Chapter 18


The figure flying towards Maien slammed straight to the ground with an upside-down onion posture, and rolled several times before stopping.

While drawing a straight line on the ground, countless smoke and dust splashed!

It was the poor little guard.

“Master Commander…”

After the guard murmured for a while, the whole person fainted directly.


Maien looked at the bloody little guard, and sighed helplessly.

Turning his head to look at the king Luffy who had come before him, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on!”

“That guy said you are his boss, where is Robin?”

Luffy pointed to the guard officer who had passed out and asked Maien.

“I don’t know.” Maien spread his hands.

It is indeed the truth.

Maien never met Nico Robin from start to finish.

I want to be held in custody by Spandam’s useless secret.

“Maybe it’s the pigeon bastard!”

Maien added something wickedly.

“Dove bastard?”

Sure enough, when Maien talked about Leopard Lucky, Wang Luffy’s face went gloomy in an instant.

But looking at Maien in front of him, he felt a lot pleasing to the eye.


“Yes, that guy is a pigeon bastard.”

Luffy frowned, clenched his fists and said:

“Since Robin is with him, just defeat him!”

“Where is he?”

“Tower of Justice.” Maien turned around and pointed to the towering building not far away and said to Luffy:

“Right there, do you see it?”

“Oh!” Following Maien’s fingers, Luffy’s eyes lit up.

The fighting spirit is burning!

“Thank you brother, you are such a good person, just like my friend Kebei.”

If Luffy just thought Maien was pleasing to the eye before, then Luffy at the moment can’t wait to pounce on Maien and give Maien a big hug.

It’s just that it’s important to rescue Robin now, and Luffy doesn’t have much time delay.

“you are welcome.”

Maien smiled slightly.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to untie the cloak of justice on his shoulders and rolled up his sleeves.(Read more @

“It’s just that if you want to go to the Tower of Justice, you have to beat me first, Straw Hat Boy.”

Maien shrugged, somewhat helpless.

From the moment he saw King Luffy, Maien knew that this battle was unavoidable.

After all, Maien is Marine!

No matter what he said, he couldn’t just watch Luffy, who was a pirate, walk away in front of him.

Otherwise, it would be known afterwards that Maien would not be able to mix in Marine.

In the world of One Piece, Marine’s identity is still guaranteed, which can provide Maien with some security to a certain extent.

At least now, Maien can’t lose this identity.

Besides, Maien also wanted to take this opportunity to test her own strength.


Unexpectedly, facing Maien’s declaration of war, Luffy shook his head decisively.

“I don’t want to fight with you.”

Maien was not surprised at what Luffy said.

Because Luffy is such a person.

Being a man and doing things all depends on temperament!

The guy who never grows up!

“You can’t save Nico Robin unless you hit me.”

Maien was straightforward.

Naked persecution!

“Oh, who said that?”

Luffy smiled slightly.

Speaking of a complete individual, I ran straight ahead.


Want to get rid of Maien by this.

“I was underestimated!”

Maien looked helpless, and at the same time stepped a little bit, rushing towards Luffy.

The constant power coming from both feet made Maien fly up like a bullet.

The surrounding scenery flew quickly in Maien’s eyes!

That speed is even faster than Luffy by three points!

At this moment, a triumphant smile was thrown from the corner of Luffy’s mouth.

In his opinion, throwing off a Marine soldier was easy.

But at this moment, I only heard a “swish” sound!

A gust of wind suddenly hits his face!

Under the gust of wind, Luffy’s eyes closed unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, I saw a figure in front of him staring coldly at him!

And this figure is the kind Marine soldier just now.

“Have you played enough?”

The kind Marine soldier said to him.

Hearing that, the pupils in Luffy’s eyes shrank into pinpoints in an instant.

The triumphant face was completely replaced by shock.

This guy… so fast!

The moment this thought came to mind, Luffy hurriedly stepped back, and quickly backed away.

When he looked at Maien again, there was only alertness in his eyes, face, and heart.

Strong vigilance!

“I said, you can’t save Nico Robin without defeating me.”

Maien held her hands behind her back and looked at Luffy blankly and repeated:

“The straw hat boy, it’s not an easy journey from here to the Tower of Justice!”

“so troublesome!”

The corners of Luffy’s eyes trembled.

The goodwill that Maien had raised before has long since disappeared.

Because through Maien’s words and demonstrated strength, Luffy has completely understood.

The guy in front of him is like a pigeon bastard.

They will all be his rivals on the road to rescue Robin!

“Flexible-rubber gun!!!”

After thinking about it, Luffy didn’t hesitate anymore.

Fist straight to Maien!

But at this moment, an incredible scene appeared! .

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