People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 435 Hermione's Invitation Again

A moment ago, Luochen was full of emotion.

The next moment, Hagrid's words hit him directly in the face.

White water?

Bah, no, according to the information he summarized, the previous analysis is correct.

So Hagrid and Madame Maxime got mixed up again?

Even so, still provide yourself with 400 points of influence. Then if they are dismantled again, wouldn't that be more? !

Even the always serious Mag slightly curled his mouth, and Flitwick even jumped forward. Holding the wand and pointing to the high platform.

Tell Hagrid that, except for a few important positions in the middle and on both sides, the other positions are up to Hagrid to choose.

Hagrid thought about it carefully, and chose a seat near the end of the long table on the right. His place is also next to it.

"Then I'll inform those little guys to serve."

After making arrangements, Hagrid ran away in a hurry. A large number of people have gathered at the door, all waiting for lunch.

Only the table is fixed in a specific position, echoing the kitchen below. The house-elves are the ones who set up lunch in the first place.

There is simply too much food.

It is really inconvenient for them to move bit by bit.

Therefore, after the design of the auditorium was formed, a magic circle dedicated to delivering food was set up.

"What the hell?" Luo Chen still had the same idea as before.

"Don't you know? Oh, that's right, Professor Bichar, after all, you..." At this point, Flitwick suddenly closed his mouth and wiped away his tears.

This guy seemed to be really moved by the relationship between Hagrid and Maxim, and he was somewhat speechless.

Then Flitwick considered his words, and told Luo Chenjiao about the progress of Hagrid's relationship with Mrs. Maxime.

It is simply carved out of the same mold as in the original book.

You can basically refer to the basic process of a groom getting acquainted with a noble lady. The only difference is that this groom is versatile.

He can take care of horses and all kinds of magical animals. He is caring and good at cooking. The appearance is rough and hearty, which is very attractive to a woman who has been single for many years.

All this made her feel novel.

That's right, it's novelty, this is Luo Chen's judgment after listening to it.

"Sure enough, I was thinking too much. The two of them will definitely not succeed in the end! This Maxim is not easy!"

Although it sounds like this Mrs. Maxim is more active than in the original book.

Because she had agreed to be Hagrid's partner. But more of them, I am afraid, are empathy.

After all, they are both half-giant bloodlines!

Secondly, it is a bit earlier than the original book after all, this Hagrid is still young, and men in Europe and America, after a certain age, will age very quickly.

With other hobbies, his personality became more cheerful, and there was no bad conflict between Malfoy and the Hippogriff, which affected his teaching career.

Everything is going on as normal.

But these are definitely not the key elements to maintain a relationship and make it last for a long time.

You have to consider houses, cars, tickets... Hey, even the wizarding world cannot escape!

"Professor Bichar, help me."

Flitwick came over and pushed Luo Chen's thigh. Called him just now, but there was no response.

Luo Chen put these messy thoughts aside.

The other two assistants cast the Illusion Curse on the set scene.

Surprises should be saved for last.


Luo Chen didn't stay in the auditorium for dinner, but prepared to leave with his mind full of lawsuits, but he didn't expect that not long after he left the door, a large group of girls left behind.

Up to now, they have not received a reply from Luo Chen.

But seeing that there will be a dance in the evening.

Still have to fight for yourself.

Luo Chen also met Hermione first. She seemed to have expected that Luo Chen would return to Tower 3, so she was already waiting at the corner of the moving stairs on the third floor.

As soon as they met, they directly grabbed Luo Chen's arm and dragged him into the corridor on the third floor.

Luo Chen was stunned, thinking that something happened, so he didn't refuse.

After entering the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Hermione let go of Luo Chen's wrist.

"Professor Bichar, I..."

Hermione plucked up the courage to let Luo Chen be his dance partner. She hadn't received a reply to the letter she wrote before, and she was really depressed for a while. Luna is not allowed to be a dance partner because of her young age, so she has an unprecedented advantage.

Don't lose opportunities because of your shyness.


After running through that section of the corridor, the courage in his chest almost dissipated.


Seeing Hermione lower her head, her little face flushed. He hasn't reacted yet, after all, he has already planned to explore the White Jade Pagoda tonight.

In order to avoid Kleins, Luna didn't even plan to show up at the ball.

"I..." Hermione took a deep breath, but just said a word, she was discouraged again.

Fortunately, Luo Chen didn't urge him, about half a minute later.

"Luo Chen, do you want to be my dance partner?"

"Ah, this..." Luo Chen didn't think of that until now.

When he first came back, he really took it to heart, but then he was too busy. And during this period of time, he was not idle, refining all the life candles in his hand into magic crystals.

Also wasted a lot of time.

Hermione felt that she didn't need to listen anymore. With red eyes, he exhaled and held back: "Okay, I see."

"Professor, goodbye!" Hermione turned and ran away. Luo Chen saw her wipe her eyes when she went out.

No matter how slow Luo Chen was, he still came to his senses.

Boys are sometimes like this, in front of the girls they like, they don't hesitate to lick. Because of the other party's "good night", I can conduct in-depth research and analysis, and then derive an 800-word composition with a base and no limit.

For girls who don't care or are already familiar with it. Unless the other party really expresses their love, they will only be treated as ordinary buddies.

It does make a difference!

Thinking about it, Luo Chen thought of his plan to leave his ancestral precepts to his descendants. Patted his forehead: "Hey, what are you thinking? Isn't there already an arrangement?"

Luo Chen worked so hard on the layout of the auditorium this time.

Just to make him enough to attract the attention of everyone in Hogwarts Castle.

Especially there are small surprises specially prepared for the people of the magic institute, they will definitely not get out so easily.

Just about to go out. As a result, I looked at the corridor next to me, and there were quite a few girls running over there. Seeing their excitement, Luo Chen shuddered inexplicably.

An extremely heavenly and earthly curse disappeared into the room.

Fortunately no one saw it.

As soon as he got back to the room, he saw Dobby.

"Sir, your dress is ready for you." Dobby snapped his fingers, and the dress on the tray slowly floated up.

The whole body is white, with golden cloud patterns imprinted on it. Trench coat-style design with a high collar. Wear it with a white shirt, black trousers, and blunt-toed shoes.

Clean and tidy, and in line with the British style, this can ensure that Luo Chen will not be dazzling, and has a certain sense of presence.

Luo Chen nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

"By the way, I asked you to buy fireworks, how are you preparing?"

"Sir, we have bought the entire inventory of a magic fireworks product store in Diagon Alley, two magic toy workshops, and a magic prop merchandise store."

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