But haven't you already served as a navy marshal? Has the navy changed for the better?" Smoker asked.

Cyborg laughed: "It seems that I have been away from the navy for too long. Have all the new recruits in the navy forgotten my achievements?"

"You know, before me, there has never been a precedent of a civilian serving as a Navy Admiral!"

Smoker raised his eyebrows: "Is there such a thing?"

"Of course!" Cyborg nodded: "In the past, the Navy Admiral was either a Celestial Dragon or a world noble. It is precisely because of their incompetence that the world's pirates have become more rampant, to the point where they have to use us even if they don't want to!"

"And when I was in office, I selected a group of newcomers such as Zephyr, Garp, Sengoku, and Crane, and they selected your generation of elite navy!"

"There is indeed darkness within the Navy, but the Navy is gradually getting better, isn't it!"

Smoker nodded. In fact, Ning Yuan had analyzed this with him.

An organization with all shortcomings is impossible to attract so many people to join.

After all, if you say that Garp is confused, is Fujitora also confused?

The Navy must have its merits.

His merits are that although the top of the Navy is still dark, it has been changing, and it has been getting better and better over the past few decades.

Those who have experienced it know that, and therefore, those who have experienced it are loyal to the Navy. Even if they have seen the greatest darkness, they have never thought of betraying the Navy and seeking another job.

However, this does not conflict with revolution. On the contrary, if someone makes a revolution and a war begins, it will prompt more intense reforms within the Navy. People who are idle and like rats will be eliminated quickly, and the Navy who can fight and have strategies will quickly rise to power.

Why is a country the best at fighting during its founding period?

Because the generals in the founding period were all fought out!

Unknowingly, the two had patrolled to the edge of the camp.

Seeing the sleeping soldiers, Smoker was black-lined and was about to educate them, but Steel stopped him.

"It's meaningless!" Steel shook his head and said, "If you wake him up now, he will still sleep later. Anyway, I don't think the revolutionary army will attack!"

He looked at the endless darkness in front of him, where there seemed to be countless people hidden in the shadows, but in fact there was no one.

Although his observation Haki has begun to degenerate with age, there is no problem in exploring four or five kilometers.

There is no problem in the front, but why are there so many people moving in the back?

It is three o'clock in the morning. The kitchen team hasn't gotten up yet, right?

Cyborg thought about it and suddenly felt something was wrong!

Wait, as a marshal, how come I don't know that there are tens of thousands of people in the back?


"Smoker, fire a flare!"

"Yes!" Smoker quickly took out a flare gun from his body. As a front-line commander, he was naturally equipped with a flare gun.

But as he said before, it was windy and rainy today, and the gunpowder would be wet!

So of course, his flare gun could not be fired!

Cyborg had no choice but to force the Haki.

When the two armies confront each other, it is definitely not a good thing for the boss to take action first. After all, how can you face the big boss when your side is exhausted by the soldiers?

But now Cyborg has no choice. If he doesn't stop these revolutionary troops, more than 60,000 people will die!

But just as he opened his domineering aura, a domineering aura that was no less powerful than his, or even completely surpassed his, had already bombarded from the opposite side, directly isolating his aura outside!

Although there was darkness behind him, Zefa suddenly saw a man in a green robe and hidden in a hood from the endless darkness.

He didn't know that Dragon was no longer wearing a hat.

He only knew that the navy, the army, and the landing force of more than 60,000 people were finished!





"Go and rule all the high-level generals in the navy. I'll cover you and run away from this side!" Cyborg pointed in a direction.

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