People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 235 I just like to fight against the Ministry of Magic

In previous years, although the number of people who passed the Potions class was not very large.

But at that time, everyone's grades were poor, so in this comparison, he was still above average.

But this time is different.

Especially the history of magic class, which is used by little wizards to catch up on sleep, how could they have such good grades!

There are weird!

However, don't even look at Luo Chen's later lesson plans, who prepared them all!


After the two-week exam period ended, the Daily Prophet also reported on the Hogwarts incident.

In the past, although Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had a high reputation, it did not appear in the Daily Prophet many times.

After all, this newspaper is the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was born to chase hot spots.

This Hogwarts is just a school of magic, and there is nothing too interesting to happen.

For the readers of the Daily Prophet.

Probably not as interesting as Ergou's daughter-in-law cheating.

But since Luochen started to plant trees at Hogwarts on a large scale last year, within a few weeks, one or two small news would break out at Hogwarts.

Regardless of whether it is interesting or not, at least readers in this area are stabilized.

So this time the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination and the Ultimate Wizarding Level Exam. Although it is held every year, it is because of Luo Chen's contribution to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Greatly improved the overall performance of this year's students.

Thanks to a large number of parents of students, and these parents of students can naturally become readers of the Daily Prophet.

Therefore, the Prophet Daily newspaper office will definitely seize this hot spot and make a big splash.

Fortunately, they are very strict, and there is no negative news about Luo Chen.

Today is different.

There was no need for Luo Chen to stuff money.

Even Rita Skeeter, who was in charge of this special report, didn't dare to face Luo Chen face to face.

After all, although she had written a lot of positive news about Luo Chen before, it was because she had received money. In fact, she had also reported a lot of negative news, all of which were fabricated by herself.

Although Luo Chen hasn't troubled her until now.

But Rita Skeeter was still terrified, for fear that Luochen would catch a chance.

If it wasn't for the task assigned by their supervisor this time, she would never have set foot in Hogworth Castle.


In addition to the Daily Prophet, there are also some small newspapers and magazines, which use various negative remarks to gain attention and traffic.

Like Luna her daddy's The Quibbler.

He thought that the excellent results in Defense Against the Dark Arts this time were not only due to Luo Chen, but more importantly, came from the solid foundation laid by Lockhart.

He believes that the Ministry of Magic has not produced enough convincing evidence so far. It was a false accusation against Lockhart.

And Lockhart was able to write so many wonderful novels. If not personally experienced, how is it possible? !

Although he also learned through his own daughter how Lockhart behaved in school.

But no matter what else, it was not deliberately targeting Luo Chen.

From this aspect alone, he can fight against the Ministry of Magic and earn attention and traffic, so he feels that his choice is right.

Not to mention, Rohart's handling of the incident before and after was a bit anticlimactic.

In fact, there are still a large number of his book fans and supporters.

The heat has been stirred up again.

This Lockhart was wanted by the Ministry of Magic, and it was said that he fled in fear of crime, and there is no trace of him until now.

So gradually there was a rumor that Lockhart had been taken into Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic and imprisoned. This was the statement of private media such as the Quibbler.

There is also a more extreme one. They think that Lockhart has spied on the dark secrets of the Ministry of Magic, so the Ministry of Magic has sent someone to kill him.

And there is a lot of evidence.

Among them was something the Ministry of Magic didn't know how to explain.

That is, Lockhart's mansion has been taken over by the Ministry of Magic. The exterior and interior have been inspected, and there are no signs of damage or battle, but all kinds of valuables have disappeared.

So is Lockhart's portrait.

What does this mean?

It shows that the Ministry of Magic really has ulterior secrets.

Just imagine, a mansion is Lockhart, but it has only just become famous in recent years. But in the psychology and tradition of British wizards. This is also where a family originated.

To be occupied by others and to have it for oneself means that the family has perished.

Just like the destruction of the former home of the Lestrange family a few days ago, it was considered by most people as the reason for its demise.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to look at this matter of framing itself and ignore it.

Although their overall strength is not bad, it is precisely because they need to manage the wizards of the entire British wizarding world, as well as other parts of international affairs. Also pay more attention to your image.

For half a month, the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic, headed by the Daily Prophet, fought a war of words with those big and small magazines.

Let all the people who eat melons feel good watching it.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Luo Chen.

He has already prepared the luggage in Tower No. 3, and plans to move some of it to his house first.

The day before yesterday, news came from Margery that the mansion had been built, and Luo Chen could go to check and accept it at any time.

He was about to say goodbye to the rest of Hogwarts and go home to rest.

And a few days ago, the Hogwarts school year came to an end again, and there was no doubt that the House Cup from 1992 to 1933 belonged to Gryffindor.

It's a pity that they still didn't win the Quidditch Cup this year, which is somewhat regrettable.

Nothing compares to the shock and excitement of ending Slytherin House's five consecutive championships last year.

However, due to a lot of things that happened this year, Harry Potter and Ron had almost no chance to play. In the end, Miss Hermione Ranger added 150 points to Gryffindor at one time.

It made them go directly from the third to the first counterattack.

As for the original bottom one and the current one, they are all Slytherins.


As the first academy to popularize the rules of the school campus, the best target and opponent chosen by these little lions is naturally the little Slytherin snake.

If it wasn't for Hermione helping Luochen fill in the lesson plans and assisting in teaching. And Luo Chen also had the right to add points.

This year's House Cup will need to be competed in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

Of course, apart from extra points, Luo Chen also gave Hermione a magic spell as a substantive reward. Amused by the little girl, she hugged Luo Chen and kissed her fiercely on the spot.

Of course it's just the cheeks.

A very normal social etiquette-kissing on the face.

Although Luo Chen hadn't touched Hermione for nearly half a week afterwards. Every time she saw it from a distance, Hermione also lowered her head, turned around and left in a hurry.

Luo Chen was not a fool either, he naturally knew what Hermione was thinking.

But after searching for a long time, he only came to one conclusion, it's great that he didn't lose his first kiss.

However, you have to stay away from Hermione next semester, these foreign girls are too precocious.

He, Luochen, was still young, and he was also a serious socialist successor.

Shaking his head to clear up these messy thoughts.

Luo Chen shrunk down those packed boxes one by one, and prepared to store them in storage bags.

"Sir, are you ready to leave?" A slightly frustrated voice suddenly came from behind.

Luo Chen knew who it was without looking back.

"Just leaving temporarily, Keke. I will continue to trouble you next school year." Luo Chen turned around and smiled gently.

"Really?" Coco suddenly recovered. Even if she understood some things, she knew it, but when she heard Luo Chen admitting it personally, she felt inexplicably better.

Maybe it's something that's inscribed in the bones of house-elves, too.

Then she hesitated.

Then he made up his mind and said, "Mr. Bichar, I wonder if you can come with me."

"Where are you going?"

"Just follow me. My partner won't let me get close to him." Coco whispered. A pair of big eyes stared at Luo Chen closely, for fear that Luo Chen would refuse.

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