People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 414 I Know Queen Elizabeth

After all, whether it is good or evil, good or bad, in life. Now that he is dead, he is still being desecrated by others. This is a heinous and unethical thing.

Therefore, the crime that the wizard who created the living corpse got was more serious than casting the three unforgivable curses at will.

But after the Ministry of Magic found out this time, it didn't follow the regulations. Instead, it made a defensive barrier to save its own manpower.

This is a bit dark!

You must know that even Regulus Black, the first time Sirius Black woke up, reluctantly entrusted Dumbledore to burn him and bury him so that he could be at peace.

But even if Luo Chen doesn't know mind reading skills, he can actually make a good guess after seeing this scene.

"Well, no matter what the reason, it seems that someone deliberately lured you here."

"It's just that they didn't expect that I..." Just as he was speaking, Luo Chen suddenly woke up. Yes, Fudge, Scrimgeour, and the garrison Aurors were all drawn here.

Then he appeared in this small town, was he also manipulated by the people behind him?

After so long, could it be possible that someone has invaded Hogwarts again?

However, Scrimgeour was also a smart person, and he immediately understood Luo Chen's words, and the three of them apparated and left before they had time to speak.

Luochen returned to Hogwarts directly.

Scrimgeour was going to gather manpower.

As for Fudge, he returned to the Ministry of Magic first, and he needed to consult the information and make arrangements in the middle. Of course this looks more like risk aversion.


As soon as he got back to Hogwarts, Luo Chen ran to the window and looked down, the campus was very peaceful. The class that should be attended, the self-study that should be self-study. At this time, there were almost no people outside the castle.

"Did I guess wrong?"

Luo Chen frowned, a little worried, and walked out of the room to check around the castle. Even the temporary residences of the various delegations outside were glanced over.

After chatting with the members of those delegations for a while, I found that everything was normal except that the delegation of the Institute of Magic had been closing the door to thank guests.

He stayed outside the White Jade Pagoda of the Magic Institute for a while, leaving a space imprint, and found that even in this way, he could not enter the tower through the Jitian Wangdi Curse.

Sure enough, the magic circle used by this magic to confine the space was also arranged on this white jade pagoda.

So he had to find a way to sneak into the White Jade Pagoda in order to plot the next step.

Ever since the elders of Quan's family disguised themselves as Luo Chen through unknown methods. They had already formed a grudge, and Luo Chen also wanted to make a good deal of it, the delegation of the Magic Institute.

He had just returned to the castle when he ran into Dumbledore.

"Luo Chen, I'm looking for you!"

"Professor, what's the matter?"

Hogwarts was very quiet, it seemed that Luo Chen was worrying too much, now he wanted to go back to the small town to deal with the follow-up matters.

"I heard that there was an attack near your family residence." Dumbledore said with concern.

Luo Chen was taken aback for a moment, Dumbledore knew how long it took for this to happen.

But when thinking of the identity and status of the other party, he can express his understanding. And to be honest, he didn't really think that through the previous method, he could completely suppress this turmoil.

There were so many people at the scene, and Scrimgeour even photographed an Auror returning to the Ministry of Magic himself. With the help of the ear-reporting mantra that Luo Chen had spread before, there were too many ways for them to convey information to the outside world.

Fudge and Scrimgeour, on the other hand, were in the middle of the game, restless, and hadn't expected this for a while.

"Yes, Professor, you know all about it."

"I just heard about it, and it's also the news that the Ministry of Magic just sent me." Dumbledore said, "I wanted to inform you, but it looks like you... have already dealt with it!"

Just informed.

What does this mean?

Seeing the puzzlement on Luo Chen's face, Dumbledore didn't explain in detail. Another topic was brought up.

"Your territory has been attacked. I think you must be busy during this time. If you need anything, just tell me."

"I am an old acquaintance with the current Queen Elizabeth II!"

Hearing this, Luo Chen immediately looked at Dumbledore, a little surprised and a little gossip. If he remembered correctly, the current Queen Elizabeth was also in her sixties.

"Of course, we are just ordinary friends." Seeing the expression on Luo Chen's face full of desire to explore, Dumbledore knew what the other party was thinking about?

He and Elizabeth have met this situation more than once since they got acquainted. Very frankly explained the relationship between him and Elizabeth.

To put it simply, it is Elizabeth. When she was young, she was cast by a very difficult curse by a black wizard. Do not ask for assistance from the Ministry of Magic.

But the Ministry of Magic was helpless, and finally found Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was already well-known at that time, so he stepped forward to help Queen Elizabeth II get rid of her illness. Elizabeth sat in this position, even without real power.

But for wizards who don't understand Muggle society, they don't know. They often target her and launch some attacks from time to time, such as during the First Wizarding War.

Grindelwald once tried to control several members of the Elizabeth family, but later Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore, which was equivalent to saving Elizabeth II.


There must be more stories in this, which Dumbledore did not tell.

But the meaning of the other party is also very obvious, he believes that Luo Chen can solve the troubles in the wizarding world by himself, but if the troubles in the Muggle world are difficult to deal with, he can help Luo Chen.

This is to show Luo Chen his favor.

Luo Chen naturally didn't refuse, and left Hogwarts temporarily after saying that he needed to deal with the situation in the town.

In the next half month, Luochen plunged headlong into the preparations for the small town of Bristol.

Originally, he thought that persuading the Prime Minister would be a matter of some small tricks, but he didn't expect that the Ministry of Magic had already done it for him.

There was no need to find Luo Chen and come to the door.

Fuji personally sent an agreement to Luochen, which means that starting from the day the agreement was signed, Luochen would purchase the property rights of 50 square kilometers around the Bichar family for 100 years at a price of 1 pound.

Compared with the previous agreement, I don't know how much the discount is.

Luo Chen knew that this was a deliberate act by the Ministry of Magic to sell his favor. Because those wizards who invaded the British wizarding world and entered the corrupt country, it was like a drop of water into the sea, and there was no more movement.

It was quite difficult for the people in the Ministry of Magic.

Moreover, when Fudge came to the door, he revealed between words that he wanted to ask Luo Chen for a spell or two that were particularly effective in tracking.

I almost didn't directly say it was a curse.

When casting this spell before, Luo Chen did not shy away from it either.

In addition, after the three of them left that day, Luo Chen sent them a letter.

Tell the original Sam, where was he left? !

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