People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 412: Luochen's Ambition

Then take him as the center, and each person is separated by 50 centimeters. Stand in a circular distribution. There are about 10-15 people in a circle.

When Dobby came back, Luo Chen inserted a crystal bottle in his hand, and there was a light black liquid flowing slowly inside.

"This is the venom of the Evil Flash Crow, it can clear away bad memories..."

Luo Chen began to explain, because the incident in York City happened last year, and almost everyone present had heard of it. But this time, after hearing Luo Chen's method of erasing memory, the pressure in his heart immediately became less.

Each of them held their breath and concentrated, shaping the memory just now into an extremely dangerous and frightening memory. Only in this way can the venom of the Evil Flash Crow be eliminated.

Fudge and Scrimgeour, who had been paying attention to the movement here from a distance, were taken aback at the same time, they had forgotten this method. I just used it last year, and it seems that there are too many things recently, and I am too busy to feel dizzy.

"It's just right to gather the Muggles over there." Fudge walked towards Luochen.

But he saw that the other party had drawn out his wand and pointed it at the sky.

Removed the protective cover.

The Torrential Rain spell is cast.

Cloud after cloud was summoned. It's just that at this time, he forgot to use the "Holy Light" special effect. Seeing this, Fudge also stopped.

Because the rain cloud spread quickly.

It seems that Luochen has already thought about the situation in the small town.

So there is a return, ready to make an oath with the remaining wizards. Of course, do some rain shelter measures.

Although the venom of these evil flash crows has a weak effect on powerful wizards, since these people chose the second way, the Ministry of Magic should strictly enforce it.

"Although I have seen it many times, every time I see it, it is so shocking." A squib said with emotion.

"Yes, following the Bichar family is indeed the most correct choice in my life!"

"I think so too."

"I really envy you squibs. Until now, Mr. Bichar has not let go of the recruitment of wizards. I don't know if we have a chance." A wizard said suddenly.

I have to admit that Luochen brought wizards and squibs together to carry out construction and reclamation work. Right now, the relationship between these people is not as conflicted as before.

"Shut up, I'm not afraid of being laughed at by others."

"What's wrong with the joke? I'm telling the truth."

Of course, there must be contradictions.

The rain cloud brewed for a while, one after another shining thunder shuttled through the clouds, and the heavy rain came down.

The bottle that Luo Chen had controlled earlier flew into the clouds, smashed it, and then the heavy rain like a rain column splashed on everyone.

The effect of the Squibs is the most obvious. All of them have dull eyes, and bad memories are quickly deleted.

Most of the wizards also reacted, only a few were normal.

And some of the Muggles who were rescued from the ruins of the town.

At this time, they were bathed in the rain, and they all stopped crying and moving. Silently looking up at the sky, as if recalling something. Like statues full of scars.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain, Luo Chen wandered among the wizards.

Erase their memories.

He originally wanted to use Legilimency spells to add an insurance, but in the end he thought about it, since the small town of Bristol is going to be the second Hogsmeade in the Rotten Kingdom, black and white must be allowed to coexist.

Now that the side that completely chooses to clear the memory can develop into a team and master the core personnel well, that's enough.


Luo Chen is so grumpy today.

It's just to screen out vassal wizards and squibs that are worthy of his inclusion.

Originally, in his plan, it took a long time to prepare, but he never thought that this accident would provide him with such a good opportunity.

After all the memories are cleared, only 1/2 of the mana in Luo Chen's body is left.

Then the rain stopped.

Luo Chen used another Nankeyimeng spell, connecting the Squib and the wizard whose memory had been erased, creating a common dream for them and filling up this part of the blank memory.

The general content of the dream is that the team transporting the fire dragon passed through the small town of Bristol. It was accidentally affected by the townspeople who were fighting, and the fire dragon was injured by guns.

Especially the belly of Ukrainian Tei, who is the largest, and the meat wings have been pierced.

Causing the dragon to become enraged.

They all descended to fight back.

Not only did it hurt a lot of accompanying people, but it also caused the entire town to be destroyed by the fire dragon.

In the final analysis, these ordinary Muggles deserved what they deserved and asked for trouble.

So in the end, even if the trial is based on this part of the fabricated memory. At most, these fire dragons will be reprimanded once and starved twice.

You don't need to pay with your life for it.

Of course, this is not the truth after all.

The truth is in the hands of the Ministry of Magic and the keepers of those Romanian dragon farms.

But they have witnessed the truth, so it will not affect these fire dragons.

Then Luo Chen went to create a dream for those Muggles, saying that their evil deeds finally aroused the dissatisfaction of those big figures in the Tao, and they called people to fight with them, resulting in a large number of casualties and property losses.

In order to continue to survive, they must leave here.

Because those big shots also fell in love with the unique climate and land that can grow those big leaves.

After some operations like this.

Luo Chen did his best, and did not tarnish his reputation.


By the time everything was processed, it was already ten o'clock in the afternoon.

Charlie and the others bid farewell to Luo Chen, and they were going to escort the fire dragon to move on. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, who have also been cast with an unbreakable spell, will escort them all the way.

Leave the Atlantic Ocean and enter the territory of the Iron Tower State.

It is also to avoid other accidents, so the following route selection should be as uninhabited as possible in the wilderness.


"Luochen, it's a pleasure working with you!" Luochen, Fudge, and Scrimgeour stood behind an abandoned wall.

Watching the Muggles waking up. I hurriedly searched for usable cars and equipment, and left here quickly with my little money.

Because Luo Chen used to create dreams for them from time to time.

Their memories have been disordered for a long time, so they treat the dreams that appeared in the later stage as real memories.

"If possible, I don't want to cooperate with you." Luo Chen said calmly.

Fudge's face froze, Scrimgeour's face was a little teasing, and then he heard Luo Chen say: "I mean this kind of thing. It's not a pleasant thing after all if someone dies."

"Although Muggles are weak, that was in the past. Their technology has developed extremely fast. It is estimated that in another ten or twenty years, they will definitely not be inferior to us wizards in life!"

"Therefore, we should reconsider the relationship between wizards and Muggles!"

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