People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 263 Overlord's Luck

"I'm always well-informed when it comes to treasure!" Buggy said excitedly, "I even left a town I was plundering behind just to get to Rogue Town as soon as possible to stop you!"

It's Orange Town, right? Does that mean Luffy didn't have a conflict with Buggy?

By the way, is Orange Town before or after Cocosia? I watched the anime too early and I've forgotten the order of the plot.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

"Although I lost the wealth of a town, as long as I get the 100 million Baileys from you, all the losses will be made up!" Buggy said excitedly: "Quick, hand over the money!"

Ning Yuan was speechless, then turned his head to look at Dashiqi: "Navy, look, there are pirates extorting citizens on the street!"

Dashiqi is also a tiger. He came directly in front of Ning Yuan and blocked him behind him. Although his calves were shaking, he still said stubbornly: "The bounty is 15 million Baileys. Captain Buggy of the Clown Buggy Pirates, I declare here that your journey ends here!"

"Hahahaha, stop joking!" Buggy laughed: "Just you? A corporal in the navy?"

"What if I am included!" Accompanied by the roar of a motorcycle, a white-haired macho man with three cigars in his mouth made a brilliant appearance.

The macho man wore an open-chested military uniform, and his eight abdominal muscles and developed chest muscles were so carelessly exposed. I don't know if he was being coquettish or to deter pirates.

There is also a ten-handed stick with a branch next to his motorcycle. It is made of metal mixed with seastone and can hit natural devil fruit users.

"Colonel Smoker!" Tashigi's expression suddenly relaxed, and then she came behind Smoker with a look of joy: "Colonel Smoker, he is the clown Buggy, with a bounty of 15 million Baileys, and he wants to rob this gentleman of his money!"

"I already know it!" Smoker nodded. A signalman had just reported the situation here to him.

While speaking, he looked at Ning Yuan next to him with some surprise. He knew this reporter and he had also read the newspaper yesterday.

But I didn't expect this reporter to be so rich?

What's the concept of 100 million Baileys? I have been a navy for so many years, and I haven't even saved 10 million.

But no matter how much money there is, it belongs to others. The duty of the navy is to eliminate pirates.

"Buggy the clown, your journey ends here!" Smoker said sternly.

The same words, spoken by different people, have completely different weight.

As a natural devil fruit user, Smoker is almost like a bug in the East China Sea. I don't know how many pirates have suffered at his hands.

So even if he didn't sign up, Buggy was already a little panicked.

"Smoker, we don't interfere with each other. If you let me rob the money, I will leave!" Buggy shouted fiercely: "Otherwise, the navy next to you saw the explosion just now. I have another ship of such bombs. If you dare to attack me, my people will blow up the entire Rogue Town!"

"Huh?" Smoker looked at the center of the explosion. What else was there except a pit on the ground?

The explosion just now was blocked by the ice wall, and it didn't cause much damage to the building at all!

So Smoker sneered at Buggy's threat: "I am a dignified navy colonel, you dare to threaten me? I will send you to Impel Down today!"

"Sending to Impel Down is useless!" Ning Yuan next to him suddenly interrupted.

"Hmm?" Smoker turned his head away in annoyance. Although you are a civilian and protected by the navy, I will beat you up if you say bad things about the navy.

Tashigi asked curiously, "Why didn't it work!"

"Do you know Conqueror Haki?" Ning Yuan asked.

Tashigi shook her head in confusion, "I don't know!"

She didn't even know Haki.

Smoker's face suddenly became serious, "You mean this Buggy will? But how is it possible! How can a person with Conqueror Haki have a bounty of only 15 million Baileys?"

"He doesn't have Conqueror Haki!"

Smoker breathed a sigh of relief.

"But he has Conqueror Haki luck!"

Smoker was confused along with Tashigi.

"Although Conqueror Haki is rare, it is said that only one person in a million people has it, but in the current world, there are billions of people. Even if only one person in a million people has it, there should be a thousand people!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "But Conqueror Haki luck, heaven and earth, there is only one case!"

"Are you kidding me? Conqueror Haki luck, only him?" Smoker looked at Buggy in front of him with a blank face.

Wearing a clown costume, a red nose, and a clown makeup, he doesn't look like he has good luck.

Buggy himself was also confused: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? Are you crazy because I robbed you of your money?"

Ning Yuan said lightly: "People with Conqueror Haki luck can turn disaster into blessing and turn danger into safety. No matter how big the difficulties are, they can turn danger into safety. Even if they encounter an environment that the Four Emperors feel is a desperate situation, they can create miracles!"

Baki was completely confused: "You, are you praising me?"

Smoker was speechless. I really lost my mind to listen to you talk so much.

He stretched out his hand to get on the white smoke, but heard Ning Yuan's voice suddenly get louder: "Bucky, how do you think Roger won the Battle of Et-Wol?"


"Because you were on Roger's ship!"

The whole street exploded.

As mentioned earlier, those citizens ran away, but they didn't run far, and they were still observing the battle.

So, they all heard this sentence!

How did you feel after hearing it?


According to this reporter, this Bucky is not only a crew member of Roger the Pirate King, but Roger also relied on his luck to defeat the Golden Lion?

"You, are you kidding me!" Smog was also shocked. He knew very well about the Battle of Ate Wall. It was almost the battle that decided the fate of the Pirate King. It was clear that Roger was in decline, but a storm changed the situation. the direction of the war.

This kind of thing is actually related to Bucky?

"I'm right, Bucky the Clown, a crew member of Roger the Pirate King, and the brother of the Four Emperors Shanks!" Ning Yuan glanced meaningfully at Bucky in front of him, then turned to look at Smoker: "You can do it But let me remind you, no one can imprison a person with domineering luck! Not even Impel Down! Even if you send him to the Navy Headquarters and let the three generals guard him day and night, he still has a chance to escape. !”

"And the greater the difficulties he encounters, the greater the miracles he creates!"

Patting Smoker on the shoulder: "Go, Smoke Man!"

The cigar in Smoker's mouth was trembling, and he was a little excited: "You said he is a crew member of Roger the Pirate King? Is it true or false?"

"I am a reporter, and my news channels are very wide!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "But he has the luck of the king!"

"I don't believe in such overlord's luck!" Smoker grinned: "If he has overlord's luck, then I am overlord's justice. Do you think that pushing the city forward can't contain him? Then I will kill him directly. it's here!"

Ning Yuan held his forehead: "It's over. If you just want to catch him, there is still a possibility of success. If you want to kill him now, you are destined to fail!"

"Then try it!" The smoker said, and his arm suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke, which filled the entire street in the blink of an eye.

"White smoke!"

"Let go, let me go!" Clown Bucky's panicked voice sounded: "What is this?"

When the smoke cleared, Bucky the Clown was already wrapped in smoke by Smoker!

Not only was he captured, but the Kabaki behind him was also held down.

"Isn't this very simple!" Smoker looked at Bucky in his hand, and then at Ning Yuan: "Where is the Overlord Luck?"

"So a joke is just a joke after all, not the law of cause and effect!" Ning Yuan touched his chin and thought.

At this point in time, there are only two people in the East China Sea who can save Bucky the Clown from Yan Man.

Dorag, and Hawkeye.

But there is no reason why the former would save Bucky the Clown, but the latter does make sense, for example, for the sake of the red hair.

But he should have returned to the Grand Line.

So, Bucky is dead?

No, no, no, before he died, everything was possible. Ning Yuan still believed in metaphysics.

"You haven't taken action yet!" Ning Yuan said, "Would you like to kill me?"

"Kill him!" Smoker raised his ten hands, suddenly paused in the air, and then looked at Ning Yuan: "You want me to kill him so much, do you have a grudge against him?"

"He wanted to steal my Bailey, didn't you see it?" Ning Yuan spread his hands.

"So you want him to die, and then deliberately exaggerate his threat!" Smoker said coldly: "Then the crew of One Piece, the brother of Red-haired Shanks, and the luck of the Overlord are all lies!"

"Ah, yes, yes, how do I know Roger and Shanks? I'm just a little pirate with a bounty of 15 million Baileys, how could I be related to such a big shot!" Bucky the Clown burst into tears and hurriedly argued: "He just wanted to kill me, so he said that on purpose!"

"If you say that he is related to the pirate admiral Crick, or that he is a reincarnation of Black Cat Crow, I would still believe it, but the crew of One Piece or something..." Smoker shook his head: "I understand that you protect your property. Determination, but our navy has its own rules for dealing with pirates. As a devil fruit user, Bucky the Clown can only be imprisoned in Impel Down City!"

Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Look, the overlord's luck has taken effect!"

"Eh?" Smoker was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"You were already convinced that you were going to kill him, but you changed your mind when you were about to kill him. This is not the result of overlord's luck!" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "I told you earlier, he has overlord's luck and you can't kill him. !”

"Hey, why don't you understand!" Smoker said angrily: "I have already said that our navy has its own way of dealing with pirates. How can you kill them just when you say you want to?"

"I am a reporter from the World Economic News. Tomorrow I will report Bucky's overlord's luck. Today you can't kill Bucky. From tomorrow on, your navy, soldiers on the transport ship, and jailers in the city may all be curious. How lucky he is, but no matter how curious they are, they can’t kill Bucky!”

"And I also said, overlord luck, the greater the adversity you encounter, the greater the miracles you create!"

"Do you know what Roger became after the Battle of At Wall?"

Smoker was silent for a moment.

A passer-by gave the answer: "One Piece!"

Ning Yuan smiled at the man, nodded and said: "Yes, a naval battle at Ait Wall can launch a Pirate King. If Bucky was tried to assassinate by countless people along the way, and was imprisoned in Impel Down City, such an adversity would be difficult. What about the Battle of Beat Wall? How big of a miracle will it be?"

"Do you think the Impel Down City will collapse? Or simply overwhelm the Navy Headquarters?"

"Even world politics..."

"Shut up!" Smoker's eyes turned red.

What does this mean? Is this threatening me?

Are you saying that if I don’t kill Bucky today, anything that happens in the future will be blamed on me?

The key point is that this is not known to only one person or two people. He is a reporter, and he is really capable of telling this matter to the whole world!

Whenever Bucky does something, everyone will remember the afternoon when he, Smoker, showed some mercy to Bucky!

However, our navy has its own rules and regulations. If I kill Smoker, wouldn't I be violating the navy's rules and regulations?

"Hmph, whatever you want to report, I think a few people believe you. I stick to justice and don't believe in overlord luck!" Smoker shouted angrily: "Dasqi, sea-floor stone handcuffs!"

"The overlord's luck is so terrifying!" Ning Yuan exclaimed: "I said it was so serious, but he doesn't believe in evil!"

"Ji Ji Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai said so much, he is just a pirate, kill him if you want! You are so lucky!" A passerby suddenly stood up: "If you don't kill me, I will kill him!"

After saying that, he took out a revolver and pointed it at Bucky.

Ning Yuan didn't stop him. Smoker could stop him, but he didn't stop him either.

After all, what Ning Yuan said was too mysterious, and he was a little panicked.

He couldn't kill Bucky, but if he was killed by a passerby, it wouldn't be a violation.

Then, in full view of everyone, the passerby's revolver roared.

It exploded!

The revolver, a firearm that does not jam and has no barrel, exploded!

"Huh?" Smoker was stunned for a moment, then took out his ten hands and stabbed it straight into the clown's heart.

"Buzz!" A sharp sword energy struck from a distance. First, a crack was made on Shishou's body, and then Smoker and Shishou were directly hit dozens of meters away!

Bucky, free!

At this moment, Dasqi was stunned, the onlookers were stunned, the passerby with the exploding revolver was stunned, and even Smoker was stunned.

Overlord Luck, really can't be killed?

"Eagle Eye?" Smoker raised his head to look at the person coming. He could shoot a sword energy from hundreds of meters away, and he could also hit a colonel like him more than ten meters away.

There is no one else but Hawkeye in the East China Sea!

"Why are you here?"

"Where am I going? Do I need to report to your navy?" Hawkeye said calmly, but he was actually embarrassed to say it.

After he finished fighting Sauron in Barati, he wanted to go back to the Grand Line. He got lost in the ocean current on that way for a few days and happened to land today.

I saw a marine killing pirates, so I saved him.

After saying this, Hawkeye suddenly felt something was wrong.

When he usually displays force, the onlookers are either shocked or cheering. At least the name Hawkeye Mihawk must be mentioned a hundred and eighty times in the mouths of the onlookers.

But why are their eyes so strange this time? Although they are also looking at themselves, they are looking more at the pirate they saved!

Someone else was mumbling something.

Mihawk listened carefully, and then his mind was filled with confusion, Overlord's luck? what is that?

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