Chapter 38

Almost at the same time, in the square in front of the court.

“I knew it.”

The straw hat boy Monkey·d·Luffy was very happy.

Because just now, the Zoro and others he was thinking of finally arrived in time.

The family is finally tidy!

When Franky and Robin are rescued, they can continue to travel again!

But at this moment, there was a “pop” sound in the sky not far away.

Luffy looked up, and the pupils in his eyes instantly shrank into pinpoints.

Because Luffy couldn’t forget the figure jumping up and down in the sky not far away.

It was the Marine soldier who hit him a hundred meters away with the previous punch.

The representative blue hair made Luffy feel a sharp pain all over his body the moment he saw Maien.

Speaking of which, the injury of that punch hasn’t been cured until now.

Even if Wang Luffy is Rubber Fruit capable!

But under that punch, his body is considered to be left with sequelae.

But Luffy has no hatred for Maien.

Somehow showed him the way.

Some are just strong fighting spirit!

In the previous battle, Luffy had just started second gear and Maien fell down automatically.

Although at that time Luffy couldn’t figure out why Maien fell.

But then it came to understand.


That guy must be pretending!

At this moment, seeing Maien jumping around in the air, Luffy’s idea was also confirmed.

The blood boiled over immediately!

“Hey, don’t go!”

“I didn’t fight enough just now, come down if you have the ability!”

“Let’s fight again!”

Luffy yelled at Maien in the sky.

But with Luffy’s call, Maien is not what it is, but Zoro and others are terrified!

To be honest, when I saw Maien jumping around in the sky, whether it was Zoro Sanji Nami Usopp Chopper, or everyone in the Franky family, they all pretended to ignore it tacitly.

can not see!

Can’t listen!

To this end, they also lowered their heads together.

After all, Maien’s strength has been fully understood before this!

Strong and terrible!

But at this moment, Luffy yelled at Maien!

The words are still so arrogant!

Can you come down? !(Read more @

Come down and collect the corpses for us? !

“Swish” “swish” “swish” “swish” “swish”

Five figures rushed to Luffy like lightning!

At this moment, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, and Chopper are five people Isshin, and they all share the same hatred!

Showcasing the good team spirit of the Straw Hat Pirates!

The moment they joined forces to knock down their captain, five pairs of big hands and ten slaps immediately covered the big rubber mouth!

“Hey you……”

Luffy was still yelling at Maien.

But before the words were finished, there was a huge force!

The whole person was pressed to the ground during the period when he hadn’t recovered, covering his big mouth!

Can’t say a word!

But looking back, Luffy had the desire to die.

Because the person who hurt him was not someone else.

It is his dear friends!


Luffy made a dull noise.

The eyes were full of confusion.

I’m going, don’t you guys have eyes?

This is Luffy!

“Don’t whine, know you are Luffy.”

“But you can’t die!”

“That guy in the sky is not something we can deal with!”

“Hurry up and shut up!”

“For Robin!”

The five of Zoro Nami Usopp Sanji Chopper said each.

Luffy splashed all over his face.

Luffy fell to the ground, feeling the weight of the five people on his body extremely desperate.

Looking at the figure of the Marine soldier in the air, Luffy’s tears now rushed down like a dropped string.

The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is it me or he? !

“I’m going, this is… infighting?!”

Get a panoramic view of the scene below from the air.

When the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates swarmed and threw the Straw Hat Boy down, Xiao Hu immediately tugged Maien’s sleeves and reported with joy.

“what’s the situation?”

At the same time, members of Spandam and cp9 also saw this picture through the window.

Immediately there was Spandam’s wretched laughter throughout the office!


Laughter is endless!

The cp9 members shook their heads when they saw this.

A crowd of mobs!

Only the square-nosed man Kaku frowned.


In order to rescue Nico Robin, Straw Hat Crew dared to enter the sacred place like Justice Island brazenly!

Why are you talking about infighting now?

Looking at the square in front of the courthouse, Kaku realized that he couldn’t understand Straw Hat Crew more and more.

But he couldn’t understand, and there were two people who couldn’t understand better than him.

These two people are not others, but Franky and Nico Robin who were previously escorted to Spandam’s office.

Listening to Spandam’s wretched laughter, Robin and Franky’s faces were already gloomy.

But more is still shocked by the picture in front of you!

“Hey, are you okay?”

Franky looked at Robin desperately.

Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope!

I can be rescued!

Now it seems!

Go ahead, wash and sleep!

“Strange, what’s wrong with everyone?”

Robin didn’t answer Franky’s words.

She couldn’t answer either.

Because she is the same as everyone present.

Looking at the straw hat group that suddenly infighted not far away, they all looked dumbfounded! .

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