But before that, Jingchuan first entered the place where the dwarfs lived.

However, as soon as he entered the door, a strong smell of blood came to his nose. He glanced forward and Jingchuan immediately covered Snow White's eyes.

"how...What happened?"Snow White's voice was trembling. It was fine when the house was locked up, but now that the house was completely opened, the bloody smell that was sealed was immediately exposed.

Coupled with the quick glance just now, it was impossible for Snow White to say that she was not afraid.

Even Jingchuan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

There were corpses everywhere, and there were dense teeth marks on the white bones.

There were limbs everywhere, and there were strange skins.

There were even many bald heads.

This place is a hell on earth for humans.

At the same time, it can be seen from this, how cruel are the dwarves in this forest?

Ignoring the hundreds of corpses in front of them.

"What is this?"Jingchuan's brows suddenly gathered. Among the corpses, there was a very huge fang.

With a thought, Jingchuan immediately attracted the fang into his hand, and then hurriedly took Snow White out of the house. He casually spit out a huge ball of flame and burned it completely.

""What is it?"

Jingchuan raised the fang in his hand. It looked to be about a meter long.

There were also hard brown hairs on it.

"This looks like a wild boar's tusk."

Snow White explained, then hid in Jingchuan's arms and fell into recollection.

"I remember when I was in Lore City, my mother was still alive and she often told me stories. One of them was about three very scary creatures in the dark forest."

"They are seven ferocious dwarfs, a werewolf walking under the moonlight, and three overbearing wild boars."

"By the way, I heard that there is a strange frog on the river at the edge of the dark forest.

Snow White explained.

Jingchuan had been listening quietly, holding Snow White's soft and boneless hand.

The two walked and talked

"The tooth in your hand looks like the tooth of the three wild boars. I have heard that the seven ferocious dwarfs have a very good relationship with the three wild boars."

"Jingchuan, you might be in danger."

Snow White's eyes were full of worry when she said this.

"Danger? No, this is a complete opportunity for me."

Jingchuan shook his head. Killing the seven dwarfs made him indestructible. What's more, if he killed the werewolf and the three wild boars, what unexpected rewards would he get?

Although this fairy tale world is not as beautiful as imagined, full of darkness and weirdness, but the harvest is also very rich.

"Huh, I also want to become stronger, I also want to help you... the most important thing is."

Said here, Snow White shyly lowered her head.

Jingchuan instantly understood, Snow White in the castle repeatedly begged for mercy.

In addition, now he has the indestructible diamond.

Jin Kun is unusually firm!

Snow White may not be able to withstand it with her ordinary body now.

"In that case, I will teach you the chakra extraction technique."

Jingchuan said, gently holding Snow White's hand.

Snow White looked at Jingchuan blankly:"What is the chakra extraction technique?"

The silly and cute look made Jingchuan's heart beat, but he still patiently explained to Snow White the relationship between chakra and ninjutsu, that is, the ninja system.

"So the flames and all kinds of strange abilities you release are all due to chakra?" Snow White said excitedly.

"Well, do you want to learn?" Jingchuan looked at Snow White with a smile.


With eyes like stars, he nodded firmly.

At this moment, Jingchuan looked regretful. Why didn't he learn Wood Release?

If he learned Wood Release, a three-bedroom and one-living room technique could be built directly.

Snow White's appearance is too tempting now.

But it's not a big problem.

The reincarnation eye is opened, and gravity and repulsion are running back and forth. It just so happens that the environment here is also very good.

Backed by mountains, surrounded by forests.

In an instant, hundreds of trees flew into the air, and then quickly turned into hard wooden stakes one after another.

Under the strong repulsive force, a huge wooden house was built out of thin air.

"Come on, let me teach you the chakra extraction technique."

Jingchuan looked at Snow White meaningfully. After such a long period of tacit understanding, Snow White reacted instantly.

Blushing, she silently tied her hair up.

"What is this? Gold?"

""Try it."

In the dense forest, the wailing of the little white rabbit was heard.

The teaching of chakra extraction was proceeding in an orderly manner.

This teaching lasted for a long time until an evil breath came from outside, breaking the movement of the two.

It was as if dozens of people were wailing together.

Snow White, who was sitting on Jingchuan, froze. Listening to the horrible movement outside, her face turned pale instantly.

Her eyes were terrified.

Snow White was timid to begin with, and coupled with being isolated from the outside world for a long time, her mentality was very naive.

It was normal to be afraid of ghosts and gods.

Jingchuan's expression on his face was very unhappy. He was excited, and suddenly such a thing came.

It's really a weird world. The weirdness came out just after dark.

Returning to his own world, leaving Snow White alone here, Jingchuan was worried.

Find a place with a dense population, so that you can survive in this world. People in this world must have ways to resist weirdness.

But before that, kill this blind man first.

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