People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 203 Destroy a Clan in Five Minutes

Although the Lestrange family is in decline, the main members of the family have also been captured into Azkaban.

But they are still one of the 28 pure blood saints.

So on the first day of Christmas, many guests came to visit in advance. Of course, it was the family that had followed Voldemort after all.

The people who came were more or less related to Voldemort.

Luo Chen came to the gate of the castle.

The gate is open, and you can see the city wall full of historical charm and full of fine cracks.

And the interior of the castle is full of loneliness, lifeless yellow lawns and landscape bushes. And a stone road in the middle that is enough for 10 people to pass side by side, extending to the depths of the castle.

Without any hesitation, Luo Chen directly stepped into the gate of the castle.

Xiao Zhu followed behind him.

While walking, Luo Chen waved his magic wand casually, releasing one after another mental barriers that sealed the painting world, covering the entire castle. With the level of his current magic spell and the magic energy in his body.

It is completely possible to cover the entire castle several times.

Of course, the strength of this barrier is still very weak, and it will break when touched.

Go forward about 20 meters.

No servant appeared, but with a bang, an ugly and old house elf, wearing only a dirty pillowcase full of holes, suddenly appeared in front of Luo Chen.

He was indeed very old, and it was very difficult to even raise his head, trembling.

"My honored guest, please forgive me, the master is not here, please honored guest..."

"It's okay, I'm not here to find your master, get out of the way!" Luo Chen didn't want to embarrass such a pathetic and pitiful creature like a house elf.

When he saw him, Luo Chen suddenly thought of Dobby, that house elf. After hurting Harry Potter last time, a few days later, he didn't know where he went.

"No, those hateful wolves have already occupied the fortress of the noble Lestrange family. I cannot let more wolves go in."

It was obviously a curse word, maybe the house elf was really confused.

Luo Chen was not polite either.

Directly gave the opponent a stun curse. When the spell was about to knock down the opponent, Luo Chen noticed something strange. Not only did the opponent not dodge, but he even actively stood up to greet him.

Although it was only fleeting, but in that short moment, the strength and speed that erupted, it is obvious that this house elf cannot judge their strength by their age.


Luo Chen continued to move forward.

Then, without any obstruction, I entered the first floor hall of the castle.

The thick black wooden door, inlaid with gold, was closed tightly, and the sound of hilarity could be heard coming from inside.


Facing the ancient wooden gate, Luo Chen threw a shattering spell, blowing it to pieces. Everything inside was also displayed in front of Luo Chen.

At a glance, there are 23 wizards in total.

More than half of them were dressed in gorgeous and exquisite wizard robes. What was left was a very ordinary robe, with a haggard face, obviously a low-level hired worker of the Lestrange family.

These people are gathering in the hall on the first floor of the main castle at this time, holding an impromptu banquet. On the side tables are an assortment of rare delicacies such as fruits, steaks, and foie gras, as well as old-fashioned ones. Alcoholic beverages such as wine and brandy.

But the most striking thing about him is that it is located in the deepest part of the hall, a large table with at least 5 square meters, and a small gold mountain piled on it, full of gold Galleons.

Even Luo Chen was attracted by that little golden mountain.


Finally someone reacted, they didn't have time to turn off the music, escaped from the spell one after another, and aimed at Luo Chen.

Attached to the Lestrange family, in addition to seeking a certain amount of asylum and obtaining "tickets" to enter the circle of the twenty-eight pure-blood saints.

Most of them are engaged in shady businesses, so their vigilance and strength are usually much stronger than most ordinary wizards.

Luo Chen didn't intend to answer, and looked left and right.

Go straight to a huge conference table on the left side of the hall, surrounded by 25 high-backed chairs inlaid with black velvet.

The identities of the people sitting in this position can be distinguished by the decorations made of different materials around the chair, such as gold, silver, iron, copper, gemstones, or glass.

"Boy, stop for me!"

"Don't move, he is Luochen Bichar!"

"Bichal? What kind of bullshit name?"

"It's the little guy who has been showing off in recent years!"

"Shut up, he has real strength."

"Heh, strength or something, you can only know by comparing, sulfuric acid splash!"

A wizard summoned a large ball of sulfuric acid and threw it towards Luo Chen. Luo Chen didn't panic, he didn't even look back.

The sulfuric acid was controlled by the floating spell, divided into several strands, and bounced back in the opposite direction.

This confrontation happened extremely quickly.

Most people are still waiting to watch the show, after all, the guy who made the shot is also extremely powerful among them.

But they didn't want to suffer an indiscriminate disaster, and they each took out their own defenses, but two or three people were still burned by sulfuric acid.

The ground, food, and sculptures were all corroded into a black hole by all these strong sulfuric acids, and there was also a sizzling, teeth-acid corrosion sound.

Luo Chen randomly picked a chair, and controlled it to turn around.

Sit casually and raise your legs.

"Now that you know who I am, it's easy to handle. What should I say about the attack on me last time? By the way, who escaped last time, stand up and let me see."

The attack in York City was at night, and it was raining, and the opponent was still wearing a black robe and mask. For a while, Luo Chen couldn't tell who it was.

"Hey, boy..."

"Broken bones!" The sorcerer who was yelling at Luo Chen was seriously injured by Luo Chen's blow, and fell limp and powerless to the ground.

The bone stubble pierced the skin, and in a short while, the blood of the big beach oozes out. Mixed with the pungent smell of the sulfuric acid, most people immediately shut their mouths tightly.

Of course, some people saw that something was wrong and planned to use the Apparition Charm to leave.

As a result, the 6 people who had just been launched.

The two appeared to be separated, and they died very simply.

The remaining four suddenly fell to the ground with weak breath, seeing that their lives were in danger.

Before Luo Chen came in, he specially cast a few border-sealing and painting spells, these people were too weak to notice.

So now these guys are completely panicked.

"There are still 12 minutes!" Luo Chen took out his gold pocket watch. He had scheduled himself 15 minutes for the operation.

But another minute passed by, and still no one stood up.

"In this case, don't blame me, you're welcome."

"Blazing flames!"

The Fire Snake attacked and killed one person directly.

"Broken muscles and bones!"


"Ground Spike Trap!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

That group of people were not lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and several killing curses came straight to Luo Chen.


"Tiger out of gate."

The rubble around him automatically turned into tigers, inserted into the battlefield to block the spell.

A battle kicked off abruptly, but the process was overwhelming. Even though those people used the three unforgivable curses, they were quickly suppressed by Luo Chen one by one.

Most of the walls, sculptures, chandeliers, and stairs were smashed.

A layer of blood was spread on the ground, and 17 people died directly.

There are still 6 people lingering, but it is estimated that they will not live for long.


Luo Chen opened his pocket watch and took a look.

"7 minutes left!"

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