be honest.

Luo Chen later made some changes to the magic crystal refining method, and failed dozens of times before researching it out. Otherwise, one-third of the life candles would not have produced 226 white jade balls.

Probably inspired by Bitcoin, and its function and purpose is also to replace the current Gold Gallon, Silver Sickle, and Nat that are currently circulating in the magic world.

Even if this is initially completed, the impact on the entire wizarding world is unimaginable. And this magic crystal has unprecedented advantages, no matter adults or children.

As long as you understand the advantages of the magic crystal, you will naturally want to have one.

Because of one thing, Luo Chen newly transformed it, and felt that since it could store magic spells and achieve the legendary effect of infinite alchemy, it could naturally store magic energy.

So Luo Chen followed this train of thought and made a transformation.

Unexpectedly, he really did it.

But this magic crystal certainly cannot be sold at a uniform price, there must be a certain exchange rate for it.

So the lowest end is the blank magic crystal.

It is a magic crystal that can only be used to store magic energy.

The ones that are a little higher become magic crystals engraved with LV1 spells.

Such as unlocking spells, lighting spells, calling water spells, cleaning spells and other common spells.

Even if it is filled with mana, the effect released is almost the same as that of an LV1 wizard.

Then go up and so on, all the way to LV5.

In this respect, Luo Chen borrowed from the casting principle of the reenactment spell.

As for the magic spells in Luo Chen's hands that are extremely lethal or high-level, he plans to get a collector's edition.

Except for those spells that have been advertised by him, they are generally not for sale.

Moreover, once these things are launched, they will definitely not be able to form a fixed exchange rate, and it will take time to ferment. This is also a necessary process, otherwise those big shots and goblins will see their purpose, and they will definitely suffer!

However, even if the final ratio is uncoordinated, it is just an upgraded version of the current currency exchange ratio, and wizards have long been used to it.

Of course, these are just Luo Chen's preliminary thoughts, and the details must be gradually perfected by him. It is to replace the currency system circulating in the magic world. Naturally, this road will not be easy.

"It's time to go out!"

Put away those magic crystals and store them in his storage bag. He planned to release a batch this Christmas.

But just as he was about to leave, he had a thought and picked up a sapphire.

According to the refining of the magic crystal, we can only remove impurities little by little, melt the crystal, inscribe runes... The process is very smooth, but it is coming to an end. The one in his hand has been melted and turned into a spherical sapphire.

It cracked with a click, and the gloss of the surface dropped several grades.

"Shouldn't it?"

Luo Chen looked at the fragments in his hand, confused.

In the end, he could only let out a long breath, and casually threw the sapphire into the trash can under the table. Walked out of the secret room.

As soon as he came out, Dobby rushed over.

"Sir, you are out of customs."

Luo Chen nodded, and walked towards the bathroom next to him. Although there was a magic spell to clean up the supplies on his body, it was far from refreshing like taking a bath.

"What happened recently?"

"Report to Mister!"

"From the beginning of the retreat there, a total of 9 days have passed since today, during which 23 wizards applied to join the town of Bristol, and 6 of them planned to purchase properties in the town, but according to your request, the business district is only Rent or sell, so the 6 of them only bought 6 houses in the residential area, and a total of 6,000 gold Galleons were credited..."

This price was set by Luo Chen himself. Considering that the popularity of the small town of Bristol is not strong, he didn't set the price too ridiculously.

At the same time, according to the current purchasing power of the currency of the corrupt country.

£30,000 has been able to build a 2-storey cottage. And the houses that Luochen built used a lot of materials only available in the magic world.

He really can't make money at this price.

The material cost alone is 300 Galleons, the design fee is 50 Galleons, the land cost is 300 Galleons, and the construction fee he sold is 320 Galleons.

And he sells a house for 1,000 gold galleons, and he earns tea money.

Conscience businessmen.


Luo Chen was bathing in the bathroom, and Dobby was just outside the bathroom, and the recent things that he reported in a low voice were mostly ordinary things.

What made Luochen more concerned was the message from Hogwarts, and made Luochen return quickly? !

I didn't say the specific news, but it was sent the day before yesterday, and there was no follow-up letter. Obviously, I was not in a hurry.

It took a long while for Luo Chen to come out wrapped in a bathrobe.

"Do you want me to protect the entire farm area and family residence with a spell?" Then ask.

Dobby thought for a while before saying: "There is indeed such a voice, but it has been suppressed by Mr. Jerry and Bonaparte... Your Excellency!"

After Dobby finished speaking, he didn't respond when he saw Luo Chen. I just took a newspaper and went to the restaurant while reading it. He didn't speak until he started eating.

Just offer to say, "If you want, I can go get their list right now..."

Luo Chen didn't even look at it, his eyes were always fixed on the thick stack of newspapers that was floating in the air by itself.

"It's not necessary."

When Luochen was building the town, there were many places where the Squibs and wizards working in the farm area needed to work together.

How much inconvenience is there to have a barrier.

But after Luo Chen disappeared for a few days, the voice suddenly rang out. Luo Chen couldn't guess their specific thoughts, but there was a high probability that they were used to the comfort before.

The huge barrier of brilliance that cannot be seen but can be touched.

As long as they exist for one day, their life safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

But after a long time, this person will easily become a bird in a cage and lose his fighting spirit.

Luo Chen set up the barrier before considering that if the Muggles on the other side of the river suddenly lost their minds one day and came to make a surprise attack, and he wasn't here, it would cause an accident.

The second is to advertise for the Bichar family, set a benchmark, attract talents, and win people's hearts. The collection is basically enough for now.

Now more to consider for the future development of the town.

Of course, defensive measures must be arranged, but there is no hurry now, Voldemort has not been completely resurrected.

Let these people hang out for a period of time, and you can screen them again.

Choose people who are really useful.

So Luo Chen didn't even show his face. After eating, he turned around and returned to Hogwarts.

The inside of Tower 3 is still very clean, but the table is already full of letters. Luo Chen scanned them one by one, and found that most of them invited Luo Chen to be their dance partner.

More than ninety-nine percent are written by girls.

The only one, which was also an invitation to the Yule Ball, was sent by the old Malfoy who was hiding in the magic house.

Luo Chen pondered, what did he notice?

"I haven't come to the door yet, this guy came to the door by himself, does he feel that he has been exposed, or..."

But no matter what, Luo Chen still had a shock in his heart, he threw the letter into the air, tore it into pieces with a spell, and then the flames burned it up.

Luo Chen hadn't planned to attend the Christmas ball.

At first it was meaningless.

Secondly, he wanted to take the opportunity to investigate the White Jade Pagoda of the Magic Institute.

"Sure enough, Hermione..."

Near the end, Luo Chen found the letter from Hermione. The content of the letter is very neat and not too much, just some very routine invitations.

Taking Luo Chen to the lower left corner, he found a wrinkle.

Put it aside and continue flipping through it, and finally said to himself with some disappointment: "Is this girl, Luna, a straight girl of steel?"

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