People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 191: Kakashi please don't be short of blue!

Akatsuki organization.

"Sri Lanka!"

There is no trace of brilliance in the eyes with soil, and Kakashi, who uses his ability, is arrogant to chase Hokage of the first generation.

Itachi kept his face paralyzed, and his heart kept twitching. In this case, he couldn't beat Captain Kakashi at all.

Maybe only illusion, a strong illusion can defeat... right?

Konoha's private chat group was quiet for a while.

[Thousands of hands: My eldest brother will definitely win, you don’t know anything about his chakra! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Probably? This is the first time I have seen an enemy who can't move between the pillars! 】

Even the first column blowing is a bit unconfident, knowing how vigorous Kakashi is at this moment!

Whoever meets anyone must temporarily avoid the edge!

Just when the ninjas were not optimistic about the original Mehokage, they were stunned to see the scene.


Five minutes was up, and Kakashi, who was invincible in front, suddenly fell from Susanoh to head to the duel.

In an instant, the fallen leaves of the entire duel field can be heard!

The silence is terrible!


The mouths of all the ninjas in the audience fell to the ground, and their shocked minds went blank.

"What happened?"

Konoha's side was even more obsessed, his brain humming, and the screen kept showing Kakashi's landing posture.

Unbelievable, how did Uchiha Kakashi, who was invincible, fall to the ground?

Tsunade's eyes stared straight out, and Senjuman's facial paralyzed face twitched.

Konoha private chat group.

[Uchiha Madara: I would like to call Kakashi the most imaginary ninja. 】

【Sakumo Hagi: ...】

"How can it be repaired!"

Shumao Hagishi's face turned dark, and he secretly said in his heart: Let Kakashi abstain from intimacy in heaven and isolate himself when he goes back.

The big pillars in the arena, where they were still preparing to escape, stood directly in place, and everyone was stupid.

"This... this... won?"

Obviously won, but I don't know why my heart is empty, so how can I lie down and win?

Can't feel the feeling of victory at all.

After a moment of silence in the Ninja Realm chat group, it began to boil.

[Chiyo: Hahaha, the old man said, the first generation will definitely win. 】

[Two Libras Ohnoki: Look at the old man... Look silly, Kakashi was defeated by the first generation! 】

[Four generations of Raikage: Well, the first time Chakra is very important, especially after watching Uchiha Kakashi, I feel the importance of Chakra! 】

[Terumi Ming: It's really Cannian! Such a powerful force failed because of the lack of Chakra! 】

The undead Uchiha in the venue twitched the corners of their mouths and felt depressed.

I watched Kakashi chasing the first generation Kakashi in front of him, and he said with emotion: "This is Uchiha's power."

Who knows that Kakashi fell on the way to kill people before the pride was over.

Kakashi profoundly taught everyone a class called Don’t Miss Chakra.

All the ninjas who watched this scene have a regret, that is, Kakashi, can you not lack blue!

Anyhow, give us a wonderful chase and decisive battle!


At this time, the system also announced the result coldly.

"Four finals, the winner of the first battle is..."

"The first generation Naruto Senjuzuma!"

As soon as the voice fell, Konoha Tsunade applauded happily.

"Grandpa is the strongest!"

"The first generation of Hokage is the strongest!"

Silent was forced to work, and applause!

This scene also spurred Konoha's side, applauded and celebrated. Although the last first-generation target was very embarrassed, the first-generation target Muren and Mulong are very strong!

The applause was only because Tsunade's enthusiasm allowed them to drive them, not because it was the first to win.

But when the big pillar out of the duel heard the applause, he didn't have any happy expressions. Kakashi didn't lose to him.

It was lost to Chakra.

"How can it be repaired, so unwilling!"

Kakashi, who was weak on the other side, walked out of the duel with trembling legs, and Naruto hurried over to inject Chakra into Kakashi.

"Ms. Kakashi, are you okay!"

Kakashi lifted his eyes weakly, a trace of rosy on his pale face.

"No... just... Chakra consumes... a bit fierce!"

The ability to carry soil is strong, but it consumes a lot of money!

"That... is indeed a bit fierce!" Naruto sneered, slandering inwardly: "Now the Ninja world knows that you are empty, can you not consume it too much?"

Akatsuki organization.

Nagato, who had been afraid of "spots", stopped trembling, his legs and feet stopped trembling, and his expression became confident again.

"Spot" is empty!

Consume with him! His Nagato just has an ability to absorb Chakra.

Xiao Nan wore a lip stud with a temptation on his lips and smiled again. If the 100 billion detonation talisman were not enough, he doubled.

Anyway, "Kakashi" is false!

The corner of Itachi's mouth also raised a smile, and Sasuke could keep it from Captain Kakashi.

The ghost shark even touched his beloved shark muscle, and confidence appeared on the shark-like face.

"Xu! Chakra! This... Am I the nemesis?"

No wonder "Maa" wants to accept him as the first rape, because he needs him!

Seeing how vain Kakashi was, Akatsuki smiled evilly at the corners of her mouth.

They have no shortage of chakras.

On Konoha's side, Kakashi walked out of the duel, looking at the man's pitying expression and the girl's regretful expression.

Looking at Naruto weirdly: "What's the matter? Didn't I just go to a duel?"

Naruto learned the appearance of the pillars.

"Hahaha, I'm not sure! Teacher Kakashi!"

"It's a pity that such a handsome and powerful ninja is so imaginary!"

"what a shame!"

But when he returned to his seat and sat down, whispering behind his back made his face dark, he clicked on the Quan Ninja World chat group to take a look, and he couldn't help but squat on the ground.

"Da Ba, Da Ba, Da Ba!"

The name of his physical weakness is actually passed down to the world of Ninja.

After resting for a quarter of an hour, a cold voice rang in everyone's ears again.

"In the second game, Thousands of Hands played against Naruto Uzumaki!"

Let the ninja who discussed Kakashi's heart beat again, and the scene was in an uproar.

"The dark horse Uzumaki Naruto vs. the fast second-generation Hokage Senshouma!"

"I just hope that the two of them will not be weak because of Chakra, otherwise they will not be happy!"

"Weak body, have you forgotten their names? One is called Qianshou and the other is called Maelstrom. Will they fail because of lack of Chakra?"

"Brother, areyoucrazy?"

With the opening of the two passages, the two slowly walked into the duel arena.

All Ninja world chat group.

[Tsunade: Come on, Grandpa Second, quickly defeat Naruto! 】

[Silent: Second-generation Hokage-sama, please! 】

[Two Libra Ohnoki:? ? ? 】

[Four generations of Raikage:? ! what happened? 】

[Terumi Ming: This is not right! 】

Naruto also noticed the anomaly in the chat group, this... don't be so scared, right?

Even he is not confident that his future self can defeat the second generation of Hokage, after all, he runs fast.

Always undefeated capital!

Qianshou Jianma nodded and said that he knew it, and turned to look at Naruto.

"If Naruto is defeated in this battle, can the resurrection of the grandson of the rope tree be confirmed?"

But at this time, I felt a little Looking at Naruto, he actually saw his elder brother.

"It should be my illusion!"

Naruto smirked: "Uncle with facial paralysis, be merciful!"

Qianshoujian said with a cold face and said, "Boy from the Water Gate family, I will."

The communication between the two people ended, and the cold voice of the system began to sound.

"The second game, start!"

As soon as the voice fell, Thousands of Hands shot the Flying Thunder God in his hand.

And Naruto also completed the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mode at this very moment, turning into a little golden man.

The battle between the two also began.

On the other hand, Tsunade in the audience was inexplicably flustered. She would either lose or win and die.

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