People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 239 Recruiting New Followers

Luo Chen was dumbfounded.

The first thought was: this is impossible!

Then I thought about it again, this is the wizarding world of Harry Potter. It seems that there is no such possibility.

After all, Napoleon Bonaparte was born in artillery.

And wizard duels, isn't it also about releasing spells, colliding with waves, and defending against attacks?

After thinking about it like this, Luo Chen's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at the person in front of him.

Gently lift the palm of your hand and change the support into a clap.

"Will you work for me?"

Digging in front of Marjry, regardless of whether the latter likes it or not.

"I wish..." Bonaparte was particularly excited. He was in Magery's construction team, firstly to earn a living, and secondly because he really didn't want to leave the wizarding world.

If there is a chance to follow a more powerful wizard, this is their dream.

Even those ordinary wizards with talents would not give up such an opportunity.

Not to mention Luo Chen's background, it's not simple.

But this Margery was kind to him, so he didn't make a decision right away, but turned his attention to the past. If the other party didn't allow it, then he... would still leave.

The big deal is to find a way to compensate Margery in the future.

But Margery didn't lose Luo Chen's face. He knew that when he cooperated with someone like Luo Chen, he didn't have many opportunities to choose.

Simply let go of all the squibs, all of a sudden, there are 26 squibs in this team, and 20 of them hope to follow Luo Chen and the Bichar family.

Luo Chen was very happy.

It seems that his influence at this moment is already very strong!

"Mr. Bichar, you said earlier that you wanted to recruit ordinary wizards, didn't you know?" At this moment, a young wizard in Majli's team stepped forward and asked irresistibly.

Luo Chen glanced at him and said with a smile.

"I almost forgot, I want to recruit some ordinary wizards to help me take care of this land, and at the same time, I would like to trouble you to build a wall around this land. I will also arrange the irrigation facilities inside. "

"Of course, you won't be short of money... Quotation, just refer to the price of your previous construction of the mansion!"

Ma Jieli shouted, saying that the price Luo Chen gave was too high.

After all, the 6.7 hectares of land needs to be completely fenced and various irrigation facilities laid, no detailed design is required, and they don't need to be as careful and cumbersome as before.

If Luo Chen paid them according to the previous quotation, they would really dare not accept it.

In addition to various materials, Luochen's mansion paid them a total of 1300 Galleons.

Among them, the most important thing is his personal design fee of Margery.

On average, there are about 0.5 gold Galleons per square meter.

That's 6.7 hectares.

It needs to be multiplied by two, which will be an astronomical figure for the value of their labor.

It's not that they haven't seen so much money before, Luo Chen's move is amazing, and their vision has been raised.

I'm afraid that Luo Chen will grab this braid in the future and make trouble for him.

Luo Chen could not refuse.

After all, this is just the beginning of their cooperation.

If it is used smoothly, Luochen's overseas islands will also need to arrange manpower for processing and construction. He doesn't think the Ministry of Magic can properly maintain them after taking over the assets of their Bichar family.

Judging from the current status of the Ministry of Magic, which is almost rotten to the root, this possibility is too low.

What's more, those overseas assets have been achieved at every turn, and the area must be at least calculated in square kilometers, which is the bulk.

Everything is done.

Luo Chen used the Transformation Charm to make a mask for Dobby, made of silicone, which could fit perfectly on the face. Although the appearance of the costume is still ugly, it is quite different from Dobby's previous appearance.

Then let Dobby take care of the cleaning of the mansion outside the house and some housekeeping affairs.

The newly recruited Squibs still need to follow Margery's team to build the territory under Luochen's banner, so there is no need to rush to make arrangements.

Their residence will not be in the Bichar mansion.

Luo Chen made a special trip to the sacrificial hall, and activated the pupil of time to trace back.

Unfortunately, with his current mana, what he can trace back is only those three paragraphs.

There is nothing else to gain, so I can only let it go temporarily.

"It's a pity, I only found this one so far, there is really no way!" Luo Chen put the agarwood box that he obtained from the secret room of the mayor's mansion at that time in the sacrificial hall.

He placed some tables here.

Luo Chen hasn't decided whether or not there should be some spirit seats on it.

With a click, close the lid.

Place the box on the corner of the table due north.

Then he left the sacrificial hall, locked the gate firmly, and cast a spell.

I didn't expect him to leave for only 5 minutes.

Those golden incomplete images and font structures in the air seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, constantly seeping away like the agarwood box.

The ordinary golden cup inside also began to emit a faint golden light, and blurred characters one after another began to emerge on the outer and inner walls of his cup.

The longer the time, the clearer the font.

But it is obvious that it will take a long time before these words can be clearly displayed.


Three days later, Luo Chen had breakfast.

Sitting in the study on the second floor by myself. There is a schedule in front of him, which is some of his arrangements for this summer vacation.

But it was made before.

I received an invitation from Dumbledore yesterday. Although the time has not been determined yet, it will definitely have an impact, so he needs to adjust his plan.

And at this moment, he was still holding a candle made of white jade in his hand.

He obtained it from the cave in the so-called Qingyu Ghost House.

He checked a lot of information, but found nothing useful, until she managed to catch Sir Nicholas of Gryffindor.

Just heard some secrets from him.

It is said that a long time ago, jade with a very strange texture appeared on the border of the Far East.

Through a magic spell, this kind of jade can host the souls of the dead and keep them in the world of the living temporarily.

But they are not exactly ghosts.

Although they are also spirit creatures, they have even better real damage ability.

But because he's been a ghost for so long.

Even if he was an excellent court magician, he has forgotten too many things.

No matter how much Luo Chen asked, the information he got was only a little bit.

So Luochen simply named these white jade candles in his hand "Life Candles".

"The roots are broken!"

After being in a daze for a while, Luo Chen waved the magic wand in his hand. Try to find traces of other life candles from the life candle in front of you.

But let him continue the spell for five or six minutes.

The feeling in his mind was still vague, as if there was a force preventing him from prying.

At the same time, Luo Chen put the remaining life candles in the storage bag, which also interfered with his specific perception.

"It seems that I have to go again, that cave. Fortunately, I left a spatial imprint."

"Here and back." Luo Chen stood up and took two steps, "It's only two days, and then I'll be right back! There shouldn't be any delay!"

As he said that, he was about to leave, but he didn't think about it. It happened that at this time, there was a knock on the door of the study.

Let Luo Chen pause and wave his hand to open it.

It turned out to be Dobby in disguise.

"Mr. Bichar, Professor Dumbledore is here to visit. He is outside the gate now. Do you want to let him in?"


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