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Chapter 310: Wealth Distribution Plan: Valpo Returns

Chapter 310 Wealth Distribution Plan·Return of Valpo

"I, what's wrong with me?" Nami opened her eyes blankly, you really have a gift for me!

"Well, this is the power of our Alabasta national treasure, which can control the sky!" Ning Yuan said, "I give you this power!"

"Just like how you gave my sister the ability to control ice and snow?" Nami's eyes lit up and she asked curiously.

"Yes, but Sister You specializes in ice and snow, and you are all-inclusive!" Ning Yuan said: "You have the eight elements of the sky, namely wind, cloud, thunder, lightning, rain, snow, ice, and frost. Would you like to try the ability to control these eight weather conditions?"

Nami raised her little hand, and then a small breeze spread from her hand.

"It's really okay!" Nami's eyes widened and she looked at the small tornado in her hand in surprise.

She has a weather stick and can also create some simple celestial phenomena, but that celestial phenomenon is so difficult. It requires complicated operations and calculations, and the temperature and humidity of the environment must also be taken into consideration.

Where is it like now, where you can control it just by thinking about it!

It’s simply too convenient!

The only problem is that using this seems to take a bit of energy. She just created a little wind and felt a little out of breath.

"You have just recovered from a serious illness, so don't be in a hurry to develop your abilities!" Ning Yuan advised: "And you don't have to go on the ship anyway, you might as well develop your abilities here!"

"Live here!" Nami looked at the hut: "Won't it delay others? Where is the owner of this house?"

Ning Yuan waved his hand and said: "I bought his house and gave him a household registration in a big city in Alabasta, and then the family happily left on a merchant ship!!"

"Ah?" Nami's eyes widened: "No, I only need to stay for a few days. You bought all the houses? Are you rich?"

Ning Yuan shrugged: "I am a king, or the king of the largest country in the world, what do you think?"

In fact, Ningyuan really didn't have much money two days ago, but didn't he rob many nobles' homes?

Nami's eyes suddenly turned into money symbols: "What, a country doesn't have a high-ranking official who manages money!"

Ning Yuan nodded: "There is such an official, called the Minister of Finance!"

"What do you think of me?" Nami jumped on Ning Yuan like an octopus: "I will help you manage your money and make sure no one dares to commit corruption!"

"Don't worry about this yet!" Ning Yuan became serious: "Let me ask you a question!"

"Yeah!" Nami nodded wildly.

"Palace Yuye Wine!"


"Then, odd changes to even and stays the same?"

"Um, what did you say?"

"If I change it to another one, doesn't it mean accepting a gift?"

Nami's eyes lit up, I can answer this question.

"Accepting a gift doesn't mean you feel at ease. If you don't have the idea of ​​being together, you have to give the other person an equal gift!" Nami raised her finger proudly: "This is what Bellemere taught me!"

Ning Yuan was relieved.

Although he knew that Nami just liked money, he was really afraid that some little fairy would come through.

"It's okay to let you manage the money!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah?" Nami was stunned: "Wait, I'm just kidding, how can I control the money in such a big country!"

"It's not your responsibility, but it's those nobles who are greedy and try their best to put the country's money into their own pockets?" Ning Yuan said angrily: "You don't know how greedy those nobles can be. Alabasta wasn't a rebel rebel before. What!”

"Yeah!" Nami nodded. She had read the newspaper and heard about the rebels in Alabasta.

"The rebels were not rebels at the beginning. They were all regular troops from Alabasta. They rebelled because they had not been paid for several months!" Ning Yuan said: "I heard that they rebelled. Former King Kobra hurriedly summoned The nobles wanted to borrow some money from the nobles to help pay the military salary, but how much money did all the nobles in Alabasta have to chip in? "

"Um, 100 million?" Nami raised a finger tentatively.

"It would be better if there were 100 million!" Ning Yuan said angrily: "Only 10 million!"

"Ten million gold?" Nami asked in shock.

"Ten million Baileys!" Ning Yuan sneered: "What is ten million Baileys enough for? A soldier needs 50,000 Baileys every month, and an army of 600,000 needs 30 billion every month! Ten million, continuous There’s not even enough space between the teeth!”

Nami's eyes suddenly widened: "What, 30 billion?"

"Raising an army is like this. It's very expensive!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Later, the rebels were stopped by Weiwei, and then I took office. Kobra and those nobles are relatives, and I are not relatives with them, so I simply arrested all these nobles, and then ransacked their homes one by one. How much do you think I paid?"

"One hundred million?" Nami blinked. After all, these nobles had worked so hard to collect ten million before. Maybe their families were really poor?

"One hundred million?" Ning Yuan chuckled: "That's a fraction, I copied out 655 trillion beli!"

"What?" Nami's eyes widened: "Wait, could it be that you said an extra ten thousand words?"

"No, I'm not a jokester!" Ning Yuan was shocked when he thought of this number: "The gold and silver in these nobles' homes are piled up into mountains. In order to prevent theft, they also cast gold into metal balls with a diameter of more than one meter. Silver is simply used to pave the floor. The Baileys piled up in their homes have begun to mold, and many Baileys have even been bitten into pieces by mice and cannot be used at all, otherwise there would be more!"

Nami simply counted on her fingers, how much money is 655 trillion.

The money that the evil dragon collected in the village of Kokosia for buying lives is 100,000 Baileys for adults and 50,000 Baileys for children!

655 trillion, can buy 6.5 billion people?

Their Golden Beauty cost 30 million Baileys, 655 trillion, can buy 210,000 ships!

As for a larger conversion method, Nami can no longer imagine it.

Ning Yuan continued, "When I first took over Alabasta, I was thinking about going to Sky Island to get gold to develop the country, but think about it carefully, how can the Golden City a thousand years ago be richer than the King of Alabasta a thousand years later?"

After all, Alabasta has been a big country since five thousand years ago, and in these five thousand years, Alabasta has rarely experienced foreign invasions, nor has it signed any treaties to compensate silver to foreign countries, nor has it escaped with a large amount of gold like Mongolia and the captain.

In the case that everyone's technology is generally underdeveloped and wealth is obtained by squeezing the people, Shandora is rich, and Alabasta will only be richer!

The nobles have too many ways to make money. Not only can they get money directly from taxes, but they can also organize their own fleets to do business everywhere, and they are all doing monopoly business.

They make money every day, but there are not many places to spend money.

Don't say that buying slaves is very expensive. The first-class slaves like Mermaid Haimi are only 100 million Baileys, and the price was raised by the Celestial Dragons.

And Bailey at that time was a bit inflationary.

Even if each mermaid is worth 100 million, how much money would you get if you bought all the mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom?

How much money would these nobles have accumulated over thousands of years?

Seeing Nami's dazed look, Ning Yuan smiled and continued, "It's only been two days since we raided the house, and we haven't dug out all the things yet. We've only done a preliminary calculation. We should be able to dig out more later. When all the assets of these nobles are counted, I estimate that there will be tens of trillions!"

Nami already felt that she couldn't breathe at all.

Trillions? What on earth is this concept?

"By the way, these trillions of assets will all be handed over to you, the Minister of Finance!" Ning Yuan continued.

"No, no!" Nami waved her hands quickly: "How dare I control so much money? What if I make a wrong decision one day? Wouldn't I lose a lot of money?"

If you give me 100 million or 200 million, I can manage it.

But this is directly over a trillion, how can I manage it?

I dare not manage it!

"Don't worry, we have a perfect financial system in Alabasta, it's hard for you to mess around!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Besides, don't you have the Goddess of Wisdom to help you?"

"Goddess of Wisdom, isn't this a map?" Nami asked.

"The map is just a trivial function of the Goddess of Wisdom!" Ning Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand, and then a shared screen appeared in front of the two of them!

In fact, the Goddess of Wisdom is still in Alabasta, and the two of them are actually looking at their own.

But after a simple calculation, the information seen by the two can be synchronized together. The operation that Windows can complete will only be easier for the Goddess of Wisdom.

"Let me tell you about Alabasta's financial management ideas!" Ning Yuan said, and the 655 trillion assets in front of him were immediately cut into two pieces, one part is 480 trillion, and the other part is 175 trillion!

"The money seized from the nobles, the more part is fixed assets such as gold and silver, and the less part is Bailey. We need Bailey as foreign exchange reserves for doing business with other countries!"

"And these gold, we use as currency anchors to issue our own currency in Alabasta!"

As a big country, Ning Yuan must not use the currency of the world government, otherwise they can easily cut your family's meat with any economic policy?

"This is the new currency I designed. 100 yuan is equivalent to 1 gram of gold. I named it Alabasta Gold Dollar, or Gold Dollar for short!" A golden banknote appeared in front of the two.

The back of the currency is the endless desert, and the front is the head of a young man.

Weiwei looked at the avatar, then looked at Ning Yuan, and then chuckled: "You printed yourself on the currency!"

"Yes!" Ning Yuan nodded: "It's not that I'm narcissistic, but we humans are a kind of social animals, so we are particularly good at recognizing faces. Printing faces on banknotes will have a better anti-counterfeiting effect!"

"And the curves of the face are more difficult to draw, and it can also increase the difficulty of making counterfeit money!"

This is based on scientific theory, not Ning Yuan's nonsense.

"Okay!" Nami nodded: "Go on!"

"Yeah!" Ning Yuan nodded: "In order to facilitate the issuance and exchange of currency, we also need to build our own bank. The name of the bank is Alabasta Royal Bank!"

To be honest, Ning Yuan was very opposed to the imperial system at the beginning.

However, after he had been the boss for a few years, he found that the imperial system was actually an excellent system.

The premise is that the emperor cannot have any problems.

If the emperor is capable, the country can easily become strong, but if the emperor is incompetent, the country will easily have problems.

There has never been a perfect emperor in Chinese history, because no matter how capable the emperor is, there is one imperfection: he will die!

As long as the emperor dies, all his systems, policies, employment methods, and foreign policies may change.

But this situation does not exist in Ning Yuan.

Because he is an immortal, he will not die.

And his mind is extremely clear, and he has no bad habits.

You can't even say that Ning Yuan is lustful.

What kind of lust is it to marry seven or eight wives in a lifetime? This number is not as good as some modern sea kings, not to mention the emperors of the ancient times with three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines.

As long as Ning Yuan continues to sit in this position, the country will always be strong.

Then the system of Ning Yuan's emperorship is naturally the best system!

I'm getting off topic.

"The Royal Bank is responsible for issuing and recycling currency. In addition, we have to build other banks to be responsible for the development of industry, agriculture, and even the postal industry."

Ning Yuan remembered that the postal system in the One Piece world is actually quite inconvenient. It is not an exaggeration to say that the islands are isolated from the world.

Alabasta wants to rule the entire world in the future. A bank that spreads all over the world and a postal system are indispensable.

"Door-Door Fruit, Teleportation Fruit, Mirror-Mirror Fruit!!" Ning Yuan thought of these three space-related fruits. These three fruits are simply too suitable for the postal industry.

But these fruits are not suitable for individuals to eat, because the huge workload can tire people to death.

The Goddess of Wisdom has reserved the Thunder Fruit, and the Door-Door Fruit can be eaten by the Book of Time!

Look back and see if there is any artifact that can be linked with the Goddess of Wisdom, and then eat the Teleportation Fruit.

As for the Mirror-Mirror Fruit, this fruit is here with Charlotte Brulee, which is a bit far away.

Although it is not troublesome to go there, Ning Yuan does not have an artifact in his hand now, so he is not in a hurry to recover it.

He didn't even recover the Thunder Fruit.

Moreover, the goddess of wisdom has another ability, which is to find ownerless devil fruits and devil fruit users.

If Ning Yuan wants, he can find all the ownerless devil fruits in a few days, and then focus on assassinating the devil fruit users, and he can clear all the devil fruit users in a week or two.

But this is meaningless.

It's just like the one who plays Zelda with one heart to save the princess, and plays MC with one heart to beat the Ender Dragon. What's the point of playing like this?

If the goal is too clear in life, then you become a professional player. That's not life, it's a task.

"Huh?" Ning Yuan frowned.

I didn't take the initiative to find you, you came to me yourself!

He has a sharp ear, and when he heard people, they were still far away from the village, but soon the whole village became noisy, so much so that Nami, who was concentrating on reading the bank construction plan, heard it.

"What happened outside?" Nami asked with her head raised.

"The king of the Drum Kingdom is back!" Ning Yuan said.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Nami asked.

This is the Drum Kingdom. Isn't it normal for the king to come and visit his own village?

"The Drum Kingdom was attacked by the Blackbeard Pirates some time ago, and then the king abandoned his people and ran away!" Ning Yuan said: "Now that Blackbeard is gone, the king is back again!"

Nami's face suddenly darkened: "How can there be such a king!"

Ning Yuan thought that this approach was actually okay. You let Valpo fight Blackbeard, what's the difference between that and asking the catfish spirit to catch Tang Monk?

Haven't you heard that if you save people and lose land, both people and land will be saved, and if you save land and lose people, both people and land will be lost?

At least Valpo's operation saved himself and the country.

If he really wanted to fight Blackbeard to the end, do you think Blackbeard would massacre the city and destroy the country?

However, Valpo's operation was not black, but his character was black, and the black spots were big.

Not to mention that he bullied his wife Weiwei when the World Conference was held that year, and later he expelled all the doctors in the country, leaving only 20.

To be honest, Ning Yuan really didn't understand what this operation meant. Don't you know how much money a medical power can make?

When the Rabbit family was not yet established, how many rich people went to foreign countries when they were sick, and how much GDP they contributed to the foreign medical industry!

Your country has already gained a reputation as a medical power, but you don't know how to use it.

It's more than stupid, it's simply stupid!

"I'll go out and take a look!" Ning Yuan stood up and said.

"I'll go with you!" Nami also hurried out of the bed.

"Your body!" Ning Yuan hurriedly persuaded.

"I feel like I'm already well!" Nami moved her arms and shook her head: "It seems that after you gave me a gift, my condition disappeared all of a sudden!"

"Superpowers also have the effect of curing diseases?" Ning Yuan was surprised, and then nodded, it should be possible.

Don't think that only the animal system can enhance physical fitness. In fact, the superhuman system and the natural system are also enhanced, but not as much as the animal system.

Nami now has the power of the devil fruit, her physical fitness has been enhanced, and after drinking another bowl of porridge, her body naturally recovered.

"Then let's go out together!" Ning Yuan said, taking Nami's hand.

Nami blushed. Although they were together, this was the first time they held hands in public in front of everyone!

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