People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 33: Wow, Hinata Technology has gone out with 1 chip!

   [Yagio: Isn’t it the embarrassment of your Hyuga! 】

  【Hyuga Hisaki: Yagyu, you can make it clear, where is our Hyuga? As the Konoha clan, we must be correct in our words and deeds! 】

   [Thousands of hands: Ha ha, daily disparity! Say you are staying or you are stupid. Kid Yanagi is already very obvious. What do you Hyuga do besides the bird in the cage?

   And Yagyu, you touch Hinata girl's hand every morning not just to take advantage, right? 】

  [Yagiu: Oh! Uncle Faijian, you are right, I do treat Hinata every day!

   Because Hinata is naturally soft, the ninja's talent is not good.

   But in order to maintain the glory of the clan family, in order to respond to her father's expectations, she still practiced gently and hard every day.

   Every day I go to school, all I see are her bruised hands, but no one in the class cares about her!

   Despite my help and her hard work, talent is always a barrier that cannot be crossed.

   Today, she lost to her sister who was a few years younger than her. She has been given up by his father! 】

   The group is silent, they are all geniuses, except for Matt Dai who are not talented?

   So they don't understand Hinata's suffering, but they feel Hinata's loneliness.

   They feel that today's Yanagi is too gentle, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable. It is better to have a hippie smile!

  【Hinata Nissaka: So Hinata was injured by Neji because of his weakness? 】

  【Yiu Sheng: You don't say everything, you also account for a large proportion. First of all, Hinata has a weak talent, but he belongs to the Zong family, while Ning Ci's extraordinary talent is separated from the family. Are you fair?

   This is not the point. Ning Ci thinks that Japanese football has harmed you, so can people not be jealous and resentful? 】

  【Hinata Nissari:……】

  Hisashi heard the words in front of him. Poor Hinata felt very angry, but after hearing the words behind Yanagi, he felt a little sorry for Neji.

   Hinata pitiful?


   But is his Neji not pitiful?


   Hinata in his arms gradually calmed down after smelling the clean smell of Yanagyu. It was great to be accompanied by someone!

   Suddenly the voice of a female hooligan sounded in his mind.

   "If you like it, kiss! Why are you blushing? When can you be together when blushing!"

   "Ah!" Hinata exclaimed in shock.

   "What's wrong with Hinata! Are you okay?" Yanagi frowned when he saw Hinata's strange movements and asked with concern.

"it's okay no problem!"

   Hinata responded with a blushing face. Didn’t Yanagi Sheng-kun hear it?

   Looking at Hinata in his arms, his face was still blushing, his eyes were swollen, and he continued to go to the group after confirming that it was all right.

  Beauty is of course a vertical and horizontal chat group!

   "Don't guess, I know what you think, your boyfriend can't hear me."

   "What boyfriend, Mr. Liu Shengjun! And you...who are you? Can you please get out of my mind!"

   Hinata’s eyes are about to turn into mosquito coil eyes, boy...boyfriend!

   "Hahaha, look at your virtue. It's not surprising that my boyfriend was soaked by someone else, and who I am, I am you!"


   Hinata is very curious!

   "How can I tell you? Let's put it this way, I have always been in your heart, but I just woke up today. I will show you and you will understand!"

   Talking about Hinata feeling that her body was taken over by the "other self", she looked like a bystander!

  【Hinata Nissa: But these are not the reasons for your puppy love, **** kid. 】

  [Yagiu: Oh! Uncle Nissa's words are wrong. I just want to be with Hinata. How can it be considered a love now? 】

  【Hinata Nissara: Humph! What a gentle and innocent girl in my Hinata, how could it be...sigh~~]

   "O Hinata, do you want me to help you!" The bold Hinata spoke to the other Hinata teasingly.

   "No!" Hinata exclaimed, who was still watching the show shyly.

   It's too late!

   Hinata suddenly raised his head, buried in his arms, suddenly hugged Liu Sheng's head, and went out in his incredulous eyes.

   Yanagi:? ? ?

   shyly "watching the movie" Hinata covered his eyes with his hands, but still left some fingers.

   is a long minute.

   Haven't been in the group yet, Yagyu feels like a flat boat in the ocean drifting with the flow.

   turned out to be him lying in Hinata's arms.

   "You will be mine from now on, Yanagi!" Hinata smiled and issued a bold declaration.

   You... how can you do this?

   The shy Hinata fainted!

   Yanagi was still in a daze, and his heart was still beating frantically.

what happened? ? ?

   Is Hinata next to me? Are you sure it's not a substitute?

   "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

   Coach, I want to report it! It's also a physical link!

   This sudden change caused a loud noise in the group.

  【Thousands of hands: You two really teased your father. This is called shyness and cowardice? Isn't this Tsunade better than Tsunade? Hahaha!

   If this is considered gentle and cowardly, Tsunade can be said to be a weak woman. Gentle and cowardly Hina Tian Ji? 】

  【Hinata Nissari: No...impossible? Hinata is definitely not such a person...]

  【Senjujuma: Hahaha, I didn’t expect that Yanagi and Nissa would come to sing double reeds, and I was still very sad in front of me! You are so despicable! 】

  【Uzumaki Kushina: I thought Hinata was the one who suffered, but now I found out that I was wrong, and the one who suffered... is Yanagi! 】

  【Bo Feng Shui Men: Nine Xin Na is right, the daily slack is a good strategy! 】

  【Hinata Nissari:……】

   [Liusheng who suffers: I didn’t expect that your daily slack is such a person, but I think you are the most backbone of the Hyuga tribe! 】

   "I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense!"

  The daily slack in the Pure Land is almost crying, what's the matter? How come Hinata suddenly hugged the "victim" and outputted like a change of person!


   Hinata, who ran with small steps in the distance, was steaming above his head.

   is like cooked shrimp skin, so cute.

   "How can you...can kiss Liu Shengjun? How can I see him in the future? It's over, I don't have the face to meet people," Hin Tian Nuonuo rebelled softly.


   But she is very honest, she can't help but put her finger on her lips.

   She issued a declaration of possession to Yanagyu!

   "Oh, Xiao Nizi has a heartfelt heart! And how does it feel to kiss just now? Are you happy?" Hinata asked boldly and hooligan.

   "No... happy, no, no!" Hinata said shamefully, and then retorted decisively.

"What are you shy and excited about? It's all announced, maybe people take it seriously. Isn't it a delay for you to change your mind? It's a big deal, I'll pick him up! How about?" Hinata said jokingly. NS.

   "No, absolutely not. I...I still don't want to let Liu Sheng-kun..." Hinata blushed and struggled a bit.

   "Why not, I am you!"



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