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Chapter 160: The Strongest Ninja Village: Iwagakure

After killing the Kazekage, Scorpion patted his butt and went to school.

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The Sand Village was confused.

The Sand Village Guard knew that the Kazekage was out. Although they didn't know where the Kazekage went, they knew the approximate time of his return.

As a result, he didn't come back after the agreed time.

At first, the guard didn't care, maybe something delayed him.

But after a month or two, the guard didn't come back, and the guard immediately felt something was wrong.

Then there was news from Chiyo that her grandson was missing.

Because of his rebellious mentality, Scorpion didn't tell Chiyo when he went out, not to mention his grandmother, so he didn't tell Chiyo at all when he went out, so naturally no one knew where he went.

The two disappeared together, and no one thought that Scorpion killed the third generation and then defected. Instead, they thought that they might have encountered a strong enemy and died together!

Although they guessed, the Sand Village still sent a large number of ninjas to find someone first.

As soon as the Sand Village moved, the Rock Village was the first to notice something was wrong.

As for the reason.

The Sand Village is obsessed with Konoha, and the Rock Village has always been obsessed with the Sand Village.

As for the reason, just look at the map.

The land of the Land of Earth is in a better situation than the Land of Earth, but not much better.

They are all equally poor, with scarce resources. There are very few plains that can be used for farming, and because of the dry weather, even if they grow crops, the yield is not high.

And their irrigation level is not high.

Such a country naturally thinks of invasion and expansion, otherwise it will suffer from famine as soon as the population increases, and it will not survive at all.

The two big neighbors of the Land of Earth are the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind.

It stands to reason that the Land of Earth should fight the Land of Fire, because the Land of Wind is so desolate that it is useless to take it down.

But the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth are separated by the Land of Bears and the Land of Birds.

As you can see from the names, one of these two countries has bears and the other has birds.

There must be bears and birds in places with forests!

So even if we can only get a desert after destroying the Wind Country, as long as we get the Bear Country and the Bird Country, it will not be a loss.

"You said that all the ninjas of the Sand Village have scattered, like headless flies, as if they are looking for something?" Ohnoki looked at the report in front of him with a look of surprise: "What are they looking for?"

"This, our people are still investigating!"

"Find out the results as soon as possible!" Ohnoki waved his hand and said, "Ask Huangtu in!"


A moment later, Huangtu, who was sturdy, honest-looking, and wearing a red headscarf, appeared in front of Ohnoki.

As soon as he saw his son's honest smile, Ohnoki was furious.

How could I, such a smart person, give birth to a fool!

Huangtu is certainly not a fool, but a very trustworthy ninja, but that's not enough!

He can't learn the Dust Release inherited by the Tsuchikage, and he can't understand strategy and politics at all.

Forget it, forget it, I gave birth to him!

"Take a look at this, and then tell me what you think!" Ohnoki handed the document over and asked.

Huangtu took the document, glanced at it, thought about it, and then asked: "Will the Sand Village want to go to war?"

"What do you mean?" Ohnoki asked.

"Look, the Sand Village is looking for something, so it's obvious that something is lost!" Huangtu said: "What can make nearly 70% of the ninjas in a ninja village go out to find it? This must be an extremely precious thing!"

Onoki nodded: "So, what do you think is lost?"

"One tail!" Huangtu said firmly.

"Huh?" Ohnoki was stunned, and then suddenly realized.

Yes, what else is worth the whole village going out to look for besides the one tail?

So, the one tail is lost?

"But this may just be a maze they cast!" Huang Tu said, "If one tail is really lost, the search will definitely not be so big. They should quietly send several teams to search for it!"

"Now this posture of the whole village going out is more like telling people from other villages that our one tail is lost!"

"Then lure us to invade?" Ohnoki asked.

"It's possible!" Huang Tu nodded: "But it's also possible that the one tail of the Sand Village is really lost, and the Third Kazekage didn't think so much and directly sent people to search!"

Ohnoki nodded, and when he looked at his son's eyes again, there was something wrong: "How can you see this?"

"Uh" Huang Tu scratched his head awkwardly: "I don't know, maybe it's because I've been reading a book?"

"Reading a book?" Ohnoki thought hesitantly. Huang Tu did often read a book called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" recently.

This book also has the effect of improving the brain?

But the power of the book should not be that great.

He said Huang Tu was stupid, but he was not really stupid. How could a fool learn to use explosive escape?

Just a little bit silly.

This book may have opened my son's eyes!

"Reading more books is indeed good!" Ohnoki nodded and asked, "You just said that the Sand Village wants to go to war, why is that?"

"This is also a possibility!" Huang Tu said, "As I said before, if the One-Tail is really lost, the Sand Village should search for it secretly, instead of making such a big fuss, so this search may just be acting!"

"Go on!"

"Now they are only searching in the Kingdom of Wind. If they find it, it's fine. If not, is it possible that they want to enter the Kingdom of Earth or the Kingdom of Fire to search?"

Onoki nodded, understanding what Huangtu meant.

The Sand Village may enter the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Fire on the grounds that our important items are lost.

Neither they nor Konoha will agree to such unreasonable requests.

Then the group will start?

The Sand Village can also invade other countries in a logical way!

However, having said that, when did the countries in the ninja world want to go to war become so troublesome?

Wouldn't it be enough to just fight?

"What do you think we should do?" Ohnoki asked.

"Strike first and keep the enemy out of the country!" Huangtu raised his hand and gestured.

"That makes sense!" Ohnoki nodded.

Although the Kingdom of Earth did not look for Ohnoki, Ohnoki also felt that life was not easy.

Because merchants from the Land of Fire also began to affect the market of the Land of Earth, the complaints of various material suppliers in the Hidden Rock Village would naturally reach Ohnoki's ears.

Fortunately, the Land of Earth has been preparing for war in recent years and has never stopped. If it wants war, it can do so at any time!

After Huang Tu left, Ohnoki quickly retrieved the relevant documents for ninja registration and checked the war preparedness of the Land of Earth.

Because the Land of Earth is not good at attacking with earth escape, it often takes two or three people to kill a ninja on the opposite side. Therefore, the prototype of human wave tactics was formed as early as the Warring States Period.

And because earth escape is better at defense, the survival rate of the Hidden Rock Village ninjas on the battlefield is extremely high.

Like to fight with more people and have a high survival rate. These two factors lead to a large number of surviving ninjas in the Land of Earth.

With more ninjas, there will naturally be more offspring, and Ohnoki will not deliberately suppress other ninja clans in the village.

After decades of development, the Hidden Rock Village naturally became the village with the most ninjas in the entire ninja world.

You don't know if you don't check it, and you'll be shocked when you check it.

Ohnoki was shocked to find that the number of registered ninjas in the Land of Earth was 16,000!

Note that this refers to registered ninjas!

In fact, there are more ninjas that are not included in the statistics!

For example, retired ones, those trained by their families, and those who are not registered in the ninja system.

These people should add up to about 7,000 to 8,000!

In other words, the war potential of the Land of Earth is actually around 25,000 people!

"This, this, this" Ohnoki suppressed his excitement and sat down, then dug up some data from other villages to explore.

Konoha has never had a sense of preparedness for danger in times of peace. Various systems have been passed down since the establishment of the village, and basically have not changed. There has been no policy to encourage ninja training or reproduction.

Therefore, the number of ninjas in Konoha is the best estimate.

During World War II, the three ninjas led 2,500 and Hatake Sakumo led 1,500, for a total of 4,000 people.

Of these 4,000 people, nearly 1,000 should have been lost in the war. After these years of recovery, the total number of 4,000 should have been restored.

To be conservative, let's count five thousand.

This is all the ninjas in Konoha.

Of course, Konoha's war potential is not limited to this. Konoha has many ninja clans, and they hide more people than the Sand Village.

The major ninja clans can also provide four or five thousand ninjas.

Five thousand plus five thousand is ten thousand.

I have twenty-five thousand, and you only have ten thousand.

It's not just that.

Although Konoha has Uchiha, the Uchiha was assigned to the guard team.

There has been no war for decades. How many people can open three magatama? Can ten be gathered?

Although I am old, it is not a problem to go into battle. Dust Release is no worse than three magatama, or even Mangekyō Sharingan.

The Byakugan has strong reconnaissance ability?

That's also powerful in small-scale wars. I will not divide the troops and directly press the whole army. Even if you see me, what can you do?


Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchūriki has just passed away, and the new one has not grown up yet, while our two tailed beasts Jinchūriki have already grown up and their strength is at its peak.

In this comparison, the Land of Earth has an advantage in every aspect!

Doesn't this mean that the strength of our Land of Earth has surpassed Konoha?

"And there is also the Hidden Cloud Village!" Ohnoki suppressed his excitement and estimated the strength of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Although the Hidden Cloud Village has a lightning armor, this technique is exclusive to the Raikage lineage, and other ninjas don't know it.

The death rate of lightning ninjas who are not good at defense on the battlefield is extremely high, and the Land of Lightning is also not good at growing crops.

So the situation of the Hidden Cloud Village is similar to that of the Hidden Sand Village. There are ninjas, but not many!

And because the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning are old rivals, Ohnoki knows more about the strength of the Hidden Cloud Village!

"The number of registered ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village should be around 6,000. Because the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja Clan is extremely weak, even if there are hidden ninjas, there are only one or two thousand at most. Therefore, the war potential of the Hidden Cloud Village is only about 8,000 in total, which is not as good as mine!"

If you don't calculate, you won't know. Once you calculate, you will be shocked. Ohnoki suddenly has an excited idea.

"My Hidden Rock Village is the number one ninja village in the ninja world!"

After realizing that his strength is so strong, Ohnoki's thoughts changed instantly.

I have such strong strength, how can I be satisfied with the Wind Country and the Hidden Sand Village!

I want the Thunder Country, the Fire Country, I want it too!

Even my Earth Country may not be able to unify the world!

If there is anyone in this world who has the great wish to unify the world, it is Ohnoki!

Because Ohnoki was once beaten by Uchiha Madara, and in the world view of the ninja world, people who are beaten often admire and learn from those who beat them.

Ohnoki understands Uchiha Madara's ideas very well, and he began to imitate them unconsciously.

Of course, if you ask him, he will definitely not admit it, and he may even curse Uchiha Madara.

He is a twisted Uchiha Madara fan.

Once the strategy changes, the previous plan must also change.

Ohnoki stood next to the map on the wall and outlined the way to advance in his mind.

First of all, the Sand Village still has to be fought.

But it is enough to take down the Bear Country and the Bird Country. With these two places, the Rock Village will have food and mineral production areas, and no longer worry about logistics problems.

There is no need to enter the Wind Country, because it is useless to enter, and you have to divide troops to defend it, which is not worth it.

And there is another advantage of only taking down the Bear Country and the Bird Country, which is to give people a false impression, a false impression that the Earth Country is very weak.

Our Land Country was driven back when it invaded the Sand Village. Doesn't this mean that our Land Country is not as strong as the Sand Village?

When everyone doesn't take the Land Country seriously, we will attack.

In this battle, I will take down Konoha Village directly!

However, the Cloud Village is also a problem.

The Night Moon Clan doesn't have much brains, but they will always hold me back when I attack.

I have to leave some troops for the Cloud Village.

When the Cloud Village fights the Rock Village, they need to cross the sea, and the battlefield is likely to be on the sea, so those Genin who can't tread water should not be brought.

He will only bring a team of elite soldiers.

If I can keep this team of elite soldiers, it is not impossible to take down the Lightning Country without this elite soldier!

First take down the Fire Country, then the Lightning Country, gather the resources of the three countries, and the Wind Country and the Water Country are not easy?

"I may not be unable to unify the world in my lifetime!" Ohnoki thought excitedly, and then looked at the sky with an unconvinced face.

Madara, did you see it!

I will help you achieve what you couldn't do back then!

I am not the short guy I was back then!

Although I am old and not tall, I can finally stand at the top of the ninja world!

Where were you at that time?

"Ninja world Shura, tsk!"

There is a mistake in the previous article. The three countries near the Rain Country are the Wind Country, the Earth Country and the Thunder Country, so the Wind Country is not the one that took advantage of the Fire Country.

But this is a small problem and it doesn't matter.

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