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Chapter 289 Nami's Imagination

The Five Old Stars are the Five Old Stars after all. Although they were emotionally affected by the story, they quickly calmed down.

Then began to study the issue of Shichibukai being killed.

"This Crocodile actually wants to usurp the country!" Shepard Ten Peter, wearing a dark red suit, no tie, blond hair, a golden beard, and a scar on his chest. He was twenty years old. It was left behind during the Battle of the Valley of the Gods many years ago.

He said angrily: "What's going on with each of these Shichibukai? Why do you want to usurp the country so much?"

The other four old stars also nodded. Not only Jinbei usurped the country, Doflamingo also usurped the country, and now Crocodile came.

All in all, it's all Doflamingo's bad start.

"Other Shichibukai should not have this problem!" The legal warrior next to him was wearing a dark green suit. He was bald, had a splayed beard, and had a birthmark on his forehead.

His name is Topman Wuchuli Saint.

"Hawkeye is used to being alone. Hancock himself is the king, and Bear is the king who gave up his throne. Moriah is nothing to worry about!"

"It seems like there are only three of them who are ambitious!"

Having said this, several of the Five Old Stars breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay that there were only three of them, and they could still explain themselves to the countries that joined the World Government.

Although the Five Old Stars are the supreme rulers of the World Government, they are not the kind that no one can govern. At least for the sake of Tianshangjin, they have to take care of the emotions of the countries that join the World Government.

Of course, there will be care, but not much.

"Then the murder of Crocodile!" Saint Topman Wuchuli asked: "How to deal with it?"

As soon as the words came out, the other four five old stars fell silent.

This matter is really difficult to handle.

Although the Shichibukai are pirates, they are also pirates under the orders of the World Government. The killing of the Shichibukai is of course a slap in the face of the World Government.

If this was a Shichibukai killed by a pirate, the World Government would put him on a wanted list without saying anything.

But the person who killed Crocodile turned out to be an ordinary person, using a gun, and the reason for killing him turned out to be for his own princess!

This is a bit troublesome.

After all, it was already embarrassing for the Shichibukai to be killed by a civilian, but it would be even more embarrassing if it was the Shichibukai's fault.

If the world government still holds a civilian responsible for such nonsense, it will really be embarrassing to the whole world!

I don’t know if there is anything like this in the One Piece world, but it does exist in China.

In the twenty-eighth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's second son, Zhu Yuanzhang, was poisoned to death by three old women. However, because Zhu Yuanzhang committed many evil deeds, which aroused local resentment, even the murderous Zhu Yuanzhang did not pursue the three women. People's problems.

No matter how close the Shichibukai is to the World Government, can any prince be close to the emperor?

Zhu Yuanzhang refused to kill the three women, and Wulaoxing could not find a suitable reason to punish Ning Yuan.

After thinking about it, the Legal Martial God Topman Wuchuri said angrily: "Then abolish Crocodile's status as a Shichibukai, and ask the Navy Headquarters to quickly find a big pirate to replace him! As for Alabasta, "

Several people looked at each other, and then Saint Jaygolucia Satan asked: "How old is Cobra this year?"

"48 years old!" Saint Topman Wuchuli, the legal warrior god, replied.

"48 years old!" Saint Jegolucia Satan nodded and said: "You are not young anymore. Although Crocodile's death was his fault, Alabasta also has an unshirkable responsibility. To Kou Bulla ordered either to increase the amount of money from heaven next year, or to abdicate his sins and urge Weiwei and Ning Yuan to get married as soon as possible, and then the throne of Alabasta will be handed over to Ning Yuan!"

"That's right!" The other four five old stars nodded: "This solution is very good!"

If you kill a king, Shichibukai, you will be replaced by a king. This barely saves the face of the World Government.

As for why Kobra must be replaced.

Because Kobra's full name is Nefertari D. Kobra.

His daughter's full name is Nefertari D. Vivi.

Did you notice that there is a D in the name?

The World Government has a prophecy related to D, and the Alabasta royal family has a D in their name, so the World Government has always been afraid of the country Alabasta.

Of course, Alabasta also knows the attitude of the World Government. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the 600,000-strong army? It must not be to guard against pirates.

However, the Kingdom of Alabasta participated in the establishment of the World Government and was a member of the World Government. Even if it wanted to interfere with the inheritance of their royal family, there was no reason.

Until today, they found an opportunity to interfere in Alabasta's internal affairs.

Regardless of whether Crocodile is guilty or not, you must show some apology for killing our King Shichibukai.

We don’t want your life. Anyway, after Weiwei and Ning Yuan get married, Ning Yuan also has the power to inherit this country, so we might as well just let him take over.

Ning Yuan was born as a commoner. Not to mention the D in his name, he didn't even have a surname.

When Weiwei and Ning Yuan have a child, naturally there will be no D in the child’s name!

What does this mean?

This means that Alabasta, the inheritance of D, has been wiped out!

Effortlessly, a major threat from the World Government was eliminated. This kind of plan was a wonderful one for Jaygo Lucia Satan himself when he recalled it.

How can I be so smart and come up with such a good idea!

"Then let the CP department handle this matter!" Saint Jaygolucia Satan ordered.

This kind of thing must not be shouted out or published in newspapers to rule Kobra, it is all hinted in private.

On the other side, Topman Wuchulisheng also made a call.

"This is the Navy Headquarters!" The phone bug changed into a Sengoku look.

"This is the Five Old Stars!" Saint Topman Wuchuli asked, "Have you read today's newspaper?"

"Look!" Sengoku nodded. The distance between Mariejoia and the Navy Headquarters was too close, so the newspaper bird basically reached it with its front and rear feet.

In the Admiral's office at this time, not only was he there, but also Vice Admirals Garp and Tsuru, and Admirals Kizaru and Akainu.

Qing Zhi went out on a mission.

As for what this mission is, it's not hard to guess.

The Whitebeard Pirates were in trouble recently, and Ace, the captain of the second division, left the New World and came to the Grand Line.

In order to prevent Ace from causing trouble in the first half of the Grand Route, a person with abilities to restrain him is needed to cruise in the first half.

"What do you think after reading it?" Topman Vauchuuli asked.

"In the future, the three generals cannot relax their vigilance when facing ordinary people's firearms!" Warring States said: "In addition, we are also very concerned about what the salt crystal is!"

Saint Topman Wuchuli was a little speechless, but he continued: "You should investigate this matter yourself, and I will also tell you the Five Old Stars' plan to deal with this matter!"




After hanging up the phone, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we were not asked to attack Alabasta!"

"Tch, what's the reason for us to attack?" General Sakaski said angrily: "Alabasta is a member of the World Government. He was killed by a member of the World Government. How dare he be revenged?"

Garp next to him nodded: "Yes, and the way Crocodile died"

The majestic king of the Shichibukai, with a bounty of 80 million Baileys, and a natural devil fruit user can be shot to death by an ordinary person!

This kind of thing is so incredible that it’s actually a bit funny!

The navy would be ashamed to avenge such a dead man!

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore!" Seng Guo actually wanted to laugh, but he was a naval marshal, so he had to remain dignified.

Looking at Akainu and Kizaru: "Although you are stronger than Crocodile, you still have to learn from his lesson. Never take bullets of unknown origin in the future!"

"How scary!" Kizaru frowned.

Akainu's face also looked a little ugly.

Users with natural devil fruit abilities use naturalization to dodge enemy attacks. Not only is their strength extremely high, it is also part of the oppressive aura.

When many people fight against natural devil fruit users, they usually lose the will to fight as soon as they find that their attacks cannot break through their defenses.

So every time a battle starts, you only need to stand at the front and resist a few bullets or shells, and the enemy's morale will basically collapse.

But once the case of Ning Yuan's assassination of Crocodile came out, it would be impossible to do this again in the future.

Because you can't be sure what kind of bullet your opponent fired. If it's a bullet that can restrain a person with natural abilities, wouldn't it be the end?

However, when I think about facing a little Karami in the future, I have to be cautious and dodge bullets.

All the strength is gone!

"Don't look like you don't care at all. This kind of thing is related to your lives!" Warring States knocked on the table: "Do you want me to see the news of your death in battle in the newspaper one day?"

"Yes, yes!" The two generals nodded helplessly.

"Besides!" Sengoku looked at He again: "Which army is closest to Alabasta?"

"The black sill troops led by Hina!" He looked at the navy's waypoint map and replied.

"Then let Hina go to Alabasta to investigate the cause of Crocodile's death and find out what the salt crystal is!"


Newspaper birds are also birds and cannot see anything late at night.

Therefore, the newspaper bird only went to work for one afternoon and then stopped flying. Therefore, some people saw this newspaper that day, and some people saw it in the early morning of the next day.

Such as Nami.

"Nami!?" Sanji carefully handed over a snack: "Are you okay!"

"What can I do?!" Nami replied through gritted teeth.

Sanji was speechless, do you look like you're okay? You almost clenched the newspaper into a ball!

He usually gets up early to prepare breakfast, so he was the first to see this newspaper today.

Naturally, he was the first to know that Ning Yuan had moved on and fell in love with their princess.

If he remembered correctly, Ning Yuan and Nami seemed to be a couple!

The case has been solved, this Ning Yuan is a scumbag!

"That man is a liar!" Sanji said angrily: "He is not worth your sadness at all!"

"Humph!" Nami gritted her teeth, sailing was really a boring thing.

It was just boring before, and she was used to it.

But in the past few days, she could always think of the scenery of that person riding the wind and waves in the air with her on his back.

Or maybe he was telling himself the story of Rab in poetic language.

Or maybe he was holding a violin and using music to calm down Rab's mood.

This is the first time in her life that she has felt such emotion.

Unlike her friendship with Luffy and Zoro, Nami has realized that this may be love!

This is actually normal. Nami is also a 17-year-old girl, just the age of a girl's love. In the past, she had no time to care about these things because of the pressure of the Dragon Pirates. Now that these pressures are gone, the little girl naturally wants to fall in love.

But after wearing these men, none of them really looks like someone who can spend a lifetime with her.

Luffy is a good man, but he is also a fool.

Zoro is also a good man, but he is also a fool.

Usopp? He is ugly!

Sanji? Too fickle!

Although he likes me, he not only likes me, he is like this to every woman.

Only Ning Yuan!

He is handsome, talented, can tell stories, can play music, and has a serious job!

Moreover, he seems to like me too.

"The two of us are simply a perfect match!" Nami clenched the newspaper again: "But, why? Why?"

Why did he fall in love with a princess after leaving the Merry?


Nami suddenly found something wrong.

How long has Ning Yuan been away from the Merry?

Less than two days!

In two days, is it enough to get from here to Alabasta?

Even if he can fly, how can a princess let him carry her?

Does she trust Ning Yuan so much?

Moreover, in two days, not only do he have to travel, but he also has to cultivate feelings? And he also has to assassinate Crocodile?

"He is from Alabasta, and the princess is also from Alabasta. The newspaper said that he didn't know Vivi before, but did he really not know her?" Nami found a blind spot.

"What the newspaper reported is false. Ning Yuan and Vivi definitely didn't know each other after leaving the Merry. They should have known each other before!"

"And!" When a blind spot was discovered, Nami discovered other blind spots.

The newspaper said that Ning Yuan didn't know how to use force and could only use a pistol to assassinate Crocodile.

But Nami knew that Ning Yuan was very strong. He not only could fly, but also could control the rudder with one hand!

At least his strength was not weak!

But all this was not reflected in the newspaper!

So, why?

Nami recalled the clues one by one, which were related to her lover. She turned into Sherlock Holmes and her reasoning ability soared to the limit!

"He is not just a person who can read and write. Where can a worker in a printing factory learn the violin? He must have learned it from the palace!"

"His manners are so elegant and his words are very dignified!"

"So, he is not a printing factory worker at all. He should have grown up in the palace since he was a child and grew up with the princess!"

"Prince? Or a guard?"

Let's put aside the question of identity for the time being. Then the question is, why did he appear in the East China Sea?

Because Crocodile is usurping the country, the princess has gone undercover, so Ning Yuan naturally has to find a way to save Alabasta.

For example, devil fruit?

A devil fruit that can make people fly, although it does not give people the power to fight Crocodile, but at least it can keep Ning Yuan undefeated in front of Crocodile!

After all, even if you can't beat him, you can still run away!

The rest is simple. He can fly, so he can naturally find an opportunity to kill Crocodile.

"So that's it!" The image of a person who traveled far away to find the devil fruit in order to save his country and the person he loved emerged in Nami's heart.

At this moment, she felt that she was closer to Ning Yuan.

After all, wasn't she like this back then?

For the sake of Cocosia Village, she traveled far away, stole treasures everywhere!


If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Princess Weiwei is not a latecomer.

I am the latecomer?

"Sanji!" Nami suddenly said: "What would you do if the person you like likes someone else?"

Is Nami hinting at me?

I like Nami, Nami likes Ning Yuan, this is not a hint, this is a clear indication!

Sanji's eyes suddenly turned into red hearts, and then he said excitedly: "Of course I will snatch her away! I want to let her know who is the one who really treats her well!"

"Yes, that's right!" Nami clenched her fists: "Who am I, I am a little thief!"

Even if he is the princess's man, I will steal him!

As the saying goes, no one cultivates the wasteland, but once it is cultivated, there will be disputes.

Nami originally had only a little affection for Ning Yuan. If the two of them didn't contact each other for a while, they might forget about each other.

But now, she suddenly found that someone was competing with her for a man!

Her fighting spirit was high!

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