People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 148: The grievances and grudges between Oshamaru and Sarutobi Hitachi!

Konoha mat side.

Tsunade exclaimed, "Grandpa, Grandpa, you... why are you here?"

The second generation who kicked Sarutobi frowned and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Oops, I forgot that Xiaozuna was nearby.

Between the pillars subconsciously scratched his head and laughed straightly.

"Hahaha, Xiaogang!"

Hearing a familiar but long-lasting voice, Tsunade suddenly stayed in place, with a tear in the corner of his eyes.

"Yes... I'm sorry, grandpa, it's me... not good, I didn't save your Konoha... and... Thousands of hands..."

After hearing the words, they were stunned, and the two immediately persuaded: "Xiao Gang, it's okay, you'll be fine if you are still there."

And Sarutobi Hitaka, who was stepped on the ground, watched painfully as the three reunited to enjoy the happiness of family.

Sarutobi Lake Biwa can only be observed in secret, and he does not know how to meet his husband and son now.

Without Sarutobi's interception, Yuhi Zhenhong encountered another trouble.

It's red.

The red eyes were rosy, looking at him in disbelief, the two father and daughter stood in a stalemate for a while.

Yuri Zhenhong discovered that the most important thing for him now is not dealing with Asma's affairs, but that he hasn't seen his daughter in twelve years.

"Red, how are you doing?"



On the other side, Kakashi saw the fourth generation family, and Mizumon smiled softly.

Kakashi immediately fell to his knees in front of Watergate, crying.

"Ms. Watergate, I'm sorry... I'm sorry!"

"Kakashi, it's okay, it was just an accident!"

Jiuxinai also comforted him softly.

"Kakashi, it's not your fault!"

Sakumo Hagiki also walked over. If Kakashi's heart disease is not cured this time, Kakashi is afraid that it will be abolished.

For the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizu was stunned and watched his brother who looked exactly like him walked over.


Huahuo looked at the Japanese foot without hesitation, then turned to stare at the Japanese slack.

The Japanese foot stabilized his mind, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"No, he is your uncle, Hyuga Nissa, Neji's father, and my younger brother!"

Ning Ci opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, but the acceleration of his heartbeat was still so obvious.


But Kay was sweating with his father at this time.

"Kay, what's the matter? How could the youth that met be so dull?"

"Yo Xi, stand upside down a hundred times with one arm!"


The two thick eyebrows used training to communicate with each other while smiling and crying.

Da She Wan is dumbfounded at the moment, what's the matter? Captain Hagi, the first generation head, the second generation head, and the sister forever!

Kushina, Hyuga Ripples? Matt Dai!

Sun Shinobu and Otono Shinobu have a feeling of eating lemons in other Shinobu villages, especially Sun Shinobu, whose father has just died!

"How can it be repaired, can this copy allow the undead to communicate with the living?"

"Why didn't I see my father!"

"Stupid! This is a copy of Konoha, of course only Konoha's undead!"

Of course the content of the copy only ends here?

Liu Sheng was eating melons, and he was really bored. The family was reunited. He didn't even finish the main content and continued to work.

The copy owner seemed to watch a play for a while, and then suddenly continued to play the screen.

Suddenly, it attracted the eyes of the undead and creatures present.

He pulled the disciple up and turned his head to give orders to Anbu next to him.

"Tie him to the old man. I'm going to see what the owner of this copy is going to put?"

"Yes, Lord Erdaime!"

After Anbe respectful, he said sorry to Sandai and tied him up and put him aside.

The other ninjas returned to their seats and sat down. Kakashi played the masked man, Lin, and Sakumo Hagiki next to Kakashi.

After the unremitting efforts of Mizumen and Hagi Sakumo, although he has not yet stepped out of autism, he is in a much better mood.

[The picture goes from Kakashi telling that he saw Mu Dun ninja to Sandaime saying that he would handle these things himself, to a Danzo waking up from his sleep and knowing that Oshemaru had defected. 】

[The influence is circulating. In a dark basement, Oshemaru meets the third generation of eyes who led the team to arrest people. All this conforms to the memory of the third generation of eyes in the death of the third generation. Sandaime also showed his obsession with Konoha. 】

[Then Oshemaru came out with a feeling of broad sea and sky, and suddenly found Kakashi lying in ambush behind. 】

[Kakashi lost to Oshemaru, at this moment a snake was wrapped around Oshemaru's waist, Oshemaru confidently said to Kakashi that he did not need his writing wheel eyes. 】

[But when Dashewan just finished speaking, a detonating talisman appeared in the snake's mouth. 】

[Suddenly, Dashewan has reappeared, and the waist is bleeding! 】

[Oshemaru said: "Three generations? Did you do it?"]

"Hahaha, really the truth is here."

"What a three-generation master and apprentice, really a good apprentice and master!"

"I thought it was the third generation who really let go of Dashewan. I didn't expect to encounter a squatting assassin when I came out. Not only that, he put a detonation talisman in the snake's mouth to injure Dashewan."

"Like the previous decentralization, people are released here, but not fully released."

"Are you going to hunt down the seriously injured Oshe Maru?"

"Look at Dashewan from easy to walk, how strong is this detonating talisman?"

"I'm really curious about how Oshe Maru survived that situation?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

At this moment, the truth of the cannibalism between master and disciple has been exposed, and another reversal of the plot has begun.

In the previous third generation, the second generation and the first generation of the dirty soil were used to put the detonation talisman on the thighs. Here, the third generation of the detonation talisman is directly placed in the snake’s mouth, which is controlled by the third generation of jieyin.

This kind of detonation talisman that needs to be controlled by Jieyin has a special kind of ninjutsu, called mutual multiplication detonation talisman!

But the death of the water gate was attached with soil and it exploded immediately. Obviously, the Oshe Maru was half-dead from then on, and the third-generation purpose of the waist fixed-point explosion was indispensable.

[At this time, the screen is good to give Oshemaru a close-up, from just facing the ridicule of the younger generation to the cold and ruthless eyes, but even so, he did not kill Kakashi, just released his murderous aura to leave the battlefield. 】

She shook her head and sighed: "Creating evil!"

The old face of Sarutobi Rizen was humiliated scarlet, and his wife Biwahu and his son Asma were next to him. Hokage was there for generations, and his dark history was exposed in other Ninja villages.

"Damn master of the copy!"

How could his little thoughts have been concealed from the caring people, Oshemaru's strength during this period is obviously stronger than that of the latter, and when the corpse turned and started this kind of technique, who can ensure that the soul will not go directly to the Pure Land?

So now it's obvious is dying from then on, and the development of this taboo ninjutsu has to be carried out under the pressure of death.

That's why the ugly incident of Oshamaru's master killing occurred.

The other ninjas looked at Osamu with pity, it was too miserable, too miserable.

Da She Wan's face has turned dark!

Sure enough, everyone present did not expect it.

[Screen III Daime and Danzo summoned Anbe Ninjas to hunt down Oshemaru, and analyzed that Oshemaru was seriously injured and could not leave the country of fire. 】

[Afterwards, I said that the knowledge, technology and resources owned by Oshe Maru are an indispensable part of Konoha, hoping to catch him alive. 】

[Danzo said that he really troubled Oshemaru while pursuing Oshemaru in Anbe, and he would definitely do his best for Konoha. 】

As soon as these contents came out, people began to suspect that San Daime was a good person.

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